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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
What is the reason that Asian Americans within a century and some change are crushing every other demographic in terms of success, despite being heavily victimized and Japanese Americans being thrown into what are essentially concentration camps less than a century ago? Its not because they're inherently smarter.


I'd rather they just eliminate the corporate income tax altogether, and make up the difference by raising income tax rates. Taxing corporations is a very inefficient way to raise tax revenues.
Raising income taxes for whom exactly?


Dojo Trainee
My experience with Asians, since I know quite a few families and have many Asian friends, is that they are extremely hard working and their culture stresses obedience and hard work over everything else.

NOTE: I am not posting the above to indirectly say that, for example, Black people are not hard working, and that's why they suffer. Just posting why I think Asians can be quite successful.

EDIT: The quoting is messed up, but this is in response to Dankster Morgan.


Vampire mommy simp
My experience with Asians, since I know quite a few families and have many Asian friends, is that they are extremely hard working and their culture stresses obedience and hard work over everything else.

NOTE: I am not posting the above to indirectly say that, for example, Black people are not hard working, and that's why they suffer. Just posting why I think Asians can be quite successful.

EDIT: The quoting is messed up, but this is in response to Dankster Morgan.
Just to add that there's an entire subreddit for people with asian parents to share their traumas and stories. Basically it seems like there's a common trend of asian parents demanding unholy amounts of work and dedication from their children, forbidding them from dating, flipping at them from doing anything other than studying in their spare time, etc. I know it's not how it always is, but it doesn't seem like a healthy way to be raised, even if a lot of those people end up achieving success just by virtue of being forced to be extremely hard working. Definitely not a tradeoff I would take.


bye felicia
NOTE: I am not posting the above to indirectly say that, for example, Black people are not hard working, and that's why they suffer. Just posting why I think Asians can be quite successful.
Like, seriously, look at this malarky. Half a page up. This sentence says "I am not saying black people suffer because they aren't hard working, I am saying Asians can be quite successful because they are hard working."

PEOPLE LIKED IT. Like, this kind of racism escapist nonesense is even on the news now, and mother fuckers who are supposed to be "helping us" eat it up. They think this doesn't offend us because you say "I'm not indir-fucking rectly saying it, I'm just round about saying it."

Who the fuck even are the Black people in this sentence? Who are the Asians? What about blasian kids, where do they land in this stupid fucking equation?

Fuck me.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Like, seriously, look at this malarky. Half a page up. This sentence says "I am not saying black people suffer because they aren't hard working, I am saying Asians can be quite successful because they are hard working."

PEOPLE LIKED IT. Like, this kind of racism escapist nonesense is even on the news now, and mother fuckers who are supposed to be "helping us" eat it up. They think this doesn't offend us because you say "I'm not indir-fucking rectly saying it, I'm just round about saying it."

Who the fuck even are the Black people in this sentence? Who are the Asians? What about blasian kids, where do they land in this stupid fucking equation?

Fuck me.

^ those Asians and those African Americans.


Considering African Americans are 13.4% of the population and Asians are 5.9%, with people who identify as multiple races being 2.7%, being undefined which combinations mind you, I would imagine the "Blasian" kids would fall specifically into the circumstances of their family considering how few there are.

That guy's post wasn't being racist you absolute fucking troglodyte, he was giving a simple answer to a simple question. Boxy Angelman and Marlow aren't racist and they liked the post, have you even seen what they are posting in here? They are absolutely allies for the African American community, but of course someone needs to get pussy hurt on here as usual.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Like, seriously, look at this malarky. Half a page up. This sentence says "I am not saying black people suffer because they aren't hard working, I am saying Asians can be quite successful because they are hard working."

PEOPLE LIKED IT. Like, this kind of racism escapist nonesense is even on the news now, and mother fuckers who are supposed to be "helping us" eat it up. They think this doesn't offend us because you say "I'm not indir-fucking rectly saying it, I'm just round about saying it."

Who the fuck even are the Black people in this sentence? Who are the Asians? What about blasian kids, where do they land in this stupid fucking equation?

Fuck me.
I am genuinely confused as to what you're so upset about.


bye felicia

^ those Asians and those African Americans.


Considering African Americans are 13.4% of the population and Asians are 5.9%, with people who identify as multiple races being 2.7%, being undefined which combinations mind you, I would imagine the "Blasian" kids would fall specifically into the circumstances of their family considering how few there are.

That guy's post wasn't being racist you absolute fucking troglodyte, he was giving a simple answer to a simple question. Boxy Angelman and Marlow aren't racist and they liked the post, have you even seen what they are posting in here? They are absolutely allies for the African American community, but of course someone needs to get pussy hurt on here as usual.
PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS FOR THE TROGLODYTE: if 40 years before the FIRST asian was recorded on the chart, black people were already HALF WAY BEHIND WHERE THE "ASIANS" WOULD START and then both climb at almost the same rate with blacks NEVER EVER coming close to bridging the gap, what the FUCK does the hard work of EITHER PARTY have to do with it?

What are you actually trying to provide with a chart that proves the average asian in america STARTS the fucking race before me?

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS FOR THE TROGLODYTE: if 40 years before the FIRST asian was recorded on the chart, black people were already HALF WAY BEHIND WHERE THE "ASIANS" WOULD START and then both climb at almost the same rate with blacks NEVER EVER coming close to bridging the gap, what the FUCK does the hard work of EITHER PARTY have to do with it?

What are you actually trying to provide with a chart that proves the average asian in america STARTS the fucking race before me?
The guy literally said it doesn't mean Black people don't work hard and didn't imply they weren't at a disadvantage. I asked a simple question because I also do not know the answer. What the fuck dude

The chart was in response to you asking which African Americans and Asians. The. Ones. That. Live. In. America. Once again a simple attempt to answer a question question I asked that you drew racist implications from because you're clearly not operating at the capacity to ask the guy what he meant before REEEEEE


Vampire mommy simp
The guy literally said it doesn't mean Black people don't work hard and didn't imply they weren't at a disadvantage. I asked a simple question because I also do not know the answer. What the fuck dude

The chart was in response to you asking which African Americans and Asians. The. Ones. That. Live. In. America. Once again a simple attempt to answer a question question I asked that you drew racist implications from because you're clearly not operating at the capacity to ask the guy what he meant before REEEEEE
I think there's a better way to phrase it. It seems to be very common in some asian cultures that a person's worth as a human being is determined by how successful and accomplished they are career wise, much more than other cultures. You bet a lot of people will be successful if they have that notion ingrained in their brains ever since they are very little.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I know you don't. That's the issue. Try harder. PLEASE.
Ah. The vague no answer answer. Cool.

So instead of taking the opportunity to explain yourself, or what problem it is you have with what any of us have spent this entire thread discussing, you're going to just stay angry and leave the burden of proof on me to meet YOUR standard of better, without any effort whatsoever to tell me or the rest of us what that actually is.

I have been trying to keep this conversation meaningful and on fire for its' entirety, have literally had Dave come down on me for being TOO adamant about bashing racists and discriminatory practices because of how strongly I feel about it, and am giving YOU the floor to explain why you're so upset so I can meet you in the middle and we can address it properly because I don't want any one group feel like they're being left out of the discussion, but apparently I need to try harder.


I think there's a better way to phrase it. It seems to be very common in some asian cultures that a person's worth as a human being is determined by how successful and accomplished they are career wise, much more than other cultures. You bet a lot of people will be successful if they have that notion ingrained in their brains ever since they are very little.
Thank you, Gator. I couldn't think of a good way to put it.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I think there's a better way to phrase it. It seems to be very common in some asian cultures that a person's worth as a human being is determined by how successful and accomplished they are career wise, much more than other cultures. You bet a lot of people will be successful if they have that notion ingrained in their brains ever since they are very little.
Thank you, that is a good way to phrase it. I suppose the real question is how hard is too hard to push a person to succeed academically and financially? At what point is the money not worth the stress?


Administrator and Community Engineer
I think there's a better way to phrase it. It seems to be very common in some asian cultures that a person's worth as a human being is determined by how successful and accomplished they are career wise, much more than other cultures. You bet a lot of people will be successful if they have that notion ingrained in their brains ever since they are very little.
It's interesting to note though that it's generally not "a person", it's usually "a male" -- because in most of the most powerful east asian countries, women generally aren't encouraged or allowed to have the same goals.

Which imo shows that even in societies like Japan/S. Korea etc. where people are lauded for their academic prowess and hard work toward their career, it still doesn't apply to/work for everyone.


If you notice, Japan, S. Korea, China, and Malaysia rank just barely above the countries that ban women from pursuing careers for religious reasons.


bye felicia
Imagine you found out that every fucking day people call you and your family and everybody who looks like you, just cause they look like you, an asshole. Not cause of your religion, or that thing you did to thaht girl, or even that inappropriate tattoo. Nope, just the way you look. Just imagine they said they were called assholes. asshole family. hey asshole, look out, asshole. bye asshole. you deserved it, asshole. And you said please, don't call me an asshole, I am this, I am that, I'm not an asshole, but they said hey man, lighten up. I'm only calling you asshole and plus, its kinda cool to be an asshole, you guys have great music. It's not as bad as it used to be, one of you got to be president. Hell, a lot of your people call each other assholes too. Some of them are in your family! And you thought to yourself, I'm still not an asshole, I don't think my family are assholes. In fact, I'm not even 100% sure what the word asshole means. But sure as shit, people say nuh uh, I have charts, and history books, and science that proves, you're an asshole.

What do you tell those people, who say, you are scientifically and impirically an asshole? What do you tell the people who have history books that prove your ancestoers were assholes, and that's why you were born more liklely to be an asshole? What do you say when people on forums tell you, I have a government funded chart that shows your people are assholes, but these other people are better assholes.

Now, replace every single occurence of the word asshole, with the word [ban incoming], or black, or watermelon if it makes you feel better, and reread the speech to yourself a couple times and see if you can relate. If you can't, that's the fucking problem. Because people started off calling us assholes DAY 1 and it has not ended to this day. You say its equal, but no one wants to be us, no one says, boy I wish I lived like a black person. Every day we hear what black people wrong. BLACK PEOPLE. From wherever. Seattle, Florida, Germany, Antarctica, Africa, whatever. Thats just what blacks do. They always have. Even on this pathetic forum its better to be asian than black. Fucking yikes. MK would be god damned nothing with the "blacks" and we've had less money to spend on it than anyone. That fucking chart proves it.

I'm actually thankful. You guys just told me some more stuff I didn't even know, literally every race makes more money in america than us and always has. The chinese came over here with just as big a lead as the whites did, and and I'm willing to bet the middle easterns did too. But that's not what you saw in the chart, you saw something else to beat black people over the head with. I'm glad we both got something we wanted.


bye felicia
The guy literally said it doesn't mean Black people don't work hard and didn't imply they weren't at a disadvantage. I asked a simple question because I also do not know the answer. What the fuck dude

The chart was in response to you asking which African Americans and Asians. The. Ones. That. Live. In. America. Once again a simple attempt to answer a question question I asked that you drew racist implications from because you're clearly not operating at the capacity to ask the guy what he meant before REEEEEE
Again, just saying I'm not putting blacks down I'm just putting asians up is STILL PUTTING BLACKS DOWN. he didn't mention any whites with that statement? Did he? He didn't mention any reds, or greens or anything, just asians, and blacks, and one of them came out looking good and the other he "didn't imply were at a disadvantage". FUck me dude, are you that committed to not seeing it?


Administrator and Community Engineer
Lol, let me try to explain what @trufenix is saying here.

Imo, context is important. You can't just make statements without considering the context, because it's important to how we communicate. The issue he raises isn't people bringing up that Asian-Americans to believed to work hard and have statistically high levels of achievement. That's fine.

The issue is that, in context, this has historically been used as a scapegoat tactic to distract from the results of institutionalized racism by saying that people simply need to "work harder" to get ahead. And it is often used to specifically contrast with African-Americans, the people hit the hardest by 400 years of institutionalized racism and classism in this country.

That's why the body of evidence which shows that people who work equally hard, have similar education, etc., often receive different outcomes based on outward factors like their gender, race, etc. are important. Because once you normalize for all the other factors, there are still massive disparities.

For example, if you look at the makeup of Asian-Americans at the C-suite level in corporate leadership, they are conspicuously underrepresented, no matter how hard people claim they are working. I think it goes without saying that this isn't because majority executives are simply working harder than the Asian-Americans. etc.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Lol, let me try to explain what @trufenix is saying here.

Imo, context is important. You can't just make statements without considering the context, because it's important to how we communicate. The issue he raises isn't people bringing up that Asian-Americans to believed to work hard and have statistically high levels of achievement. That's fine.

The issue is that, in context, this has historically been used as a scapegoat tactic to distract from the results of institutionalized racism by saying that people simply need to "work harder" to get ahead. And it is often used to specifically contrast with African-Americans, the people hit the hardest by 400 years of institutionalized racism and classism in this country.

That's why the body of evidence which shows that people who work equally hard, have similar education, etc., often receive different outcomes based on outward factors like their gender, race, etc. are important. Because once you normalize for all the other factors, there are still massive disparities.

For example, if you look at the makeup of Asian-Americans at the C-suite level in corporate leadership, they are conspicuously underrepresented, no matter how hard people claim they are working. I think it goes without saying that this isn't because majority executives are simply working harder than the Asian-Americans. etc.
Nice a valid point that doesn't read like a serial killer's manifesto

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!


Again, just saying I'm not putting blacks down I'm just putting asians up is STILL PUTTING BLACKS DOWN. he didn't mention any whites with that statement? Did he? He didn't mention any reds, or greens or anything, just asians, and blacks, and one of them came out looking good and the other he "didn't imply were at a disadvantage". FUck me dude, are you that committed to not seeing it?
Preach. Everybody dogpiling on you but you’re spitting raw truth tbh, I see what you’re saying.

To the dude saying “Asian Americans experience racism, are a smaller percent of the population yet are more successful, why’s that?” isn’t that just PROVING how put down black people are.

It’s not always about hard work. You’re living in some naive wonderland full of chocolate rivers and rainbows if you believe it’s always purely about that. Black people have been systemically put down for hundreds of years in America. Asian Americans experience racism too before somebody chips in, but not to the widespread systemic level that black people do. This isn’t oppression Olympics, it’s just fact. Everybody else has had a serious headstart.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Preach. Everybody dogpiling on you but you’re spitting raw truth tbh, I see what you’re saying.

To the dude saying “Asian Americans experience racism, are a smaller percent of the population yet are more successful, why’s that?” isn’t that just PROVING how put down black people are.

It’s not always about hard work. You’re living in some naive wonderland full of chocolate rivers and rainbows if you believe it’s always purely about that. Black people have been systemically put down for hundreds of years in America. Asian Americans experience racism too before somebody chips in, but not to the widespread systemic level that black people do. This isn’t oppression Olympics, it’s just fact. Everybody else has had a serious headstart.
@ me next time
I was asking to learn not to put down but its easier to foam at the mouth rather than explain. Iv disputed none of what you guys have said im just trying to learn more.


@ me next time
I was asking to learn not to put down but its easier to foam at the mouth rather than explain. Iv disputed none of what you guys have said im just trying to learn more.
I wasn’t putting you down at all if that’s what you’re insinuating. You’ve actually been okay in this thread, unlike some (that sub dubs bellend for example).

I’ve explained it - albeit in a heated manner. This is just a sensitive topic for a lot of people. I’m sure that you can handle the odd naughty word here and there amongst the discussion though my dude, s’all good.

Also, I don’t @ people when they get notifications for when people have posted in the thread. So many people posting, I don’t keep track of names. So nah, I’m aight.