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MK11 Johnny Cage General Discussion


Mime Time KB also activates on the very first hit of the match without amplifying it, I did it multiple times this weekend online.

33:15 mark

Mike amplify's it here but you don't have to.

Still not defending the fact that his Krushing Blows are absolute dog shit but I actually found this one fairly useful against people always looking to press buttons at the beginning of the match.

Rip Torn

We don't complain that much. Or at least we complain about the things that are obviously bad. I complained in this thread mostly about Show Stopper being a garbage variation, and I'm ready to accept to be wrong if someone proves me that Showstopper is a viable variation. The variation basically removes the nutpunch for a special move which is slower, unsafer on block, recover slower, hits high instead of mid and doesn't connect with f4 midscreen.

Johnny is a good character, we know it, but he lacks reliable krushing blows. The nutpunch one is useless since you lose significant damage over a normal punish and the f43 one will only hit people that fell asleep in front of their game. The f34 is also really risky to use because you can be punished by a d2 krushing blow very easily, so basically you risk a 30%+ punish for only a 24% Krushing Blow. And the move is also a very easy to parry on reaction and can also be full punished on neutral duck. The risk/reward ratio isn't in Johnny's favor at all, it's a very high risk for medium (or let's say between medium and high) reward. The only usable besides the universal d2 KB is Ninja Mime where you have to land two MB Mime Time parries and the third one will KB.
You are right to complain about Showstopper variation and Krushing Blow requirements. However, complaining is still complaining and even this post you explain in detail things that have been said about 15 times in this thread already.

Also, nobody is parrying f3 on reaction and if they are, they're doing it without knowing if it will be a b3 which will blow them up. But again, nobody is parrying a 14 frame move on reaction.

You shouldn't be just throwing out his f3 and f4 in neutral. Those are buttons that need to be placed strategically. B3 also needs to be set up, usually by connecting a d1/d3 and then backing up out of range of their d1. Or you could fake a dash from midscreen and whiff punish their reaction to that with b3/f4.


Steam profile: 76561198102032134
Subzero, Sonya, Scorpion, Erron Black all have true mixup potential. In comparison to a character like, Johnny. We can try and rationalize it with how negative these mixups are, but the meta has been established early and it's obvious why these characters are so high on the tier list at the moment. Of course it should be unsafe mixups, but just that threat alone, takes so much away from other characters that are playing in an honest setting. You can't have balance like that. IMO

The only other character that is top tier that doesn't have a strong mixup game is, Gerras. He's so strong because he has so many mids it's laughable, safe strings, and a means to keep you frozen in air without breaking out.

Otherwise, everyone else is just kinda hanging out. If you eliminated those five characters, it would be a lot more balanced.

Jailing is great but it also has limitations as well, we all know this, and doesn't change the current meta.

I would rather have a mid projectile (amp'd) than the faster recovery or jailed double hit. You just can't establish it properly against anyone that knows what they are doing. Duck, walk forward, Duck, walk forward. Now, I understand this is typical means of countering zoning, I also understand Johnny is not a pure zoner, however, without a threat of that Mid, it's just useless and does nothing but eat clock off the timer.

I'm not complaining about the special moves, other than, there are a few characters that have safe specials that just seem absurd if you think about it. Again, my issue is balance, not the negative aspect of this.

I have explored the cast more. Noob, Gerras, Kabal, Sonya, etc.. I could keep going, but I wont. They all have fairly easier execution strings, with far more potency and damage behind their combo's.

Again, my argument is about the balance, if you had an equal playing field with all characters, they gameplay would be so much more enjoyable. That's my argument. Johnny does not fit the current meta, in a few different ways. If you want a game with trade off, then make the trade off worth while to maintain that balance. You just don't get that with Johnny right now.

Again, I love the way Johnny plays, I understand a good amount about fighting games. I just don't think he fits right now, but, I also think he should be the standard for other characters moving forward. If that makes sense.

I agree that KB needs a rework already and Hitbox and Hurtbox issues need adjusted.

I do use the restand a lot, I only cash out on DMG to close out rounds typically. Thanks for your input and thought out response. I do appreciate it overall. You make some valid points, I just hope that I provided good reasoning on my counter points.

Thanks again.
"Easier execution"? Potency and damage? Not sure what any of this means? Kabal gets about 280 for one bar, depending on his starter, and his b12- his best mid, doesn't combo properely at max distance. Noob gets around 330 for one bar iirc. Johnny gets 280 if we opt for the nutpunch, but he has combos as high as 320 if you use enders into shadow kick- also one bar.

"Jailing has limits" be specific here. Describe the limits. Cut the vague language, please.

And you think a mid fireball would be better? Statements like this make it really clear you aren't using it correctly. Johnny's fireball is undeniably better than the majority of the cast. It's an incredible tool in every regard as it is. Liu, Kabal, Noob etc do not have safe specials to cancel into, and their fireballs can be ducked in strings.

And I think comparing him to Geras/Scorp/Sonya/Erron is disingenuous. Comparing anyone else to the top tier will make your character look like shit. That's why people are eagerly waiting for NRS to tone down the top tiers. This couldn't have less to do with Johnny. It's a problem applicable to everyone outside those 5 or so characters. Johnny is right next to everyone else I've been naming in strength.

If you really want to argue he's THAT much weaker than everyone else- be specific. Tell us specifically what's messing you up in specific games. Don't say general things like: "he loses to d1 spam" or "Sub zero is a better character." I know not everyone can, but If you're able to, post a recording and show us someone hard counterplaying you. If you're doing everything right and losing, it'd be hard for anyone including me to argue against. Personally, I've been trying to get some games to record the last 2 days, but tbh my ranked games have either been vs females who I don't pick JC into, or they've been 3-0 washes not worth seeing (pcFGCmasterrace??). May just upload some sets I play with friends instead. Maybe I’ll stream.

People have posted vids showing Johnny's strength, I'd like to see some highlighting his weaknesses tbh. Imo there’re 5 charactersfar above everyone else. If we pretend those top 5 aren’t there (since nerfs will happen) and that you’re in a matchup where you’re forceballs don’t whiff crouchblock, Johnny is strong as shit.
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Its Game Over, Man
"Easier execution"? Potency and damage? Not sure what any of this means? Kabal gets about 280 for one bar, depending on his starter, and his b12- his best mid, doesn't combo properely at max distance. Noob gets around 330 for one bar iirc. Johnny gets 280 if we opt for the nutpunch, but he has combos as high as 320 if you use enders into shadow kick- also one bar.

"Jailing has limits" be specific here. Describe the limits. Cut the vague language.

And you think a mid fireball would be better? Statements like this make it really clear you aren't using it correctly. Johnny's fireball is undeniably better than the majority of the cast. It's an incredible tool in every regard as it is. Liu, Kabal, Noob etc do not have safe specials to cancel into, and their fireballs can be ducked in strings.

And I think comparing him to Geras/Scorp/Sonya/Erron is disingenuous. Comparing anyone else to the top tier will make your character look like shit. That's why people are eagerly waiting for NRS to tone down the top tiers. This couldn't have less to do with Johnny. It's a problem applicable to everyone outside those 5 or so characters. Johnny is right next to everyone else I've been naming in strength. I've yet to see a convincing argument otherwise that isn't vague conjecture.

If you really want to argue he's THAT much weaker than everyone else- be specific. Tell us specifically what's messing you up in specific games. Don't say general things like: "he loses to d1 spam" or "Sub zero is a better character." I know not everyone can, but If you're able to, post a recording and show us someone hard counterplaying you. If you're doing everything right and losing, it'd be hard for anyone including me to argue against. Personally, I've been trying to get some games to record the last 2 days, but tbh my ranked games have either been vs females who I don't pick JC into, or they've been 3-0 washes not worth seeing (PCmasterFGCrace?). May just upload some sets I play with friends instead.

People have posted vids showing Johnny's strength, I'd like to see some highlighting his weaknesses tbh.
Might also be due to the fact that we're still used to using Cage as he used to be played (I'm guilty of that myself by playing too aggressively). This version of Cage is more on picking your spots and being patient. He's also got one of the best pokes in the game with his D4.

It's also weird to see Cage with a really good projectile, as opposed to the one that he had in MK9, which was arguably the worst in the game.


Steam profile: 76561198102032134
No one should be allowed to ask for better forceballs, or a better d4. Comrades, join me in a pact, nay, a solemn vow- not to ask for ludicrous shit that would get our boi nerfed in a heartbeat.

what do you guys use b2 for just corner extensions and anti air?
I’m trying to use it to stuff people coming in for bigger reward than d4. It seems to pull Johnny’s hurtbox back, but I don’t have specifics on this since we don’t have those indicators.
I started messing around with fatal blow cancels, and was wondering what kind of damage you guys were able to get. Midscreen I could get about 356 for a bar. Corner I was able to get 424 for 2 bars. Not optimal enders or anything, but it's high damage if you need to close a round out


Dojo Trainee
I started messing around with fatal blow cancels, and was wondering what kind of damage you guys were able to get. Midscreen I could get about 356 for a bar. Corner I was able to get 424 for 2 bars. Not optimal enders or anything, but it's high damage if you need to close a round out
Use the Shadow kick instead of the nut punch as your ender, but only if your final string lands.


Its Game Over, Man
Finally got to do some matches online.

Cage is....um...yeah, this is a bit of an issue because apparently, I can't do shit to anyone. I can't be patient because I keep getting pressured. Man, you guys are right, Cage doesn't get respected. Or it could be because I've been facing Baraka and Jax.
For reference. Midscreen I was doing f344,FB cancel,34,ex np,121,shadow kick. In the corner same up until ex np where I would do 4 reps of s2 into 121 ex flippy kick


Dojo Trainee
Finally got to do some matches online.

Cage is....um...yeah, this is a bit of an issue because apparently, I can't do shit to anyone. I can't be patient because I keep getting pressured. Man, you guys are right, Cage doesn't get respected. Or it could be because I've been facing Baraka and Jax.
I just played a few and lost every one. The first match was against Scrub Zero. I somehow managed to overcome his poke spamming during the first match and I won. I rematched him even though he used a fatal blow, because I'm a nice guy. In the second match, he backed up and ran to full screen any chance he got just so he could spam ice balls. He only came forward when I was frozen. I tried the best that I could with "Johnny Cage's amazing force balls", but I wasn't able to block Sub Zero's Ice balls after I threw mine out. His hit me every time.
The next 3 matches were exactly the same against Geras, Noob, and Scarlet. If I applied pressure to Geras or Noob, they'd poke spam every time I engaged. Scarlet just abused her mixups while my top tier projectiles couldn't hurt her.
As the days go by it's getting much harder to win with Johnny. Everybody knows "tricks" that are spoken of here. Unplayable and unacceptable. I might just drop him entirely and move on until he gets fixed. I don't think it's fair that I actually have to think about what I'm doing and work 3 times as hard while my opponent just vomits out brain dead mixups, 50/50s, and pokes. Jacqui's muay thai moveset looks awesome. I might give her a go.
I know there's a lot of discussion about Shock Jock Johnny because that's his only useable variation, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on his other Variation moves.
Lets discuss about his Showstopper moves. Say Cheese (Camera Flash) and Throwing Shades, along with the others. Rising Shoulder, Stunt Double, Pissed Off, and High/Low Forceballs.
I say this because I personally find most of these moves just as underwhelming as the Showstopper variation, but I hope these moves also get some attention before we make an unofficial judgement.


Its Game Over, Man
I know there's a lot of discussion about Shock Jock Johnny because that's his only useable variation, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on his other Variation moves.
Lets discuss about his Showstopper moves. Say Cheese (Camera Flash) and Throwing Shades, along with the others. Rising Shoulder, Stunt Double, Pissed Off, and High/Low Forceballs.
I say this because I personally find most of these moves just as underwhelming as the Showstopper variation, but I hope these moves also get some attention before we make an unofficial judgement.
Pissed Off is a good combo ender and the damage is increased if Brass Knuckles are activated.
Rising Star works similarly to Flippy Kick, but it can also be used as a combo extender in the corner

Haven't bothered with the others

Brown Cow 54

Dojo Trainee
I just played a few and lost every one. The first match was against Scrub Zero. I somehow managed to overcome his poke spamming during the first match and I won. I rematched him even though he used a fatal blow, because I'm a nice guy. In the second match, he backed up and ran to full screen any chance he got just so he could spam ice balls. He only came forward when I was frozen. I tried the best that I could with "Johnny Cage's amazing force balls", but I wasn't able to block Sub Zero's Ice balls after I threw mine out. His hit me every time.
The next 3 matches were exactly the same against Geras, Noob, and Scarlet. If I applied pressure to Geras or Noob, they'd poke spam every time I engaged. Scarlet just abused her mixups while my top tier projectiles couldn't hurt her.
As the days go by it's getting much harder to win with Johnny. Everybody knows "tricks" that are spoken of here. Unplayable and unacceptable. I might just drop him entirely and move on until he gets fixed. I don't think it's fair that I actually have to think about what I'm doing and work 3 times as hard while my opponent just vomits out brain dead mixups, 50/50s, and pokes. Jacqui's muay thai moveset looks awesome. I might give her a go.
Why was Skarlet giving you trouble besides the obvious zoning? She’s my main and you mention mixups but she’s pretty much in the same boat as Johnny in that she doesn’t have any. Just block low and there is one very reactable overhead. Just seeing if I can help you out with her.


On The Grind
"Easier execution"? Potency and damage? Not sure what any of this means? Kabal gets about 280 for one bar, depending on his starter, and his b12- his best mid, doesn't combo properely at max distance. Noob gets around 330 for one bar iirc. Johnny gets 280 if we opt for the nutpunch, but he has combos as high as 320 if you use enders into shadow kick- also one bar.

"Jailing has limits" be specific here. Describe the limits. Cut the vague language, please.

And you think a mid fireball would be better? Statements like this make it really clear you aren't using it correctly. Johnny's fireball is undeniably better than the majority of the cast. It's an incredible tool in every regard as it is. Liu, Kabal, Noob etc do not have safe specials to cancel into, and their fireballs can be ducked in strings.

And I think comparing him to Geras/Scorp/Sonya/Erron is disingenuous. Comparing anyone else to the top tier will make your character look like shit. That's why people are eagerly waiting for NRS to tone down the top tiers. This couldn't have less to do with Johnny. It's a problem applicable to everyone outside those 5 or so characters. Johnny is right next to everyone else I've been naming in strength.

If you really want to argue he's THAT much weaker than everyone else- be specific. Tell us specifically what's messing you up in specific games. Don't say general things like: "he loses to d1 spam" or "Sub zero is a better character." I know not everyone can, but If you're able to, post a recording and show us someone hard counterplaying you. If you're doing everything right and losing, it'd be hard for anyone including me to argue against. Personally, I've been trying to get some games to record the last 2 days, but tbh my ranked games have either been vs females who I don't pick JC into, or they've been 3-0 washes not worth seeing (pcFGCmasterrace??). May just upload some sets I play with friends instead. Maybe I’ll stream.

People have posted vids showing Johnny's strength, I'd like to see some highlighting his weaknesses tbh. Imo there’re 5 charactersfar above everyone else. If we pretend those top 5 aren’t there (since nerfs will happen) and that you’re in a matchup where you’re forceballs don’t whiff crouchblock, Johnny is strong as shit.
I don't think you read my entire post. I've claimed several times that I think Johnny is the standard, I have not proclaimed him as weak. I'm highlighting the problem within this meta, while using Johnny as the example. Gotta read my whole post if you're going to come at me like that.

I am not looking for get good tips, I am not going into grave detail for a reason, I'm not trying to make it about that.

I am on the same view as many others.

Johnny really needs hitbox adjustments, KB rework, and I personally think he should have an OH presence, not saying it should be something you can combo from, but something along the lines of Skarlet for example. Jump OH is gimmick based and isn't a legit presence from my experience so far against better players.

I do think an amp'd mid projectile would be better, jailing fireball isn't great to me, the recovery doesn't make me excited either. I understand the application, I understand the point, I would rather have a mid still. I'm glad it fits into your play, It does mine at times too, I'm just not extremely high on it.

Jailing is only useful if you find a means to use it, so far, I have found that the jailing that he does have, isn't the easiest to accomplish against strong defensive players. Especially since you really just need to block low and wait for your turn. Sure, there are other things in which you can do, but my point, it's an uphill battle in the current meta.

Fista Cuff Buff would be useful in those situations but the startup/recovery on it is ass. Just ass. Throws are easily countered. I don't know. I just know it's so much harder in this meta to play with JC than some of the other characters on the roster. Which is my main point.

Like I said, JC should be the standard, not the character that needs an abundance of help. Balance. That's my issue. Just balance.

You can't ignore the top tier, which is also my point. You can say "Comparing anyone else to the top tier will make your character look like shit", but that is the current reality. You can't just pretend like that isn't what it is because it is...

Now that doesn't mean that the character actually is shit, however, they are in comparison. You can't ban characters, you have to play against them and often, again, it's a reality. So ignoring it would be the only disingenuous part of that for me.

I understand that JC has his strengths. He is a very good character outside of the meta characters right now.

Which is why my initial post stated that my rant was about the current state of the game and where Johnny Cage sits within that.

That's all.


On The Grind
Why was Skarlet giving you trouble besides the obvious zoning? She’s my main and you mention mixups but she’s pretty much in the same boat as Johnny in that she doesn’t have any. Just block low and there is one very reactable overhead. Just seeing if I can help you out with her.
At least your character has an OH to react to. ;)

Also, a very good low starter.
Also, awesome zoning tools.
Also, a much better parry.
Also, much better range.
Also, around the same damage.
Oh, a teleport is nice, yeah?
Better KB as well, not much better, but I would argue better.

She's a solid character for sure.

Brown Cow 54

Dojo Trainee
At least your character has an OH to react to. ;)

Also, a very good low starter.
Also, awesome zoning tools.
Also, a much better parry.
Also, much better range.
Also, around the same damage.
Oh, a teleport is nice, yeah?
Better KB as well, not much better, but I would argue better.

She's a solid character for sure.
I was just wanting to help him out if he was getting hit by something that’s not a real mixup. Not argue over whose character is better lol. Her KB are terrible though.