Before I am told to get gud, let me start by saying alot of the mk11 community is toxic. Wether it be online in ranked or in forums. Just about every ranked match you get an idiot on the mic, he has absolutley no skills with character he/she is using other than spamming low poke/throws the entire match. Then run there mouth as if they actually did something. We need a mute button, I dont need to hear you cry about shit.Now, I am a scorpion main and it really ticked me off when every single one of these low poke/throw meta idiots called for him to get nerfed. Dont tell me to get gud, then liu kang players and their 1 and only combo string, sonya zoners, erron black slap the skin off you 3 hit combo, or how about jax doing the same exact string over and over again? I love to play online and love competition, but I love competition who actually likes to do setups, long combos and play the game flashy. This low poke meta is going to kill this game furyher, and kombat league is garbage as well. Before you guys say, oh yay, another scorpion main, he probably spammed teleport. Actually no, never have, only use it within my combos, I want to find ways to win without being cheap. Rant over, just irritated to what this game has come to this far.......
Here are some tips:
A player mashing D1 over and over will not give them any advantage. Why I'm saying that us there are several counters after blocking one.
YOur options:
- Throw reversal after blocking poke.
- Counter Poke within 10f.
- Neutral jump
- walk back and wiff punish the second poke.
- Fast mids counter them on block so do lows and overheads.
With that said all pokes have been toned down some where 7f startup at -2 on block before the patch but now they are -5 or more that's more than 12 frame window to counter them after patch.
The meta isn't revolved around pokes its a strike throw meta and you can create a type of 50/50 by using string/throw or poke/throw.
You can say its scrubby to only use pokes and throws to win but honestly dies it take more effort to press a 3 hit string or throw or do a stagger or walk back press button. In my opinion they require the same skill.
You need to get that out of your head. Don't say this player is a scrub but is beating me with cheap tactics. Say what did I do wrong, analyze your recordings and lab up responses in practice. If a player is using a tool to beat you and its working you need to find ways to turn that tool against him.
I'm a decent player and I use pokes to my advantage, I don't limit myself by saying playing this way is trash because that gives you a disadvantage. I jail off my pokes and if I know a player tryst to use high starters after a blocked poke I'll do a second poke but if they know how to counter that I'll walkback or use my fastest mid/low.
I can understand the frustration because the mechanics of this game doesn't really show skill that well. Its kind of hard to identify skill since the mechanics have been made easier and execution isn't difficult in MK11.
There are some tight links, punishes, frame traps, some 1-2 frame link combos and wave dashing that is kind of difficult but even those are easy after building muscle memory.
No matter how you play most of the Tools in this game are very easy to do and mist characters have a low skill requirement to use them effectively.
The next time your opponent pokes you more than once in a row counter them. This game is about making reads and punishing mistakes and spacing properly to reduce your opponents options against you. Identify your opponents patters in your sets and adapt to it to use them against em and capitalize off those reads. Scouting patterns turns hard reads into favorable responses. Go to practice and recreate what beat you last time and find counters to put fear into your opponents. For most characters you only need to make 3-5 reads to win the round and that's not including chip, FB, KB's or zoning damage.
If you master spacing and know the matchup your opponent can't throw or poke you hardly ever.
Hope this helps