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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion


FGC Cannon Fodder
I appreciate you for pointing out that I did specifically state "preventable", so that I don't have to. If anyone interpreted my posts as lumping everyone in one basket, that's not my intention. Being born with a pre-existing condition is out of your control, eating or smoking yourself to death is not. Plenty are inherited, some are autoimmune disorders, some chromosomal, but a lot are preventable. I hope your family stays safe dude!

My main point is how nice would it be if the population was able to rise above these preventable health issues so there would actually be enough supplies to treat people who were just dealt a bad hand?
IDK man. Everything a person does with their life wears them out in some way. Even your profession tends to impact your eventual health. You build up life habits good and bad, over time and honestly right now is a really lousy time to try and confront your coping habits even if it sounds great on paper. There is a big fat human factor in this as to what people can actually do, and most people are leaning into self destructive behaviors not away from them right now. People are getting emotionally dumped on by something we honestly have next to no control over.

And when it comes to getting hooked on self destructive behaviors, that's kind of everyone, and it's a big huge deal to overcome anything in your life. When your worst problems aren't super destructive like drugs or whatever, it's super tempting to say "not doing drugs is easy" while munching on your second bag of Oreo's this week. My coffee habit isn't hurting anyone, but if it was could I stop? Probably not.

Changing is like going to war, and it's unrealistic to expect it of people on mass, because people are sad and broken. They always have been and they always will be. Accepting that is important, because people need be shown hope and value despite of their lack of perfection.

A supply shortage now isn't something anyone could have predicted. I don't think it's helpful for anyone to be blaming anyone for much of anything related to this. We don't have answers or a plan for something this new and epic in nature.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
IDK man. Everything a person does with their life wears them out in some way. Even your profession tends to impact your eventual health. You build up life habits good and bad, over time and honestly right now is a really lousy time to try and confront your coping habits even if it sounds great on paper. There is a big fat human factor in this as to what people can actually do, and most people are leaning into self destructive behaviors not away from them right now. People are getting emotionally dumped on by something we honestly have next to no control over.

And when it comes to getting hooked on self destructive behaviors, that's kind of everyone, and it's a big huge deal to overcome anything in your life. When your worst problems aren't super destructive like drugs or whatever, it's super tempting to say "not doing drugs is easy" while munching on your second bag of Oreo's this week. My coffee habit isn't hurting anyone, but if it was could I stop? Probably not.

Changing is like going to war, and it's unrealistic to expect it of people on mass, because people are sad and broken. They always have been and they always will be. Accepting that is important, because people need be shown hope and value despite of their lack of perfection.

A supply shortage now isn't something anyone could have predicted. I don't think it's helpful for anyone to be blaming anyone for much of anything related to this. We don't have answers or a plan for something this new and epic in nature.
I don't mean to blame people, obviously I'm not blaming people with chronic illness for the coronavirus existing. I understand the psychological implications of overcoming addiction and that it's not just something that can be done overnight. Be that as it may, these are still preventable illnesses and I wish more went into battling morbid obesity and other preventable conditions. Not trying to trivialize how serious it is or make light of it. Most people who develop health problems due to self-destructive behaviors have an underlying cause to this wether it be how they were raised, the context of their environment, or worse yet a mental disorder. That post you quoted is more of a "wouldn't it be nice?" kind of thing. However, I do firmly believe more could be done to battle preventable illnesses like this. Obesity and food addiction isn't stigmatized the same way alcoholics and drug addicts are shunned by society, despite all of them being addicts. I hear what you're saying man, it is hard to get control over self-destructive behaviors, but I'd rather someone tell me the truth and hurt my feelings than lie to me and watch me die. I just wish is was more important to our leaders to promote healthy behaviors. The best medical care is taking preventative measures and could solve so many problems before they start. Once again, I'm not trying to be cruel, it just makes me really sad. I agree that people are sad and broken as a whole, if people were taught to love themselves enough to protect their health, that would go a long way. Sorry for the rant, this is just kind of a brain dump, all the stuff going on has got me extra down today.


Zoning Master
I'm not saying personal responsibility shouldn't be considered, but trying to be healthy in America is like struggling against a strong current; literally everything is working against you and trying to mislead you. It takes a serious commitment to educate yourself on nutrition, especially with how much bullshit information there is.
Education on fitness and nutrition is free and funded by state taxes, at least in the state of Ohio. Every high school student is required to take a health and gym class in order to graduate. Before the pandemic, I observed a couple of lessons on nutrition and fitness in my school district and the information communicated to students is genuinely beneficial and meaningful. So unless someone is unfortunate to have a medical condition, there are no excuses, which I proclaim respectfully and as someone who has had ulcers on his stomach, including perforated ulcers that cause you to vomit blood, because of an unhealthy diet. I have had no stomach pains since I started eating properly and exercising about five years ago.

The reality is that you cannot over-regulate the market and/or protect people from themselves. Those individuals who pay no attention to their diet are in the same boat as these people who attend protests during a pandemic. They may do whatever they wish, yet natural selection will take place.


On the other hand, there are a ton of industries (fast food, alcohol, tobacco, snack food, candy) that spend billions of dollars each year to try and convince people to ignore the lessons they learned in health class.

Those individuals who pay no attention to their diet are in the same boat as these people who attend protests during a pandemic. They may do whatever they wish, yet natural selection will take place.
My problem with the protesters though is that they're not just putting themselves at risk, they're actively putting the rest of the community at risk as well. I think it's fine to say "oh well, it's their choice, idiots gonna idiot" but no man is an island. Other people's bad choices can still impact the rest of us. Including people who pay no attention to their diet. They end up needing more medical care, which drives health insurance and healthcare costs up.


I've avoided commenting in this thread for quite a while.

Michigan was hit pretty hard by COVID-19 and as soon as we got our first case given our status as a high transit/transport state it was inevitable we would reach top three worst impacted states at the beginning. I think Governor Whitmer's stricter quarantine order really helped us since we dropped down to top 6 as of now and by all indications our order will be continuing into middle of May before reassessment/reopening fully of the economy.

I think she saved lives in Michigan. They criticized her for not shutting down immediately then criticized her for going hard on the virus to stem it. I think what she did requires immense strength and I think instead of humanity trying to politicize everything and undermine states rights, The Constitution and rule of law we need to praise people that put themselves on the line reputation wise and popularity wise because it is the right thing to do.

I've had people I know touched by COVID-19 at their jobs in jails, factories etc. Very sickly family members. A five year old girl in Michigan died of COVID-19 and her parents were health care workers. We've had many scares, I mostly work from home BUT I still have had to go into harm's way for emergencies with children as a Social Worker.

Additionally, I'm seeing people fixated on the economy and the big rush to reopen. I can recover lost wages, I can't come back from the dead or emotionally recover from having to bury my sick or immune compromised family. People should be paying close attention to what leaders care about YOU and which ones are worried about money and appeasing evil. It's not about politics, this is about our lives and the lives of everyone you care even slightly about. People trying to politicize this are beyond me.

I do think pointing out legitimate errors and inappropriate missteps should happen though because being silent doesn't ensure or promote transparency or avoid it happening again.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
straight idiot how this man has any supporters is beyond comprehension:confused:
I try really hard to understand his thought processes. I even try to look at what he says through the lens of an actual supporter of his. And I still can’t see how they can’t see what everyone else sees. It’s like they are so anti democrat, and so pro republican and/or Trump, that they always somehow find a way to justify some of the absolutely ridiculous things he says. Now, not all Trump supporters agree with everything he says or does. But enough do that for someone like me, I just can’t wrap my head around it.

I do not hate Trump supporters though. I just wish they would be less bias and actually look at each individual thing he says in an objective way. But whatever, it seems like a waste of time putting much thought into it.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
I try really hard to understand his thought processes. I even try to look at what he says through the lens of an actual supporter of his. And I still can’t see how they can’t see what everyone else sees. It’s like they are so anti democrat, and so pro republican and/or Trump, that they always somehow find a way to justify some of the absolutely ridiculous things he says. Now, not all Trump supporters agree with everything he says or does. But enough do that for someone like me, I just can’t wrap my head around it.

I do not hate Trump supporters though. I just wish they would be less bias and actually look at each individual thing he says in an objective way. But whatever, it seems like a waste of time putting much thought into it.
You ever see the South Park episode "Douche and Turd"?


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
That's not necessarily the people's fault, though. We're constantly bombarded by advertising and served insane portions. If you order a small drink at most fast food restaurants in the US, you receive a literal bucket of soda. You're also incentivized to order way more food than you need. Even foods marketed as healthy alternatives, like salads, contain more calories than you need over the course of several meals (once you factor in all the non-lettuce ingredients). Tack on all of the misleading marketing about health foods, protein bars, breakfast granola bars, etc, that are little more than candy bars in disguise, and it's no wonder the average American has no idea how to eat healthily.

It's also expensive as shit to eat healthy, unless you cook all of your own meals, which many people simply don't have the time or knowledge to do. Why spend the time and money buying ingredients, cooking food, then having to wash all the dishes when I can just run to McDonalds or Taco Bell and hit up the value menu? (rhetorical question; I don't eat fast food if I can avoid it.)

Before we expect the average American to take control of their weight, we really need to crack down on all of these other issues that contribute to the problem.
People know that smoking is terrible. They know that alcohol and drugs hurt them. They know that too much sugar is terrible. They know exercise is good for them. It's expensive as shit to buy all your meals and people know that stuff like McDonald's isn't healthy. It's not that hard to flip to food channel on, go to google or look at nutrition labels. I get what you are saying but people need to take responsibility for their nutrition, and there's a difference between trying to eat decent food and eating like shit. And it's not just impoverished people who can really struggle with cheaper vs healthy, it's people with money too. The info there, not enough people value it.


People know that smoking is terrible. They know that alcohol and drugs hurt them. They know that too much sugar is terrible. They know exercise is good for them. It's expensive as shit to buy all your meals and people know that stuff like McDonald's isn't healthy. It's not that hard to flip to food channel on, go to google or look at nutrition labels. I get what you are saying but people need to take responsibility for their nutrition, and there's a difference between trying to eat decent food and eating like shit. And it's not just impoverished people who can really struggle with cheaper vs healthy, it's people with money too. The info there, not enough people value it.
People do need to try and take more responsibility. At the same time though, there are a lot of market forces and even biological forces working against people. Nicotine is highly addictive. Our bodies are hard wired to go crazy for foods full of sugars, salt, and fat. There's also the psychological forces. People are typically bad at dealing with situations where the short term benefits are up front but the consequences are in the long term. Our bodies are wired to go for short term rewards.

All I'm saying is that choice doesn't always indicate preference. People aren't always making rational choices, they're just making choices.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
there is no way buying fresh food and cooking is less expensive than buying food from restaurants,.


there is no way buying fresh food and cooking is less expensive than buying food from restaurants,.
I wonder if some people watch those food network shows and just end up feeling too intimidated to cook. Cooking isn't hard, there's a lot of simple things you can do, and simple choices you can make to eat healthy. It's just getting people to actually go against habit and start doing it that's the problem.


Of for fucks sake! Donald is now telling people to inject disinfected into their bodies and use UV lights on themselves.

Enjoy dying from bleach in your body and being sun burned.
"Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you could do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you were going to test that, too. Sounds interesting.

And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it'd be interesting to check that, so that you're going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds--, it sounds interesting to me. So we'll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it goes, the way it kills it in one minute, that's, uh, that's pretty powerful. "

He went on to ask Dr. Deborah Birx, response coordinator of the coronavirus task force if she's heard using "the heat and the light" to treat coronavirus.

"Not as a treatment," she responded.