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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
In New Mexico, every kid who graduates high school can get 60% of their tuition paid for 4 years of college, all they have to do is maintain a garbage 2.0 which is embarrassing anyways. And thats assuming they got zeeeerrrooooo other scholarships which is next to impossible for anyone even slightly applying themselves academically. Shit states like New Mexico are so desperate for people to go to college and have high paying jobs to live in NM that they're just throwing money at kids, but hardly anyone has the commitment to see it through. And those that do, have the sense to get out of this awful place. Which is why it stays like this.

New Mexico may be an outlier because last I checked we were ranked 49/50 in education but that may have changed, this area in particular, San Juan county having one of the worst drug, violence, and poverty rates in the country. I'm curious if this endless pool of money being thrown at people for no return is also happening in other states, wether you guys are college age or not, what is the experience like in other states? As in, how obtainable is it for people to do this? Because on paper in New Mexico, a lot of it's done for you, but its still garbage here. Theoretically, college can happen for most people, why doesn't it?


Administrator and Community Engineer
In New Mexico, every kid who graduates high school can get 60% of their tuition paid for 4 years of college, all they have to do is maintain a garbage 2.0 which is embarrassing anyways. And thats assuming they got zeeeerrrooooo other scholarships which is next to impossible for anyone even slightly applying themselves academically. Shit states like New Mexico are so desperate for people to go to college and have high paying jobs to live in NM that they're just throwing money at kids, but hardly anyone has the commitment to see it through. And those that do, have the sense to get out of this awful place. Which is why it stays like this.

New Mexico may be an outlier because last I checked we were ranked 49/50 in education but that may have changed, this area in particular, San Juan county having one of the worst drug, violence, and poverty rates in the country. I'm curious if this endless pool of money being thrown at people for no return is also happening in other states, wether you guys are college age or not, what is the experience like in other states? As in, how obtainable is it for people to do this? Because on paper in New Mexico, a lot of it's done for you, but its still garbage here. Theoretically, college can happen for most people, why doesn't it?
How much is the remaining 40% of tuition + food + housing?

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
How much is the remaining 40% of tuition + food + housing?
Depends where you go or how your scholarships are. Far too variable to put an exact number on. The easiest financial exploit is to go to one of SEVERAL good community colleges in NM and then the first two years and some change are taken care of for most degrees, meaning that they don't have that much left when they transfer to university. Or accept the debt. Assuming you're going to school and get a real job that's actually worth going to school for, you will eventually be able to swing it.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Depends where you go or how your scholarships are. Far too variable to put an exact number on. The easiest financial exploit is to go to one of SEVERAL good community colleges in NM and then the first two years and some change are taken care of for most degrees, meaning that they don't have that much left when they transfer to university. Or accept the debt. Assuming you're going to school and get a real job that's actually worth going to school for, you will eventually be able to swing it.
I just checked NMSU at Albuquerque, and apparently for a local resident is this per year:

Tuition & Fees$8,863.00
Room & Board - Traditional$10,262.00
Books & Supplies$1,266.00

So basically, it's either going to be almost $100,00 for 4 years with housing (So I guess $88k with 60% of tuition paid) or $47k assuming you're living at home/your housing is already paid for. Given how competitive the job market is right now, even for college grads, I'd say that's not exactly a drop in the bucket. Especially considering that your loan would be plus interest.

There's a reason why a lot of other first-world countries subsidize higher education.. Imo this is a racket.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I just checked NMSU at Albuquerque, and apparently for a local resident is this per year:

Tuition & Fees$8,863.00
Room & Board - Traditional$10,262.00
Books & Supplies$1,266.00

So basically, it's either going to be almost $100,00 for 4 years with housing (So I guess $88k with 60% of tuition paid) or $47k assuming you're living at home/your housing is already paid for. Given how competitive the job market is right now, even for college grads, I'd say that's not exactly a drop in the bucket. Especially considering that your loan would be plus interest.

There's a reason why a lot of other first-world countries subsidize higher education.. Imo this is a racket.
Yeah it sucks and the job market is competitive which is why you go into a field with a good outlook. Not all careers are equal so choose a good one

If youre business admin fuckboy number 50000 then sure it's not gonna be fun for you, but there are plenty of growing fields that pay very well.
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You read through all 100+ pages of the justice dept. reports and felt it was countered by a couple of Youtube clips?

The justice dept. spent months on the front lines, in the community, looking through 100s of documents, conducting interviews, collecting data directly from the sources, and actually riding along in police cars and on patrols. What did Candace Owens do?
What did Candace Owens do?

I’ll have you know that she’s an expert at shuckin’ and jivin’. Never seen somebody be so willing to sell out their own people.


Nothing more terrifying for the left than a free thinking black woman.

Oh look, an Agolf Twitler bootlicker. Got em. Maybe Candace will let you perform next? Keep on shuckin’.

Imagine unironically sharing a Breitbart video btw - a ‘news’ platform founded by white nationalists. You been drinking that red kool aid too much son. Just tell us how you really feel. Let all that concern trolling, racist incel energy out my dude. Either that, or you could get involved with the discourse in this thread - probably asking too much there though...
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Lt. Boxy Angelman

Nothing more terrifying for the left than a free thinking black woman.

Thank you for giving me a hearty laugh after a long day of work.

You Trump boys are absolutely shameless with the level to which you'll self-deprecate just to try and derail a progressive conversation. Y'all will do literally everything except admit the kind of people you really are. Get the absolute fuck off the planet with that Steve Bannon infused, Militarize The Police, Jews Will Not Replace Us mess. You'd have more integrity if you just came out and said you want minorities to stay in their place, but instead you drop passive-aggressive shit like this so you can cry "Hater!" or bitch about freedom of speech for getting called out on it. Stop.


Zoning Master
I do not deny that America is the land of opportunity, but it does not provide the same opportunity for people of color that it does for people that are or can masquerade as White...
You and @Lt. Boxy Angelman keep asking and theorizing why an ignominious, obnoxious, and vociferous individual like Trump can ascend to the presidency, yet you have virtually attributed every single problem and inequity in America to racism while insinuating that white people, or those people adequately privileged to "masquerade" as white, have been successful because of their whiteness. If liberals are engaging in identity politics and telling minorities that the white man is continuously subjugating and oppressing them, conservatives will also engage in identity politics and tell white people that they are victims of affirmative action programs, political correctness, and reverse racism. Trump won the majority of the white people's vote, particularly the vote of white men who represent his largest base, for this reason. Trump is, in some sense, a reaction to the left's constant identity politicking. Two can play this ugly and, in my opinion very dangerous, game, but I refuse to be a participant, which is why I always preach individualism over collectivism.

If that's not outright racism within the system of hiring, then what is it? This trend bleeds into just about every facet of American life. I will not deny you your personal experience of ascending the socio-economic ladder. But I will tell you that for people of color, Black and Brown people especially, the same exact chance that was granted to you is not extended to them. Your experience (as well as mine) is largely a bill of goods to them. The exception to that trend are those that are exceptional.
My real name is not Dave. I have a Latino first name. I speak with a conspicuous accent if you watch REO's YouTube channel. I also teach a foreign language. Most students and parents mistake me for being Hispanic although I am from Eastern Europe. I am aware that I can never speak on behalf of a person of color, but If I genuinely witnessed systemic racism, or any racism for that matter, in institutions like the American education system, I would immediately speak up and complain to the HR director of the school district.

Many of their neighborhoods are poor and filled with toxic pollution, drugs and crime. Instead of having fresh fruit places, they are filled with corner stores that sell digital scales and druggie bags, as well as liquor stores that are open late into the night. There are often no manufacturing plants or anything other than low-paying retail work for people. Children born in these places more or less have to ice-skate uphill because everything in their environment - literally down to the very air they breathe - can and will become their demise.

In suburbs everywhere, including my current-day gated community, nothing like that exists. We can buy as much produce before 8:00 pm that we want, because Publix is our corner store. If there is drug use here, the homeowners here have to bring the drugs in from somewhere else, but when they do, they consume them in their homes and don't even attempt to sell them. A child born here has a very safe environment where their biggest threat is someone driving above 15 mph or provoking one of the Sandhill cranes into attacking them. They are safe, the air and streets are clean, their schools are well-funded with small classrooms with iPads for kindergarteners.
I agree 100%, but many of the poor neighborhoods are predominantly controlled by liberal democrats... a liberal community... a liberal mayor... a liberal board of education. What is your solution?


Zoning Master
And even aside from the anecdotal evidence, there's plenty of mass-collected nationwide data that shows that people in certain categories (women, minorities), etc. often earn less even for doing the same job as their majority counterparts.

At this point, anyone who doesn't acknowledge it is just willfully ignoring the facts.
... or cherry-picking statistics and/or focusing on one out of a dozen variables to prove that America is, of course, institutionally sexist.


Lt. Boxy Angelman

You and @Lt. Boxy Angelman keep asking and theorizing why an ignominious, obnoxious, and vociferous individual like Trump can ascend to the presidency, yet you have virtually attributed every single problem and inequity in America to racism while insinuating that white people, or those people adequately privileged to "masquerade" as white, have been successful because of their whiteness. If liberals are engaging in identity politics and telling minorities that the white man is continuously subjugating and oppressing them, conservatives will also engage in identity politics and tell white people that they are victims of affirmative action programs, political correctness, and reverse racism. Trump won the majority of the white people's vote, particularly the vote of white men who represent his largest base, for this reason. Trump is, in some sense, a reaction to the left's constant identity politicking. Two can play this ugly and, in my opinion very dangerous, game, but I refuse to be a participant, which is why I always preach individualism over collectivism.
Except that it's nearly always the Right picking the fight, and playing the victim when the Left defends itself. Trump is the ultimate end result of the conservatives' now decades-long efforts to MAKE the American political process about identity over substance, because the majority of their substance now lies in racially, sexually, and religiously biased ideology. I want to go on more but I am literally exhausted from work, so I will save the rest of my points for tomorrow.


You and @Lt. Boxy Angelman keep asking and theorizing why an ignominious, obnoxious, and vociferous individual like Trump can ascend to the presidency, yet you have virtually attributed every single problem and inequity in America to racism while insinuating that white people, or those people adequately privileged to "masquerade" as white, have been successful because of their whiteness. If liberals are engaging in identity politics and telling minorities that the white man is continuously subjugating and oppressing them, conservatives will also engage in identity politics and tell white people that they are victims of affirmative action programs, political correctness, and reverse racism. Trump won the majority of the white people's vote, particularly the vote of white men who represent his largest base, for this reason. Trump is, in some sense, a reaction to the left's constant identity politicking. Two can play this ugly and, in my opinion very dangerous, game, but I refuse to be a participant, which is why I always preach individualism over collectivism.

My real name is not Dave. I have a Latino first name. I speak with a conspicuous accent if you watch REO's YouTube channel. I also teach a foreign language. Most students and parents mistake me for being Hispanic although I am from Eastern Europe. I am aware that I can never speak on behalf of a person of color, but If I genuinely witnessed systemic racism, or any racism for that matter, in institutions like the American education system, I would immediately speak up and complain to the HR director of the school district.

I agree 100%, but many of the poor neighborhoods are predominantly controlled by liberal democrats... a liberal community... a liberal mayor... a liberal board of education. What is your solution?
It's not nearly as simple as you're making it out to be; this is not a scenario where the Democrats are constantly relying on identity politics and the Republicans, who would normally never ascribe to the notion, are simply reacting to it.

It was the Southern states - that eventually came to form today's Republican Party - that pioneered identity politics and used it to justify and defend the enslavement of Black Americans. Don't take my word for it; I will quote the Vice President of the Confederate States, Alexander Stephens using an excerpt from his Cornerstone Speech.

"But not to be tedious in enumerating the numerous changes for the better, allow me to allude to one other though last, not least. The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution, African slavery as it exists amongst us – the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time. The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew."

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It has been so even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well, that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day. The errors of the past generation still clung to many as late as twenty years ago. Those at the North, who still cling to these errors, with a zeal above knowledge, we justly denominate fanatics. All fanaticism springs from an aberration of the mind from a defect in reasoning. It is a species of insanity. One of the most striking characteristics of insanity, in many instances, is forming correct conclusions from fancied or erroneous premises; so with the anti-slavery fanatics. Their conclusions are right if their premises were. They assume that the negro is equal, and hence conclude that he is entitled to equal privileges and rights with the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be logical and just but their premise being wrong, their whole argument fails. . . ."


I would say that this is Identity Politics 101. It was not started by today's modern Democrats.

Let it be known that the descendants of these Confederates, who of course mythologize their forefathers and cast them as principled rebels against a tyrannical North, opposed integration and Black voting so much that they left the formerly Southern Democratic Party and joined the Republicans in the 60s. The only reason I bring that up is that the entire platform of the current day far-right consists of corporate shilling, tax cuts, debt/deficit reduction (except when spent on needless war and corporate tax cuts) and weaponized identity politics designed at stripping away the freedoms of anyone that isn't in their camp.

Especially Black people.

You have it exactly backwards - far right-wing voters in America pioneered and fought an entire war based on identity politics, and then proceeded to oppose any and all forward progress for Black and other marginalized people strictly on the basis of identity politics. Everyone else merely responded accordingly, which is why we're seeing anti-police brutality protests in the country today. It is a response to the identity politics practiced by police wherein they believe that they are the law and that everyone - especially Black people - must either comply or die.

You mentioned that if you experienced racism, that you'd complain to the higher-ups. Black people have done exactly the same thing, and do you know what we get told? We're told that our experiences are not legitimate, or that we're complaining in the wrong way, or at the wrong time, or we're disrespecting the flag/anthem/military.

Imagine that you made your video about Highborn's razors completely whiffing on certain characters, showed your video to NRS and they tell you that you're simply imagining it - your move actually doesn't whiff at all, and that if you just work hard and stay in school, that you'd have the same chance at winning your matches that the characters that you whiff on do. You'd rightly be incensed - at the very least, you wouldn't use the character anymore. And if you were mad enough, you might even drop the game as a form of protest.

Black people feel the exact same way.


Administrator and Community Engineer
... or cherry-picking statistics and/or focusing on one out of a dozen variables to prove that America is, of course, institutionally sexist.

So in your opinion, the reason we haven't had a female president or vice president in 45 administrations is that the women simply weren't good enough. Or that of all the possible candidates weren't interested because they were too busy having kids. Not because we have a longstanding, deep-seeded issue with institutionalized patriarchy.

Also, the reason that gender wage-gap varies sharply by country isn't differing levels of discrimination in the workforce, it's that it simply takes different amounts of time to have babies depending on where you live.

This is ridiculous.


Zoning Master
It's not nearly as simple as you're making it out to be; this is not a scenario where the Democrats are constantly relying on identity politics and the Republicans, who would normally never ascribe to the notion, are simply reacting to it.

It was the Southern states - that eventually came to form today's Republican Party - that pioneered identity politics and used it to justify and defend the enslavement of Black Americans. Don't take my word for it; I will quote the Vice President of the Confederate States, Alexander Stephens using an excerpt from his Cornerstone Speech.

"But not to be tedious in enumerating the numerous changes for the better, allow me to allude to one other though last, not least. The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution, African slavery as it exists amongst us – the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time. The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew."

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It has been so even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well, that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day. The errors of the past generation still clung to many as late as twenty years ago. Those at the North, who still cling to these errors, with a zeal above knowledge, we justly denominate fanatics. All fanaticism springs from an aberration of the mind from a defect in reasoning. It is a species of insanity. One of the most striking characteristics of insanity, in many instances, is forming correct conclusions from fancied or erroneous premises; so with the anti-slavery fanatics. Their conclusions are right if their premises were. They assume that the negro is equal, and hence conclude that he is entitled to equal privileges and rights with the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be logical and just but their premise being wrong, their whole argument fails. . . ."


I would say that this is Identity Politics 101. It was not started by today's modern Democrats.

Let it be known that the descendants of these Confederates, who of course mythologize their forefathers and cast them as principled rebels against a tyrannical North, opposed integration and Black voting so much that they left the formerly Southern Democratic Party and joined the Republicans in the 60s. The only reason I bring that up is that the entire platform of the current day far-right consists of corporate shilling, tax cuts, debt/deficit reduction (except when spent on needless war and corporate tax cuts) and weaponized identity politics designed at stripping away the freedoms of anyone that isn't in their camp.

Especially Black people.

You have it exactly backwards - far right-wing voters in America pioneered and fought an entire war based on identity politics, and then proceeded to oppose any and all forward progress for Black and other marginalized people strictly on the basis of identity politics. Everyone else merely responded accordingly, which is why we're seeing anti-police brutality protests in the country today. It is a response to the identity politics practiced by police wherein they believe that they are the law and that everyone - especially Black people - must either comply or die.

You mentioned that if you experienced racism, that you'd complain to the higher-ups. Black people have done exactly the same thing, and do you know what we get told? We're told that our experiences are not legitimate, or that we're complaining in the wrong way, or at the wrong time, or we're disrespecting the flag/anthem/military.

Imagine that you made your video about Highborn's razors completely whiffing on certain characters, showed your video to NRS and they tell you that you're simply imagining it - your move actually doesn't whiff at all, and that if you just work hard and stay in school, that you'd have the same chance at winning your matches that the characters that you whiff on do. You'd rightly be incensed - at the very least, you wouldn't use the character anymore. And if you were mad enough, you might even drop the game as a form of protest.

Black people feel the exact same way.
You are justifying liberal identity politics by citing far-right identity politics. I am criticizing both sides equally and I would like for people to focus on individualism instead of collectivism.

You have outlined America's problems on multiple occasions in this thread. I would, again, love to know what your proposed solutions are. If America is a "racist, patriarchal society", what can be done to ameliorate the country?

So in your opinion, the reason we haven't had a female president or vice president in 45 administrations is that the women simply weren't good enough. Or that of all the possible candidates weren't interested because they were too busy having kids. Not because we have a longstanding, deep-seeded issue with institutionalized patriarchy.
Far more men are interested in politics than women are. I am not certain why. I have done no research on this matter.

There are slightly more women in America than they are men. Considering that women have had the right to vote for more than 100 years, they can elect other women for governmental positions if they choose to do so, but they have not. According to this article, the vast majority of women in 2016 voted for Clinton "except the white ones." I have my own theories as to why. I am certain you have yours.

She gives me hope.
To acknowledge the lady's argument, have Black Lives Matter activists addressed the unfortunate situation in Chicago last weekend?

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
What is the reason that Asian Americans within a century and some change are crushing every other demographic in terms of success, despite being heavily victimized and Japanese Americans being thrown into what are essentially concentration camps less than a century ago? Its not because they're inherently smarter.
Chris G.

Not as familiar with Chris G's behavior but after doing a little digging from what i could tell it seems he wrote a virtual manefesto about how black women are trash and how Asian girls are god like. Definitely not a good look.

Also very weak how EG decided to only take action now. My guess is because theyre seeing others get their comeuppance and felt they had to, but who's to say.
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Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I'm seeing different points I just want to comment on.

I think people get lost in the semantics of "institutional racism". The important note is that we have a criminal justice system that disproportionately affects minorities and there's a culture of police brutality. Much of this has to do with poverty, but if your police enforcement is unfairly affecting those who are poor, then you have a problem. And when you have lower income communities that are primarily minority communities, you almost automatically have an issue of descrimination. Obviously there's also a long history of active and literal racism and not enough is done to vet police officers, but those cops are enabled by the system.

We do subsidize higher education, which is part of the issue of our system where colleges take advantage of funds from incompetent states to expand things like enrollment and their football programs. Obviously, subsidies aren't inherently bad, but they are subject to corruption/incompetence, and colleges are no small exception.

I tend to vote Libertarian to forward particular ideas and policies. I was really hoping for Justin Amash to get the nod but there's enough there for me to vote for Jorgensen. I definitely won't feel bad when someone shames me for not voting for some war-mongering dinosaur.

Imagine voting for a candidate in 2020 that wants to keep marijuana illegal, people might scoff at me for mentioning that but it's called common sense. It's one of the easiest and most efficient ways to reform criminal justice, but our two party candidates are old enough to have seen Reefer Madness in their teenage years. I had a buddy who just quit his job as a probation officer, he said the saddest thing was dudes in there because weed law bumped up their crime, or it was their second offense, or it violated their probation and had to go to jail. He'd try to give them a break but they would keep failing weed on the test, so they remain in the system for another ten years. Marijuana prohibition in particular completely immoral and it's done untold damage to our country.

And even aside from the anecdotal evidence, there's plenty of mass-collected nationwide data that shows that people in certain categories (women, minorities), etc. often earn less even for doing the same job as their majority counterparts.

At this point, anyone who doesn't acknowledge it is just willfully ignoring the facts.
Can you show me this data? It's easy to find dozens of articles/studies about the "wage gap" which just look at income and not situations where you compare similar job to similar job, which would be way more informative.


Vampire mommy simp
I'm seeing different points I just want to comment on.

I think people get lost in the semantics of "institutional racism". The important note is that we have a criminal justice system that disproportionately affects minorities and there's a culture of police brutality. Much of this has to do with poverty, but if your police enforcement is unfairly affecting those who are poor, then you have a problem. And when you have lower income communities that are primarily minority communities, you almost automatically have an issue of descrimination. Obviously there's also a long history of active and literal racism and not enough is done to vet police officers, but those cops are enabled by the system.
This is where I stand too. We don't need to have segregation laws for racism to be a problem. In my opinion, as long as poor communities keep being more affected by violence by the hands of the state, it's irrelevant whether you think "institutional racism" is a thing or not. After all, a disproportionate amount of poor people are minorities, and there's no way to explain that without going into the consequences of racial segregation.
Also, on the whole libertarian thing, I feel like libertarians will never be taken seriously as long as they keep giving a platform for conservatives who happen to be pro-free market and pro-guns. I don't know how much of an issue this is in the U.S but that's what happens here in Brazil, which sucks because I align with most libertarian principles. Bonus points for when conservatives pretend to care about your individual liberties to bait support from libertarians, which sadly works a lot of the time.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Chris G.

Not as familiar with Chris G's behavior but after doing a little digging from what i could tell it seems he wrote a virtual manefesto about how black women are trash and how Asian girls are god like. Definitely not a good look.

Also very weak how EG decided to only take action now. My guess is because theyre seeing others get their comeuppance and felt they had to, but who's to say.
Better late than never.

You are justifying liberal identity politics by citing far-right identity politics. I am criticizing both sides equally and I would like for people to focus on individualism instead of collectivism.

You have outlined America's problems on multiple occasions in this thread. I would, again, love to know what your proposed solutions are. If America is a "racist, patriarchal society", what can be done to ameliorate the country?
That's the problem at the center of all of it. Collectivism and a racist, sexist, homophobic patriarchy benefits the wealthy more than anyone. Political donors, superdelegates, oligarchs, they all have vastly more to gain if the country is busy infighting itself to death over all these different issues. We did not see anything like Mitch McConnell's obstructionist Senate until there was a black man in charge whose agenda needed to be defeated at all costs to appease their base, so much so that we also saw the repeal of Citizens United, Ted Cruz's government shutdown, and MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars wasted on dozens of shamelessly unsubstantiated hearings over repealing Obamacare and the bombing in Benghazi. Also, keep in mind we are only 16 years removed from George Bush's reelection campaign built on the back of banning gay marriage and putting it on the ballot in 11 states. It wasn't a subject that was widely accepted or stood behind until the last decade, but only the Republicans ran for President by putting it on the voting block. And the fight over women's rights is STILL being fought against tooth and fucking nail by the right wing to this day, on everything from abortion to the right to get a hysterectomy without having to jump through every hoop in the circus and get permission from all manner of men. I have friends with debilitating endometriosis who can't get the treatment they need because they live in states with painfully restrictive laws. None of those problems are being perpetuated by the left. That's all right wing conservativism. And every time they get called out on their bullshit, they cry foul persecution as though the left is wrong for wanting people to have equal footing. Because of everyone had equal footing, and we didn't have all these disparities between race, gender and orientation to fight over, we'd be fighting over economic disparity, l things like the fact that the minimum wage has stagnated for the last 40+ years while costs of living across the board have all gone up, and all other money-related matters. The rich sowing discord among everyone below them to put space between society and their riches is a tale literally as old as time, and the right wing of America has weaponized it through media fearmongering and flooding politics with money, so that the majority who wants progressive change and reform can't usurp the dwindling minority who can afford to keep everything stuck in gridlock. It's also why you'll see the fight this year over mail-in voting become an enormous issue; because the day it can safely and securely be done, and EVERYONE can vote without worry of situations like the one that just happened in Georgia, where they tried to smother the vote by closing nearly all the voting stations, that's when you'll see the GOP reach its twilight. The last thing the wealthy want is for society to find a way past all these arguments and battles and have their voices be heard, ESPECIALLY that of racial inequality.


Chris G.

Not as familiar with Chris G's behavior but after doing a little digging from what i could tell it seems he wrote a virtual manefesto about how black women are trash and how Asian girls are god like. Definitely not a good look.

Also very weak how EG decided to only take action now. My guess is because theyre seeing others get their comeuppance and felt they had to, but who's to say.
Should have done this at the time, but good riddance.

In summary, EG and Chris G are both fucking clowns.


You are justifying liberal identity politics by citing far-right identity politics. I am criticizing both sides equally and I would like for people to focus on individualism instead of collectivism.

You have outlined America's problems on multiple occasions in this thread. I would, again, love to know what your proposed solutions are. If America is a "racist, patriarchal society", what can be done to ameliorate the country?

Far more men are interested in politics than women are. I am not certain why. I have done no research on this matter.

There are slightly more women in America than they are men. Considering that women have had the right to vote for more than 100 years, they can elect other women for governmental positions if they choose to do so, but they have not. According to this article, the vast majority of women in 2016 voted for Clinton "except the white ones." I have my own theories as to why. I am certain you have yours.

To acknowledge the lady's argument, have Black Lives Matter activists addressed the unfortunate situation in Chicago last weekend?
You want to know my solutions?

A.) Reparations for all Black people in this country - not merely a one-time check given to people, but rather a reparations fund that is used to subsidize small business loans, first-time homeowners payments, college costs, campaign costs and other costly expenses.

B.) End the War on Drugs - drug cases are one of the primary methods of Black incarceration, so making them legal, taxed and heavily regulated not only kill the underground drug market, it stops so many people from being arrested needlessly.

C.) Release all non-violent drug offenders and expunge their records - this directly ties in with B).

D.) End Citizens United - when corporations are not allowed to buy politicians, it will create a domino effect in solving a bunch of other problems, including issues that affect Black people

E.) Universal Healthcare through a single-payer system - I don't need to say much except it's a much better system than using a rapacious third-party middle man

F.) End qualified immunity for police and institute liability insurance for anyone being detained/arrested - currently, it is all but impossible to convict any police officer when they kill anyone, even if they were unarmed. This will put a stop to that trend, plus it will force police officers to avoid using excessive/lethal force unless it is absolutely necessary

G.) Subsidize low taxpayer-funded schools - we've discussed how richer areas have better funded schools. This would take the poorer schools and match their funding to the richest schools in their area, removing the disparity between them

H.) End private prisons and youth detention centers - privately-owned prisons get free labor from the prisoners, which incentivizes them to get more people in prison

I.) Revise the 13th Amendment to completely remove the option of slavery under any and all circumstances - watch "13th" to see what I'm saying

J.) Immediately withdraw all occupying troops and cut the military budget by 50% - America wastes billions of dollars fighting imperial wars. Putting an end to this would bring that money back home

K.) Seize the assets of all corporations that outsource or shield funds in off-shore tax havens - corporations are literally keeping away trillions of dollars by hiring super-cheap laborers offshore and by storing profits overseas to avoid taxation. If Joe Schmo has to pay taxes on all of his income, so too should Amazon and other corporations

L.) Increase the corporate tax rate to 50%, make it permanent and close all loopholes - corporations have received copious amounts of unnecessary tax breaks/tax cuts for decades now and have seen their profits skyrocket. This reclaims some of that money so that they can still be profitable, but re-distributes wealth to the middle-class and poor


L.) Increase the corporate tax rate to 50%, make it permanent and close all loopholes - corporations have received copious amounts of unnecessary tax breaks/tax cuts for decades now and have seen their profits skyrocket. This reclaims some of that money so that they can still be profitable, but re-distributes wealth to the middle-class and poor

I'd rather they just eliminate the corporate income tax altogether, and make up the difference by raising income tax rates. Taxing corporations is a very inefficient way to raise tax revenues.