You guys saying Buffalo deserved to make a scene are ridiculous and missing the point. If he had done it on the streets or somewhere else then sure - whatever. Acting like that at an event though is childish, inmature and idiotic plain and simple. It just shows that you dont have any sportsmanship and you dont know how to behave at these events.
It also doesnt matter if the beef is for something as trivial as "Timmy at school hid my backpack" (and this beef is at best on this level) or if he insulted your mom for a month straight from morning till evening, 24/7.
You want to set the record straight, punch the guy, get even, whatever, just do it outside of an event. Drive to his house, set a meet, wait for him someplace, talk shit about him online, hell whatever you think you need to do. But deserved or not you dont act like that at an event, period. The beef is between the two of you so dont bother others with it.
People give Scar props for not stooping to that level at an event not because he is a hero or innocent in the beef. Him showing the middlefinger is just his way to get over the situation in that moment. Imagine if he had talked back or yelled back at Buffalo to get out of his face, you can tell me all you like but Buffalo would have lost it. 9/10 people that watched it had the impression he already did anyway.
Anyways for almost everyone their beef is totally irrelevant. I personally dont care at all what any of these guys do or dont do outside of them playing at tournaments/on stream. I (and tons of others that see things like me) saw a big child act out like a maniac at a tournament and i was glad not be in Scars shoes cuz i wouldnt have stayed that calm with someone in my face like that.
And lol at people saying you are entitled to act like that. Someone up in your face like that you definitely dont have to hold shit. Seen plenty of people at sports and esport events get their faces bashed in for thinking that. Now you can say its ridiculius over a game etcetc all you want but reality is that there is a good chance that you will provoke a fight. And if you get beat up for being stupid you deserve it. Heck go to a sportsbar today and see what happens if you act like that and then come back and tell me if people "just hold that".
Pop off is one thing... a mental episode is something else.