FGC Cannon Fodder
IDK man. Everything a person does with their life wears them out in some way. Even your profession tends to impact your eventual health. You build up life habits good and bad, over time and honestly right now is a really lousy time to try and confront your coping habits even if it sounds great on paper. There is a big fat human factor in this as to what people can actually do, and most people are leaning into self destructive behaviors not away from them right now. People are getting emotionally dumped on by something we honestly have next to no control over.I appreciate you for pointing out that I did specifically state "preventable", so that I don't have to. If anyone interpreted my posts as lumping everyone in one basket, that's not my intention. Being born with a pre-existing condition is out of your control, eating or smoking yourself to death is not. Plenty are inherited, some are autoimmune disorders, some chromosomal, but a lot are preventable. I hope your family stays safe dude!
My main point is how nice would it be if the population was able to rise above these preventable health issues so there would actually be enough supplies to treat people who were just dealt a bad hand?
And when it comes to getting hooked on self destructive behaviors, that's kind of everyone, and it's a big huge deal to overcome anything in your life. When your worst problems aren't super destructive like drugs or whatever, it's super tempting to say "not doing drugs is easy" while munching on your second bag of Oreo's this week. My coffee habit isn't hurting anyone, but if it was could I stop? Probably not.
Changing is like going to war, and it's unrealistic to expect it of people on mass, because people are sad and broken. They always have been and they always will be. Accepting that is important, because people need be shown hope and value despite of their lack of perfection.
A supply shortage now isn't something anyone could have predicted. I don't think it's helpful for anyone to be blaming anyone for much of anything related to this. We don't have answers or a plan for something this new and epic in nature.