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Rumor: M11K to change combo system.


In all seriousness , though. More links can change things up , but I doubt NRS will ever get rid of dial-up.


This is my billionth life cycle.
Lol and Shujinkydink used to come in here and rant about all the other clickbaity NRS youtube channels, and how they were stealing his hard earned views on his "high-effort content." He's always been exactly the same.


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
The dial up combo straight ripped from Tekken ( even the notations are the same) is been apart of MK since 2002, some of us didnt liked,some did. I do see it happening, but It could possibly be a proximity style of combos,like in UMK3 perhaps with more of a autocombo feel to it..


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
One caveat to MK combo strings is that if you haven't played the game for a while, it's tough to come back and play a character that you used to be good at because you may not remember the sequence of the combo strings.
I have never had this problem. I play the character so much I'm not even remembering strings. My body just has the muscle memory. Five minutes and I'm blasting out all my bnbs like I just mastered them.
I know people that aren't like me though so I can understand it.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
If there is, any truth to this and not clickbait, what this might mean is, not every part of strings are a natural combo anymore and will only combo under certain conditions. With some other musings that the leaked ‘Krushing Blows’ might be NRS’ take on counter hits from other fighting games, the stars might align in that respect.

I would find this more believable if Dink didn’t use SF for comparison though, “trying to bring over players from Street Fighter” is some circa 2012 hustle at it’s finest lol. Much has changed in the fighting game market since then.

So yeah, don’t really see the point in investing stock in this when we’ll literally find out for ourselves in 5 days.


Soul Stealing Loyalist
It's about the timing to dial up in MK, you have to quickly press every button of a string by the time the first move comes out, in SC feels like the time to press a button to keep an on going string is more fluid.
I press the same way in Soul Calibur honestly, at least outside Maxi.


I don't believe they are changing the whole combo system, however, I do believe they are gonna implement some sort of counter hit mechanic to mitigate the very aesthetically unpleasant poke galore that both MKX and Injustice 2 are. I also believe they will implement some sort of "ultra combo-ish" comeback mechanic on the x-rays since they are cool but have very situational use in the game costing 3 bars for 30-35% dmg.


Play Monster Hunter!
The problem with NRS dial a combos is not that they are a string, strings themselves are fine, they work well in every other FG.

The issue with NRS strings is the input, having to "dial" the entire combo in before the first hit even lands.
It never really feels right, like you are not in control of your character, there is no real timing to it that makes any sense. They also have far too many strings for every character and it's just a waste of resources, so instead of having like 3 or 4 well animated cool moves, they have like 1, and then 9 shitty animated ugly attacks, which distracts from the game. There isn't a huge difference between them, and most of them go unused and never seen. I also hate the fact you can complete a string on wiff, it's annoying to do, and it's an eye sore when watching competitive gameplay.

If they are changing how the combo system works and moving away from strings, I don't see them ever going to Street Fighter style links. I can see them however going towards chain combos, which are also in SF and a shit ton of other games. In fact, MK4 had chain combos, there was a magic series path that let you chain your attacks together.

If they did that, it could still have the same combo flow of NRS games for the last 10 years or w/e.
Chain 1,2,4 then special launcher, then another 1,2,4 chain, and lots of juggles with specials and launchers.

What is going to be interesting to see is how canceling and combos actually work in the game.
In the past, hitstun doesn't actually let you combo, so if they are moving away from dialed combos, will everything combo into everything if hitstun allows it or will they still be artificial rules were only certain series of normals will chain based on whats programmed into the game hitstun be damned?

YoungTeezy 305

Work Hard Play Hard
The problem with NRS dial a combos is not that they are a string, strings themselves are fine, they work well in every other FG.

The issue with NRS strings is the input, having to "dial" the entire combo in before the first hit even lands.
It never really feels right, like you are not in control of your character, there is no real timing to it that makes any sense. They also have far too many strings for every character and it's just a waste of resources, so instead of having like 3 or 4 well animated cool moves, they have like 1, and then 9 shitty animated ugly attacks, which distracts from the game. There isn't a huge difference between them, and most of them go unused and never seen. I also hate the fact you can complete a string on wiff, it's annoying to do, and it's an eye sore when watching competitive gameplay.

If they are changing how the combo system works and moving away from strings, I don't see them ever going to Street Fighter style links. I can see them however going towards chain combos, which are also in SF and a shit ton of other games. In fact, MK4 had chain combos, there was a magic series path that let you chain your attacks together.

If they did that, it could still have the same combo flow of NRS games for the last 10 years or w/e.
Chain 1,2,4 then special launcher, then another 1,2,4 chain, and lots of juggles with specials and launchers.

What is going to be interesting to see is how canceling and combos actually work in the game.
In the past, hitstun doesn't actually let you combo, so if they are moving away from dialed combos, will everything combo into everything if hitstun allows it or will they still be artificial rules were only certain series of normals will chain based on whats programmed into the game hitstun be damned?
I disagree. Strings can be hit-confirmed and whiff punishing strings that are tossed out in neutral is really satisfying.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
The problem with NRS dial a combos is not that they are a string, strings themselves are fine, they work well in every other FG.

The issue with NRS strings is the input, having to "dial" the entire combo in before the first hit even lands.
It never really feels right, like you are not in control of your character, there is no real timing to it that makes any sense. They also have far too many strings for every character and it's just a waste of resources, so instead of having like 3 or 4 well animated cool moves, they have like 1, and then 9 shitty animated ugly attacks, which distracts from the game. There isn't a huge difference between them, and most of them go unused and never seen. I also hate the fact you can complete a string on wiff, it's annoying to do, and it's an eye sore when watching competitive gameplay.

If they are changing how the combo system works and moving away from strings, I don't see them ever going to Street Fighter style links. I can see them however going towards chain combos, which are also in SF and a shit ton of other games. In fact, MK4 had chain combos, there was a magic series path that let you chain your attacks together.

If they did that, it could still have the same combo flow of NRS games for the last 10 years or w/e.
Chain 1,2,4 then special launcher, then another 1,2,4 chain, and lots of juggles with specials and launchers.

What is going to be interesting to see is how canceling and combos actually work in the game.
In the past, hitstun doesn't actually let you combo, so if they are moving away from dialed combos, will everything combo into everything if hitstun allows it or will they still be artificial rules were only certain series of normals will chain based on whats programmed into the game hitstun be damned?
If this is real maybe they are changing the same way UMK3 dial system works.
Up close your character gets a different command normal and gets to use different starters to connect some stuff.


Use only logic, please
I disagree. Strings can be hit-confirmed and whiff punishing strings that are tossed out in neutral is really satisfying.
Actually, I've noticed the same thing as the Rathalos mentioned. It always felt unnatural to me that I had to input the entire combo string right after the first got lands or else the combo ended. It was as if I just hit them once and quickly imputed the string and then watch the combo auto play itself out. If they go to a chain combo system that would be awesome!

That would solve two problems:

1: Removes the rigid sytem and creates a natural progression combo system such as 1,3,2,4 and 1,2,4 and 1,3, 4, and 1,2,4 etc..etc... They could allow reverse beat at the cost of meter so that you could extend the chain and go back to a chain combo starter button such as 1 or 3. They could make attack 1 or 3 hit multiple times with a max of 3 possible weak hits so that combos such as 1,1,1 or 3,3,3 are possible but the push back will end the combo but you could still special cancel the last hit.

This would make combos such as 1,1,2 > special move > reverse beat cancel > 3,3, 4 > special move possible. There could be so many variations of this. Also, they could still allow for mixups within combos by allowing command normals such as overheads to be combined with chains.

2: Eliminate the need for scripted animations for combos. This will save the developers so much time due to no longer needing to obtain motion captured animations for all possible combos. Just capture the unique punches and kicks that will be used and animate them well.

This will remove the need to remember canned combo strings and add a ton more creativity to the system. Chain combos are much easier to perform than dialed combos. If you like the dialed combos of MK, you will love chain combos. The game will be infinitely easier to play with attack progression that goes from weak attacks to strong attacks.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Very odd. Obviously gonna wait for official news and everything, but if true it’s kinda like taking out the block button. The LAST thing MK should do is try to be like Street Fighter or any other game.

That said, if it turns out to be true, can’t really say much else until we see how it’s implemented and how it effects the meta. It’s a terrible idea but that doesn’t mean it will be terrible itself.


Use only logic, please
This is one of the reasons I love MK's combo system though. To make the character I'm playing doing all kinds of cool shit! I'd hate for them to stop doing that.
I completely understand. But it does create a restricting combo system. And for players like me it makes it tough to remember all the combo strings for all the characters that you use if you step away from the game for a while. Also, some attacks are only available as part of a string which makes some moves that are locked behind canned dial-a-combos, unused if the combo in question is mostly useless or unsafe.

I notice that many combo strings are never used during tournaments. Only the safe strings are used which limits the creativity of the player since there are so few safe string options. I know that this does not matter to many casual players and that's totally fine for them. But for players like me who compete in tournaments, it makes a difference in the desire to support the game for competitive play.

I'm a firm believer in supporting both casual and competitive players. Dragon Ball FighterZ did this very well. I don't see any reason why MK can't.
why change the game? mkx is the best mk ever ... I'm afraid they will destroy the game .... I'd much rather have seen DLC for mk 10, I'll wait until January 17th for I'm going to order mk 11

YoungTeezy 305

Work Hard Play Hard
I completely understand. But it does create a restricting combo system. And for players like me it makes it tough to remember all the combo strings for all the characters that you use if you step away from the game for a while. Also, some attacks are only available as part of a string which makes some moves that are locked behind canned dial-a-combos, unused if the combo in question is mostly useless or unsafe.

I notice that many combo strings are never used during tournaments. Only the safe strings are used which limits the creativity of the player since there are so few safe string options. I know that this does not matter to many casual players and that's totally fine for them. But for players like me who compete in tournaments, it makes a difference in the desire to support the game for competitive play.

I'm a firm believer in supporting both casual and competitive players. Dragon Ball FighterZ did this very well. I don't see any reason why MK can't.
You say that some animations are locked behind strings. The fact is there are only a set amount of initial hits and those already have their own animations. If anything, we are getting more variety with strings.

Also, the statement about forgetting strings after walking away from the game for a while seems odd. Why would NRS tailor their game to accommodate those who walk away from the game?