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MK11 XBL & PSN Tourney


1 2 3 drink
It was a pleasure to have you with, and all the way from Belgium if I'm right? Thank you for competing and we will definitely see you next time. :)

And circus's Kano continues to wreak havoc. I will update the bracket, thank you sir.

And @Careerpancakes thank you for playing with us man. I hope you will join us for the next one.
Yep, your right. Btw what other name did you have before this one on tym? I see you an older member and im only back on tym since mk11 and seems like alot of ppl changed their name in the meanwhile :p


EFL Founder
Yep, your right. Btw what other name did you have before this one on tym? I see you an older member and im only back on tym since mk11 and seems like alot of ppl changed their name in the meanwhile :p
I'm ashamed to say that I don't know much about Belgium except it looks beautiful and the chocolate is amazing. LOL

So it's a long story. I was a member of UltimateMK way back when, and then KlassicMK before it shut down. I can't remember if I created a new profile after that or if it was somehow transferred over? Because some of my old inbox seemed to have shown up when I got back on TYM.

And really I've been inactive so long because I was very ill on and off for such a long time. But now I'm good, and MK11 was released so I came out of hiding. Lol

edit: I did go by another name of Jackal.
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Yeah definitely. The only thing is, to use the foundation of TYM there has to be an approved way to manage the money if we created a pot. So @STORMS or administration would have to approve it since they're allowing us to hold tourneys on this forum. Example being if someone took entry fees and then didn't payout the winners.

Putting up my own money to jumpstart this thing should tell anyone I obviously wouldn't do that. But it would have to be approved if we progressed to a money match/tournament setup. I'm not against it, I think just having the tourney itself is a hell of a lot of fun.

Let me tell you, those were some tense matches. @LawAbidingCitizen showing us what Shang can do with that insane corpse drop and @Hellbringer with the tough Lao that I've faced firsthand. Very gg's to both of you, that was awesome.
Whoever is the TO could have all entrants send $5 to the TOs PayPal and then the TO could pay it out.

Or maybe use a site like Matcherino for the payouts.


EFL Founder
Whoever is the TO could have all entrants send $5 to the TOs PayPal and then the TO could pay it out.

Or maybe use a site like Matcherino for the payouts.
That works.

$5, $10, whatever you guys want to do and maybe 1st, 2nd, 3rd payouts? Or just winner takes all? I guess we'll figure all that out later when this one is done.


GGs dude.

What do I need to do better or more of? After the first 3 games or so it just sorta snowballed.

I do want to point out, however, that if this were the pro tournament series... I would have won 2-1 :p (let me have my silver lining dammit!)
Lmao but honestly bro you were playing solid just be more patient and dont over extend yourself.
Stay grounded, play footsies and make reads, I blocked and punished Jax fatal blow like 3 times to win, but if I didnt you mightve won 5-2. And Jax has 50/50s so just throw em in every now and then to condition. Or just play the solid old man game like Shao, grab, whiff punish and safe pressure lol