I bought just the normal game with Shao Khan included. I dont see a reason to complain or cry for anything. I pay the money and get the product i want and i was promise. I dont see a reason to cry/complain about future patch/dlc. But that is just me.
The company probably is doing work in progress and plenty of things going on, so even them maybe not sure what they will give us with future patch/dlc.
I just dont get gamers/people nowdays. There was crying for patch in the very first month of the game .... And that was just because someone was lazy not learn matchup/mechanics or something. But it was just 1 fu**** month. So im pretty sure whatever NRS do, there is always going to be cry/complain.
In very this thread there was people who was crying about the whole story was leaked a week before the game was on the market and see that ruined his fun.
Who the f**** makes you to watch the story for god sake? Its your decision, so you cant blame anyone for that.
It was the same with leaked finale on some tv shows. Its your fault if you decide to watch/read them before you watch the actual movie.
Yeah but nowdays we have to blame someone else.
My only complain or more of a requist is that i really think and want a wifi/internet filter.
And to finish im perfectly okay with the game and the state it is. Im pretty sure i will play it till MK12 comes and im pretty sure there is going to be plenty of people left in the game till the very end.