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Balance Patch Speculation


Dojo Trainee
One-button characters will get their offending tool adjusted.
Liu's f4 will start up slower. Probably like 13-16f.
Scorpion's teleport cancel will be more negative, his meterburn not come out on block or on whiff. Standard teleport a high. Meterburn still a mid though.
Geras b12 (I think it was) more negative on block.
Not sure what about Erron, he's overperforming by a mile.
Not sure about Sonya either, tbh.
Sub's mixup made unsafe and fully punishable, probably like -19 each.

Damage adjustments.
Bottom 10 get some love.

Not sure it will be as soon as this week or frankly, even this month. Start of June seems more likely to me.
Jade has the same thing. She can amplify her kick on block and has a pushback so it is hard to punish


it does make sense , it gives him too many 50/50 mixups and neutral control removing the possibility to play footsies againts him.
He doesn’t even have an OH or Low starter. If you remove his sand move just keep on going and remove him from the character select screen. I respect your opinion, but this is never ever happening.
He doesn’t even have an OH or Low starter. If you remove his sand move just keep on going and remove him from the character select screen. I respect your opinion, but this is never ever happening.
no problem its all just my opinion anyway. he doesnt need a low/overhead starter he has 11 into low sand or 11 into overhead that both kb on punish..
he shouldnt be a 50/50 character when he has a tick throw variation with a cmd grab

he have every single tool in the game plus a low sand move that control footsies and neultral. i have a huge feeling this will be nerfed hard or juste removed all together.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Cassie's D2 needs to be fixed, she practically needs to clip inside the other character's model to hit them. She needs a decent 2nd variation with other moves like the ricochet shot and shoulder charge. If you're gonna take away her best zoning AND counter-zoning tool, at least give her something good in return. Also get rid of flippin' out entirely, like drag it into the trash bin, or at least add an amplify to it so it becomes functional and not entirely useless.


Dojo Trainee
Scorpion's teleport should have a longer start up time so that people with normal human reaction speed can block it when he throws it out raw. It should also be changed so that it's either a high that you can duck or the hit box should be adjusted so that you can jump away from it. It should work exactly the same in combos, just less of a useful tool to simply throw out on its own.

Sonya's Energy Ring amplify KB should be removed. She's a close range, mix up character who currently out-zones all the zoners in the game. All of the zoners should be given that KB on their amplified projectiles so that they can actually get some KBs which come out by their playing their playstyle like the combo characters do as opposed to needing to break out of their playstyle in order to have some useless, gimmicky one maybe happen.

Jade needs ... something ... in the close range. I'm not sure what, but she needs something.

Kitana's flutter ability isn't good enough for an ability on its own and having it in combination with the air movement one isn't good enough for two ability slots. It's a nice thing to have, but kind of a wasted space in comparison to everything else. Those two should be combined into one single ability.


The world's least hype player
The only thing I want is midscreen fan combos. Idc if they have to increase the scaling on lift or something I just want to be able to do cool combos again. As far as Liu I’d like to see his teleport not be a 50/50 but be meter burnable for a combo


Positive Poster!
As Scorpion. You can get away from the regular kick because you are waiting for the amplify
Scorpion's teleport comes out behind, Jade's kick comes in front. Because of this Teleport bypasses footsies and spacing tools and directly punishes all defensive options except for blocking.
Teleport is a double hitting mid if meterburned and can't be jumped or ducked, it has to be blocked or you're eating a full combo.
Teleport can be cancelled to make it safe.
Kick is a high that leads to nothing, has range and doesn't track. It can also only be amplified on hit or on block, not on whiff and not on startup.
Kick is nothing like Teleport.


One-button characters will get their offending tool adjusted.
Liu's f4 will start up slower. Probably like 13-16f.
Scorpion's teleport cancel will be more negative, his meterburn not come out on block or on whiff. Standard teleport a high. Meterburn still a mid though.
Geras b12 (I think it was) more negative on block.
Not sure what about Erron, he's overperforming by a mile.
Not sure about Sonya either, tbh.
Sub's mixup made unsafe and fully punishable, probably like -19 each.

Damage adjustments.
Bottom 10 get some love.

Not sure it will be as soon as this week or frankly, even this month. Start of June seems more likely to me.
if lius f4 was 13-16 frames that would probably kill him. imo

Tony at Home

While I like that since Injustice 2 they've been taking a slower approach with balancing, I'll take adjustments to the jank KB requirements for characters tomorrow happily.

I'd say that's less about balance and more about a fundamental part of the game not working for the entire cast


noob needs some cleanup.

2 of his KBs are just off. His only semi legit overhead threat is his hop attack, so having a KB off a low is just wtf, but at least it pays off heavy.

His other KB is off the EX mid clone, which requires connecting with 10 clone special moves first, and really doesn't do all that much extra damage for the ABSURD requirement.

Now to add, his seeing double variation is just non viable right now.

Even with it and the clone slide, getting the previous KB isn't likely to ever happen or worth the effort, but more importantly the block ball is just worthless.

Block ball rant-
It has absurd startup(just imagine the fusion dance which makes sense because it has about the same impact in game as that does on the plot), can't be cancelled, hits high, and is -6 ON HIT.

IF you somehow land the monstrosity they lose their ability to have a second bar of each meter for something like 2ish seconds. This is actually worthless.

It's too short to say, do a combo and not have them break out of it, because I don't think noob has a single combo that puts them airborn fast enough for it to matter, especially considering you're -6 so it's not even your turn. This might be different on CH, but if you land this CH I think you're legally allowed to just slap your opponent.

It does nothing if they don't have a second bar of one of the meters. If they had 1 bar or less before, congrats it's even more useless because they can still burn a bar. In fact there's almost no scenarios where having 1 bar vs 2 matters outside of the fallout that we already established doesn't matter.

Worse it may even help the opponent. I had already given up and didn't test too much, but it seems "to be fair" it makes the 2nd bar refresh near instantly after the duration is over, even if it normally wouldn't. So for example opponent falls out of a combo, has a IRL seizure, and stands up into your block ball. They recover from said seizure, avoid your "mixup", the effect wears off, and then they get BOTH defensive meters back.

Now again I didn't bother testing that super thoroughly but at the very least if they were at 1 bar defensive with the 2nd bar refilling at the slowest possible pace, and you hit with the ball, when it wears off it sure seems like it refills faster than it would have if you hadn't hit them with it in the first place.

In short-
Assuming i haven't missed something (possible) they need to either make block ball worth using, swap it with another move, or just give noob a different variation. Depending on what they do there I could see them reworking his clone KB, and the low KB should probably be reworked regardless as it's currently never going to land vs a good player unless hop pressure somehow becomes a thing.

Jay Rupp

Human Smoke or Riot
This maybe a really dumb topic but I'm bored at work.

Thoughts timing/content of a balance patch?

I am pretty anti-nerf but in my dream scenario:

Patch comes out this week (again, the dream)
D'vorah gets a whole bunch of fixes
Shao Kahn gets a few minor buffs
Erron Black... makes it so you don't need the hands of a god child to hit 21212 (I know people will cry for nerfs and that there are short cuts for the string.. but this is my list so /shrug)
-Also, Erron needs a 2nd variation
Johnny Cage gets actual krushing blows (imo thats all he needs)
Frost gets some buffs
You have grandma hands if you can't perform EB's 21212 string and he DEFINITELY has two variations already..

  1. 52 Kard Pickup
  2. Barking Irons
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