I jumped on KL for the first time in a while last night. Played a decent Kitana, but their Starbucks wifi was horrendous. In the middle of both of our combos it would lag spike which made it really fun. Then they started jumping over and over and over. D2 was useless, anti-air was useless, it was just a complete mess. They barely beat me then go ahead and t-bag to a fatality.
Fuck Kombat League with a capital F.
By the way, if anyone on this forum has a wifi connection I have to say this: Your friends or people you play often aren't saying anything because they LIKE YOU and don't want to offend you. Get a wired connection. If you have wifi you're either using someone else's signal and shouldn't play competitively anyway, or you have your own router you can spend $10 on an ethernet cable to plug straight into. There are no more excuses for the wifi "but mine is okay I promise." No, it's not actually. Just no one has ever been blunt with you that it sucks to lose frames, have bad timing to the easiest things because of it, or flat out LOSE when you shouldn't. It's not to say there aren't good players using wifi, I'm not saying that. So yeah, done playing KL unless they have skins that I actually like for characters I use. It's literally voluntary brain damage at this point.