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Who Are You Looking To Main So Far?


I'm a lover, not a fighter
For what has been released so far, probably Li Mei, then Kitana and then Tanya/Mileena. Out of those that are yet to be announced, Ashrah and Sindel will be up there too unless their game play is shit. My final main is probably going to be from these six - all have been my main at least once in a past title.

I never thought I would say it, but will give Kenshi a go too - he looks really fun.


I’ve always been partial to freak and smart assess, so I’ll be starting out with Johnny Cage and Baraka. I’ve accepted so probably won’t be seeing D’vorah and Ferra/Torr in this game so I’m hoping Reptile makes it and is fire.


I'll main Ermac, but it's gonna be a while before he comes out, so before then it'll probably be Rain, Baraka, and Nitara if she's in. That said, all 4 of the characters during the stress test were fun, so I don't really feel like I'm going to have a hard time finding characters I like playing as.

It's kinda like in MK11 I had a really hard time picking a main because they were all sorta boring and drab, whereas in MK1 I'm going to have to fight the decision paralysis of which character has the most crazy shit I like. Pretty good problem to have.


Baraka was my main in mk11. So far its looking like I'm gonna stick it out with him. He just keeps getting more awesome.

I've wanted Bi Han as Sub Zero for a loooooong time, I have to give him a solid try.

I really don't know for my third. Probably Rain. If Smoke or Ermac have better alts than it will be them.

I was planning to main Reptile but I do not have faith that he'll get a cool, human ninja design.


Rante Inferno
Quan chi
Kenshi/Kitana/Reptile etc lol for fun but I might like them competitively so it's no telling really, but Mileena top pic :D

(Li Mei looks kinda dope to me in the trailer) :D


★ 19 Years of Jade ★
The only characters on the main roster that I have any interest in is Smoke & maybe Scorpion after some more gameplay. However on the Kombat Pass I’m 100% interested in Takeda (mained him in MKX) & Peacemaker (I like gun characters). No Jade yet though…


Edenian Empress
Of those confirmed, Mileena, Li Mei and Kitana in that order. Mileena and Kitana are typically in my top 3 most played in every title, though Li Mei interests me more than Kitana based on what I've seen so far. Need to see more of Tanya, but I'm sure I'll play her enough to be competent.

Leaked roster: Sindel. Sonya has been one of my mains in every NRS title (and MK vs. DC, but we won't talk about that), so that'll likely be the case with MK1 if they maintain her core playstyle/gameplay elements. Hoping for more focus on her acrobatic classic moves, kiss of death, energy rings, etc. like MK9 as the tech/drone/SF stuff bores me to death. Nitara has potential, but I'll have to see her re-design first.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
From confirmed it's Sub Zero all the way. I fucking love Bi Han, and aesthetically everything about him is perfect. I love his look, I love his gameplay, I love the way he fucking screams when he does his Fatal Blow.

From leaked, obvs it's hard to tell because NRS drastically changes characters in every game. I was a Reptile main in MKX and a Shao main in MK11 for a while. But there's no guarantee they'll be as fun as they were in those games.


Lose without excuses
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From confirmed it's Sub Zero all the way. I fucking love Bi Han, and aesthetically everything about him is perfect. I love his look, I love his gameplay, I love the way he fucking screams when he does his Fatal Blow.

From leaked, obvs it's hard to tell because NRS drastically changes characters in every game. I was a Reptile main in MKX and a Shao main in MK11 for a while. But there's no guarantee they'll be as fun as they were in those games.
I haven’t really used Sub-Zero since UMK3 and N64 MKT. I guess I used him in MKvsDC but that doesn’t really count imo. I loved him in the classic games, and he was at his best in N64 MKT, where they combined Unmasked Sub and Classic Sub together. But I really like his gameplay in MK1 from what I’ve seen.

And if anyone wants to see what high level Classic Sub looks like in UMK3, I found a rare match video of me using him. He’s actually super fun to use in UMK3.


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
I’m pretty open minded to playing literally any character as long as they’re fun at this point since I didn’t 100% click with anybody in 11

I’d love to play Tanya or Li Mei, they both look fun. Baraka and Johnny also look a lot like characters I’d enjoy

I’m also always excited for guest characters because the sky is the limit when it comes to movesets since they’ve never been in a fighting game. Omni Man in particular I have high hopes for since I played both Jason and Terminator
Well rain is my favorite mk character so he is who I am going to play day 1 but I won't force myself to main him if I don't enjoy his gameplay. Worried that he may potentially be a cetrion-like zoner.

There are honestly so many of my favorite mk characters (Quan chi, Shang tsung, Havik, Smoke, Reptile, Ermac, Baraka) in this game that I'm sure at least one of them will have a moveset I really enjoy. I'm relatively young and never got to experience the 3d era characters but I don't doubt that this game will make me fall in love with some of these unfamilar characters for me such as reiko or ashrah.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
From confirmed it's Sub Zero all the way. I fucking love Bi Han, and aesthetically everything about him is perfect. I love his look, I love his gameplay, I love the way he fucking screams when he does his Fatal Blow.

From leaked, obvs it's hard to tell because NRS drastically changes characters in every game. I was a Reptile main in MKX and a Shao main in MK11 for a while. But there's no guarantee they'll be as fun as they were in those games.
Doesn’t he just cool dope as fuck? I prefer Kuai Liang to Bi Han, but the way he struts around and how prideful he acts, and how flashy his move set is just looks so fun. He could be the funnest Sub yet. Everything he does looks very satisfying to pull off.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Also, Baraka may end up being my secondary, totally forgot about him. He was a lot of fun to play in 11, hopefully they keep that going.


I've had Kotal for the last 8 years, so I honestly don't know atm. Havik seems all but confirmed at this point, so it'll probably be him. I played Baraka quite a bit in MK11, so will probably check him out as well.

Edit: Oh, and Peacemaker. I'm so hype for John Cena being in a Mortal Kombat game.


Lose without excuses
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This is probably the most hyped I’ve been for a new MK game since MK9 was announced. And the main reason I was so hyped for MK9 is because of the announcement of going back to 2D.

Anyway, one of the biggest reasons I’m so excited other than Smoke being back is the combo system and the Kameo’s. I’m an absolute lab monster. I go in the lab and can stay in lab for hours on end. I absolutely cannot wait to not only explore every character, but all the potential the Kameo’s have as well. It’s going to be so cool seeing people who main the same character but who use different Kameo’s and maybe even different combo’s. I definitely can see people being able to be character loyalists more in this game with the help of the Kameo’s. I know that was said about variations, but the biggest problem with variations is that they took too much away from any given character & variation. With MK1, every character has all of their stuff, the only thing you have to decide on is your Kameo. And like I said, it’s gonna be a lot of fun exploring all the Kameo’s and how they can improve on your characters strengths and weaknesses


Agent of Chaosrealm
Havik, Baraka, Reiko, Smoke (if he has a Cyber skin), Nitara, Li Mei and Ashrah I'm definitely going to play as when the game comes out.

I will end up playing as everyone, but Havik, Baraka and Reiko are definitely going to be my first top three.


Agent of Chaosrealm
This is probably the most hyped I’ve been for a new MK game since MK9 was announced. And the main reason I was so hyped for MK9 is because of the announcement of going back to 2D.

Anyway, one of the biggest reasons I’m so excited other than Smoke being back is the combo system and the Kameo’s. I’m an absolute lab monster. I go in the lab and can stay in lab for hours on end. I absolutely cannot wait to not only explore every character, but all the potential the Kameo’s have as well. It’s going to be so cool seeing people who main the same character but who use different Kameo’s and maybe even different combo’s. I definitely can see people being able to be character loyalists more in this game with the help of the Kameo’s. I know that was said about variations, but the biggest problem with variations is that they took too much away from any given character & variation. With MK1, every character has all of their stuff, the only thing you have to decide on is your Kameo. And like I said, it’s gonna be a lot of fun exploring all the Kameo’s and how they can improve on your characters strengths and weaknesses
I was never (and never will be) pro level in those games, but I love them to death regardless. September 19th can't come soon enough.
If Shang Tsung can morph into any character he will most likely be my main. If not I'm going to try them all and see who feels best to me. Definitely gotta have a few options. I like to have a good zoner, and a good rush down character in my arsenal. I've always been fond of kitana and Mileena for sure.


Lose without excuses
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I was never (and never will be) pro level in those games, but I love them to death regardless. September 19th can't come soon enough.
I’ve given up on trying to be a “pro level” player in these games. There’s a lot of reasons why, but no need to get into them. Anyway, even though I’m not trying to become the best player in the world, I am a competitive player and person at heart. So I always try and get good at these games because that’s what’s fun for me. I just haven’t been passionate about an MK game since UMK3. So after awhile, I eventually lose interest, especially considering the fact that they always nerf my characters which is always super discouraging. But also, it’s way too difficult to become a pro level player. And the reward for doing so is really not worth it. But all of these are discussions for another topic entirely, so I’ll leave it at that.


Dojo Trainee
Johnny will be who I try first when the game is out.

Reptile was my favorite character until he turned into a giant lizard man instead of a ninja hiding his lizard traits. So if he's in the game and his design is appealing I'll give him a shot. I really hope he has us UMK3/MK9 style forceball back cause they would be amazing in this style of game.

Scorp, Sub, and Smoke I also want to play. Smoke is my fav of the 3 right now.

I'll have to try Shao if he's in the game too and has a good design.


Water bonk
If I don't get Sonya or Jade on the roster, Rain with the Sonya cameo ofc.

But if the leaks are real and we're getting also Havik... yeah then I have a problem


It has begun
Shang regardless of what he plays like cause he's my boi.

To that I will add a grappler, very likely to be Geras, and a big body character, who'll hopefully be Shao.

+ Takeda when he's out cause while I did like his design in MKX, I wasn't gonna pick a newbie over Goro, come on now