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Net Neutrality: What is all the talk about?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
this is about net neutrality.....

and yet were talking about poverty, and how anyone can get themselves out of it and make a decent living, with just a diploma....


were not all as lucky as you to know a person who knows a person who knows a person.

not that you need a college degree to be successful, its just difficult in general.

i'm also sick of that whole pick yourself up by the bootstraps attitude as well. Sure you can work 2-3 low paying jobs to try and make your life better, but the toll that takes on you just isnt worth it, especially if you work something ridiculous like 80 hrs a week.
I used to work 70 hour weeks. It was the best time of my life. I didn’t have a lot of free time but I sure did have a lot of money. I could basically get anything I needed or wanted when I needed or wanted it. I only had Sunday’s off, but if we were allowed to work Sunday’s I woulda worked Sunday’s as well. Working those hours isn’t bad when you like your job and co-workers.


I used to work 70 hour weeks. It was the best time of my life. I didn’t have a lot of free time but I sure did have a lot of money. I could basically get anything I needed or wanted when I needed or wanted it. I only had Sunday’s off, but if we were allowed to work Sunday’s I woulda worked Sunday’s as well. Working those hours isn’t bad when you like your job and co-workers.
It's especially not bad when you get that paycheck. I'm a big fan of over time. I love my job and co-workers, which makes it much easier to do. It may suck at times (being tired, sore, etc), but it's worth it on payday.


You actually haven't brought up a single study, you just say things that you think are true lmao, bring up some things for me to look at it ,because most of what you said are assumptions and just arent true for the whole of America. Does america have really poor people? sure it does im not and never have denied that, and yes as far as net neutrality goes I want it to stay. And again you saying this is just false again, I actually brought studies by websites like forbes, many politicians and people discussing this usually use them as a reliable source, so again unless you have a reliable to source to show otherwise you are wrong, again for like the 3rd time il site it again but a person at 60 percent median income almost makes as much as a person living on median income in places like Germany so again what you say is false. While im sure there are some people in rural america that live poorly thats not the majority at all lol, and again that isnt even a fact like every time you have made an argument in this post, its made up off assumptions and things you believe are true, but no actual substance to back it up. Sure there are the Scandinavian countries with obscenely high tax rates and many people cant even afford cars, as far as advanced goes, yah not nearly as advanced as far as America goes in terms of everything i mentioned previously. America may not haven't invented the Revolution but i guarantee you that it inspired more people than any other previously, and it was definitely the most influential. The circumstances behind it are far more different it was an underdeveloped nation that defeated the most powerful empire in the world at the time Great Britain. Wow again another falsehood you perpetuate while providing no evidence, so please tell me exactly when America was the fire starter, was it when it helped stopped the spread of communism, helped many countries establish democratic governments and many of them prosper today, take south Korea for example which is now an advanced, democratic country because of America, or is America the biggest fire starter when it send the most to relief efforts around the world, or maybe it was the Monroe doctrine when America stomped its foot down to other countries trying to colonize the Americas, it also has the most diplomatic relationships in the world, helped win 2 world wars, and is considered as ive stated previously a safe haven around the world, but yah America def the fire starters. Well you dont need to deny any of the achievements because again as a 1st world country goes, it has more than basically all of them, because again thats what America inspires.And also literally one of my first posts again said how I agree with keeping net neutrality, so yah.

about that study: does it also consider that things like healthcare and university are basically free in almost all of europe and rent is way cheaper? but im also not saying that europe is perfect, actually i blame massive cuts in social security since 2005 for a downfall thats going on. income inequality is on the rise in europe big time.

About the fire starter thing: america is basically responsible for the whole middle east and terrorism situation, beginning at destabilizing the iranian secular democracy (yes you read that right) ín the 1950s which the CIA admitted as you can even read in the guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/19/cia-admits-role-1953-iranian-coup
its up to yourself to research the whole chain of events this got going, cumulating in the rise of the islamic state. and also, plese dont tell me vietnam was a legit military intervention.

and communsim, yeah, stalins ill-advised communistic dictature was surely stopped for good. that does not mean that any form of regulation for the good of the political community of a country needs to be abandoned.

Esruck Cype

...or just call me E.C.
Net neutrality does not fix the problem of big business lobbying to stop there competition. This is the overall problem in America.
This post and Tony at Home are some of the shining examples in this thread of arguing socioeconomic and geopolitical issues with people that aren't even old enough to vote.

There is one clear side against net neutrality, and ISPs have been going after new media for years as cord-cutting keeps getting bigger and bigger. If you are actually old enough to vote (or not, even), contact your Congress-critter and threaten their term if they don't stop this, especially if you live in a red state

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
I used to work 70 hour weeks. It was the best time of my life. I didn’t have a lot of free time but I sure did have a lot of money. I could basically get anything I needed or wanted when I needed or wanted it. I only had Sunday’s off, but if we were allowed to work Sunday’s I woulda worked Sunday’s as well. Working those hours isn’t bad when you like your job and co-workers.
I've had shitty experience that would legit require counciling if I had to work 80 hrs, I just want a decent 40 hour job, nthx on working that much


Master of Kombat(frauds)
about that study: does it also consider that things like healthcare and university are basically free in almost all of europe and rent is way cheaper? but im also not saying that europe is perfect, actually i blame massive cuts in social security since 2005 for a downfall thats going on. income inequality is on the rise in europe big time.

About the fire starter thing: america is basically responsible for the whole middle east and terrorism situation, beginning at destabilizing the iranian secular democracy (yes you read that right) ín the 1950s which the CIA admitted as you can even read in the guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/19/cia-admits-role-1953-iranian-coup
its up to yourself to research the whole chain of events this got going, cumulating in the rise of the islamic state. and also, plese dont tell me vietnam was a legit military intervention.

and communsim, yeah, stalins ill-advised communistic dictature was surely stopped for good. that does not mean that any form of regulation for the good of the political community of a country needs to be abandoned.
The study, which based on what you said and how you responded you did not read. Second of all that has nothing to do with how much poor people in the U.S make/live, im also not trying to start an argument on healthcare, or university, all i said was poor people in the u.s make almost as much as the middle class of Europe which is a fact. Also about the whole firestarter stuff, sure the U.S has messed up before sure, but again as far as foreign aide and diplomatic relations go the U.S has helped the world immensely, so no through history they are not the fire starters.

Esruck Cype

...or just call me E.C.
You'd be surprised what a job that you really enjoy will do to change your mind.
Never worked a 60+ week job, but did have to work almost 72 hours straight as a semi-underpayed independent contractor for a tech startup to help build the company with people I liked for a project I enjoyed. Still one of my best experiences in the American workforce. YMMV

Esruck Cype

...or just call me E.C.
The regulations went into place after their was a string of incidents showing the classifcation was needed.
I think you guys are indeed on both sides, but I'd like to offer an olive-branch additive. Even if net neutrality controls were recent, history has usually shown that laws can be reactive rather than proactive. Anti-trust protections were put in place when companies started trying to corner markets when new resources/tech were discovered. Even if they weren't in place before because no issues never came up before, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be now.

I'm sure early developing societies didn't have a "don't kill people" until a few malcontents decided to kill people with impunity and ruin things for everybody until enough people decided "hey, don't kill people; it's bad for society"

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
I'm just glad I don't gotta pay 42% of annual income in taxes since I make over 52k like some countries. Specifically Germany. It's hilarious to think you're considered wealthy when you don't even make 6 figures.

Esruck Cype

...or just call me E.C.
I was top of the food chain when I still lived in Mississippi and made 70K. Yet, teachers in Silicon Valley make 6 figures are considered lower middle class. This is the same country. Not every place is the same.

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
I was top of the food chain when I still lived in Mississippi and made 70K. Yet, teachers in Silicon Valley make 6 figures are considered lower middle class. This is the same country. Not every place is the same.
Yeah but also the US is also a lot bigger so state taxes are gonna play a part here my post was in reference to federal government tax


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Yeah but also the US is also a lot bigger so state taxes are gonna play a part here my post was in reference to federal government tax
Let’s all just move to Florida where they don’t have an income tax. I mean my Sister and Brother-in-law make like $300k a year combined and I have to pay more taxes than they do and I don’t even make half of that.


bye felicia
The reason net neutrality is going to fail is because y'all couldn't go 2 pages without turning reasonable political discourse into OMG COUNTRY WARZ and now we're on page seven of arguing wether or not you can get a job in america. I look forward to paying for google cause people would rather do this than vote.


oh and about that forbes article: its apparently based on widely accepted numbers, but its conclusions are so far-fetched that i have to doubt the way they were calculated. the article literally claims that this guy:

is actually equally wealthy as this guy:

The exact Quote is: "Even if you're stuck in the bottom 5% of the US income distribution your standard of living is about equal to that of the top 5% of Indians"
considering this, the numbers really have to be rechecked.
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A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
To say america is lowtier is false lmao, as far as 1st world countries go America is great, again there is a reason people go to America to get out of poverty,escape religous persectuion, etc and this is shown now and throughout all of history. America while having a higher poverty rate than some other 1st world countries , people living in poverty in America have better lives than middle class of other countries, a person a 60 percent median income in America makes almost as much as the middle class in the UK,italy,germany,spain,and more. Il link the studies below,and of course it was great, throughout history America has inspired people to rebel against unfair tyranny in their own countries, in the past, many revolutions that happened in latin America , where inspired by the American Revolution. The short violent history? sure America has had racism in the past, but thats not what America was known for, America helped win the ww2 without it the allies would have most likely lost, America helped stopped the spread of communism, America holds the most physical endurance records,nobel peace prizes, innovations, most of the inventions you use now, the fact that they are basically the leader of the free world and are the largest peace keeping force in the world, so again how is America a lowtier 1st world country. And the U.S was not built on the backs of slaves at all, nearly every country at the time had slavery as well, america was built on principles of rising up through hard work, the american dream etc, the american dream is again why the U.S is the leader in so many fields and why it is the wealthiest and most influential nation on earth, and again when people think of coming to a better life they think of America.

You don't need to link me to studies lol.

You don't have to be particularly well informed to notice the difference in lifestyles in America in comparison to other countries, especially if you've been to all of these countries.

A good way to open your eyes would be see how well you fare surviving in your own country on your own for x amount of time, then try it again in another country. A study won't show you truth of living it.

America doesn't even have a minimum wage do you?

Also to deny the fact America was built on the backs of slaves is actually insane, and to think your countries wealth is legitimate or on your own backs, it's not. It's through war and slavery. But since slavery isn't American anymore, war will have to do.

There's plenty of reasons why America isn't great, and isn't a top tier 1st world country. But I only have this opinion based on experience with America and plenty of other countries first hand.

America is good, but overhyped, not the safest country by a long shot, designed to milk you dry/kill you. But at least it's not an existence like living in Mexico being beheaded for just knowing the wrong people
You don't need to link me to studies lol.

You don't have to be particularly well informed to notice the difference in lifestyles in America in comparison to other countries, especially if you've been to all of these countries.

A good way to open your eyes would be see how well you fare surviving in your own country on your own for x amount of time, then try it again in another country. A study won't show you truth of living it.

America doesn't even have a minimum wage do you?

Also to deny the fact America was built on the backs of slaves is actually insane, and to think your countries wealth is legitimate or on your own backs, it's not. It's through war and slavery. But since slavery isn't American anymore, war will have to do.

There's plenty of reasons why America isn't great, and isn't a top tier 1st world country. But I only have this opinion based on experience with America and plenty of other countries first hand.

America is good, but overhyped, not the safest country by a long shot, designed to milk you dry/kill you. But at least it's not an existence like living in Mexico being beheaded for just knowing the wrong people
built on slaves? so was rome, SO WAS ENGLAND, so was Egypt, so was Russia so is north korea so is pretty much every developed country in the world. unfortunately.

there is something in which there is no cure and there never will be. its called the human condition.

I have been to almost every major country in the world. America is the best place to live and provides the most opportunity despite what propaganda says. yes there are major issues in this country just like every other one.

question our freedom? go to Saudi Arabia and kiss your girl friend on the street or make a post on facebook about being gay. we live in a country were you can say f u to the president right on twitter using your real name and nothing happens. try that in Russia. et cetera et cetera et cetera

to be clear I am not saying yeah murica and everywhere else sucks. there are many many places in this world that are safe and just fine to live.
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oh and about that forbes article: its apparently based on widely accepted numbers, but its conclusions are so far-fetched that i have to doubt the way they were calculated. the article literally claims that this guy:

is actually equally wealthy as this guy:

The exact Quote is: "Even if you're stuck in the bottom 5% of the US income distribution your standard of living is about equal to that of the top 5% of Indians"
considering this, the numbers really have to be rechecked.
poverty in the united states still means a place to live, cable, cell phone and free money from the government to buy alcohol if you want. strange


Administrator and Community Engineer
America doesn't even have a minimum wage do you?
Google would have solved that for you (but yes, we do) :D

It's not high enough across the board imo -- but it does exist.

Agreed on not being very safe for a first-world country.
Agreed on the general standard of living being lower, with the caveat that the standard of living can become amazing if you're willing to do what's necessary to put yourself in a higher-income bracket.

I think the best part about the USA is the Opportunity -- but opportunity by definition isn't something that's automatically paid out for everyone; you have to take advantage of it in order to get the benefits. We are quite possibly #1 for opportunity in the world, though not for general standard of living.