Nah we’re allowed to have a voice and opinion on a game we bought just like you so how about you let people speak on the game and not be a sheep? Thanks for your input though. Glad you enjoy the game. A lot of people don’t just like a lot of people do. Not everything is rainbows and sunshine in case you didn’t know. I rather any character this man listed than literally any guest character that was revealed. Because it’s Mortal Kombat in case you forgot not f- Suicide Squad or Terminator. And if it is I missed that part entirely.These anti-guest-dlc threads gotta stop. Nrs gave us a full mk game with a full story, modes, original charaters etc. Whatever they do after charging for aditional content, that you DON'T have to buy, is their business. Guests lure in new people, who may not be fans of the franchise. Also, there's also potential for kp2, so chill.
DLC doesn't have to be related to the base product, all I'm saying. It is additional sold content to the base game that is meant to bring in additional revenue, that doesn't affect the base product, so there's no real reason to be mad about it.Nah we’re allowed to have a voice and opinion on a game we bought just like you so how about you let people speak on the game and not be a sheep? Thanks for your input though. Glad you enjoy the game. A lot of people don’t just like a lot of people do. Not everything is rainbows and sunshine in case you didn’t know. I rather any character this man listed than literally any guest character that was revealed. Because it’s Mortal Kombat in case you forgot not f- Suicide Squad or Terminator. And if it is I missed that part entirely.
Nah, he just has popularity and plot armor. These days it's supposed to be cool to see non-powered characters like Bullseye and the Punisher go toe to toe with the Ghost Rider, or the Hulk or whatever. I mean, Wolverine - solely because of popularity - is now fighting the Hulk on even terms. The HULK. It's so stupid it hurts my brain. But I guess that plot armor is plot armor.The Joker has gone toe to toe against The Justice League. He's probably the most dangerous and resourceful killer on the roster. If Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman can't fully defeat him, I think he's fine with the MK Universe. I think we'll see Havik at some point though. Maybe sooner than you realise. Kombat Pack 3, with luck?
There are plenty of reasons to be mad at it when MK fans playing an MK game are waiting for MK characters they’ve been waiting for for years.DLC doesn't have to be related to the base product, all I'm saying. It is additional sold content to the base game that is meant to bring in additional revenue, that doesn't affect the base product, so there's no real reason to be mad about it.
I can only speak for myself, but I'd prefer a low budget game created by a passionate and caring team working in a positive/healthy environment instead of a high quality AAA game that exists for the sole purpose of maximizing a publisher's profits. You can definitely tell the difference between a labor of love, and a product.If people want MK games to keep up having AAA production values, then they have to swallow the bitter pill which is DLC and Guest characters. That's what I think, anyway.
Quoted because that is the most commonsense, down to earth, logical and well thought out response i've seen about guest character DLC... ever.Can't we just not buy the guest DLCs?
NRS wouldn't "put more legacy characters!!!11!!!" if we had no guests. They would not make more DLCs, period. They're an extra, not something that's "replacing classic characters".
I don't like'em, I don't buy'em. I don't ask for them to not exist because I'm a realistic person.
Gaming industry and morons in 2019.No, you fool. You must pay your money up front, right now, before seeing the product. Then we'll tell you what you bought four months later. And if you're lucky, you can use said product within 6 months to a year of purchasing it. And if the product isn't to your liking, don't you dare complain! I mean, that's just acting entitled and spoiled. Just consume, and don't ask any questions.
… Did you just credit the success of MKX and MK11 to the guest characters?OK let me break down basic facts for you:
MKX is the highest selling not only mk game but fighting game EVER (take out smash and the 20 million versions of SF2), and we know it sold because of the guest characters. Last time i checked companies look for profit so blaming NRS for things they cant help is once again laughable when this is old news.
Remember the game has 26 characters and i think only 3 are actually bad yet the game isnt even finished (because of WB).
Thats a factual statement, the last mks to sell even 6 million were 1 and 2.… Did you just credit the success of MKX and MK11 to the guest characters?
No, it's not. 'MKX selling X million' is a factual statement. 'MKX selling X million because of guest characters' is a personal guess of yours.Thats a factual statement, the last mks to sell even 6 million were 1 and 2.
hey nerdThe inclusion of guests would not be an issue if the roster were a bit more fleshed out. Relegating Cyrax/Sektor to NPC status is unforgivable and a major tease/FU to fans, who complained about the same in MKX with Fujin/Rain. Excluding Rain/Mileena is also bone-headed given their popularity. And then excluding staple ninjas like Smoke and Reptile is a glaring omission in the roster. And let's not forget high level B-listers who deserve some spotlight like Havik and Fujin. Making matters worse it that for those few DLC slots that actually do feature MK characters, NRS has selected absolute scrubs like Sheeva, Sindel, Nightwolf...hell I'm surprised Stryker didn't make the list...oh wait, he's a white male, which is a non-starter over at WB/NRS. The franchise is in the shitter. They're just cashing in and taking advantage of loyal fans from the beginnings, while trying to make new ones with PC millenials and the mainstream masses (hello Terminator, Joker, lmfao).
who the hell has ever heard of anrolde schjeargezneggar everyone knows who fujin is, even small children in africa!!!!What I can't understand is people who think that the general public would also prefer an unpopular or lesser known character over a cultural mainstay like Terminator or even Spawn.