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Street Fighter V General Discussion


Mr. Righteous
What do you guys think of SF having guest characters? I'm not sure if they've ever been in one but seems most of the community would be against it? Just curious.
As long as its not Dante lol

But I JUST saw his trailer on my lunch break and he looks pretty good n bushy lol. I mean, am I the only one distracted by how his Kamehameha weave be flapping during his roll attacks? Regardless, everybody is gonna be playing either his nostalgia or his story outfit. Hell, make me even wanna try him lol
As long as its not Dante lol

But I JUST saw his trailer on my lunch break and he looks pretty good n bushy lol. I mean, am I the only one distracted by how his Kamehameha weave be flapping during his roll attacks? Regardless, everybody is gonna be playing either his nostalgia or his story outfit. Hell, make me even wanna try him lol
Lol, what you got against Dante? He only has a move for EVERYTHING lol. Yea blanka seems interesting, like a juggle monster as far as I can tell. Never played him though, I'm waiting for SAGAT and I wish they'd bring in fei long.


Mr. Righteous
Lol, what you got against Dante? He only has a move for EVERYTHING lol. Yea blanka seems interesting, like a juggle monster as far as I can tell. Never played him though, I'm waiting for SAGAT and I wish they'd bring in fei long.
And thats why i dont want Dante lol HES OP AS FUCK! Especially after the short run MVCi had, yeah...I'm Dante'ed out playa.

I love me some Blanka but not a fan of charged up characters. In other words, holding back then release. Interested to see how Faulke will play though. Something about a Bad bitch who wears blue lipstick with that 'I'm gonna fuck you up." look on her face. Its sessy ;)
And thats why i dont want Dante lol HES OP AS FUCK! Especially after the short run MVCi had, yeah...I'm Dante'ed out playa.

I love me some Blanka but not a fan of charged up characters. In other words, holding back then release. Interested to see how Faulke will play though. Something about a Bad bitch who wears blue lipstick with that 'I'm gonna fuck you up." look on her face. Its sessy ;)
Laura>any other female character, except kitana!


I'd hate it. There are so many characters I want back or that I want to debut in SF, that I'd be pretty pissed about guest characters.
Exactly. I'd actually applaud Capcom if they didn't play follow the leader and start putting in guests just because other companies are doing so with their fighting games.

FL Rushdown

Thanks too man, but what do you mean by depends on the input?
A tiger knee input used to be that input specifically. But now it’s just a special way to input moves so there can be variations. You’ll here people say tiger knee gale etc when talking about sims instant air gale when it starts with a forward. Or tiger knee legs from chun which most people input as ⬇↘➡↗↙ Since it has a height restriction the down back helps you time it to be as low as possible without going too low.
A tiger knee input used to be that input specifically. But now it’s just a special way to input moves so there can be variations. You’ll here people say tiger knee gale etc when talking about sims instant air gale when it starts with a forward. Or tiger knee legs from chun which most people input as ⬇↘➡↗↙ Since it has a height restriction the down back helps you time it to be as low as possible without going too low.
Ah ok I see. Thanks again.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Guys, how do you do a tiger knee? Is it like a iafb? I've read some time ago but can't recall if it's ↙⬇↘➡↗ Or ⬇↘➡↗, basically where do I start, down or down back?
Is this for SFIV Sagat? I remember when Ricki was on Cross Counter she explained how to do a Tiger Knee one time. If that's what you're asking I can tell you what she said.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Thanks bro, for a second I thought a tiger knee and a instant air fireball were the same thing.
Any time, dude! And I think the confusion comes into play because “tiger-kneeing” an instant air move is a way to get it to come out quicker, essentially.

Instead of jumping forward and then executing a fireball motion when you’re already in the air, which would have your move come out however many frames later it takes you to perform the motion, you do a tigerknee input and hold that up-forward motion at the end of it a split second before hitting the corresponding button.

What happens if you do it right is you’ll jump and immediately perform the instant air move because the motion for it was already buffered in before you jumped (instead of after, which again would result in it coming out later in the jump).

Hope that makes sense!