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Fighter Pack 2 Revealed for Injustice 2


That May 27 date HAS to be a mistake. Thats freaking next year! No way.

So my guess is that Manta is going to play similar to predator (without the traps), Hellboy will be a rushdown/grappler (similar to Bane, maybe) and Raiden will just be Raiden.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
lul bro come on. who is this tyler landsdown?

hiding behind the old "something makes money = must be good" is the lamest argument for quality. the guest characters are there for the casuals to play with for a week while the rest of us are stuck with them. you think i just dislike leatherface, alien, predator, or whatever is missing the point. the characters are fine in their movies, just not in this game... we're not all nrs fanboys my man sorry
If you can't realize why WB would want to use guest characters and why it does make sense for them, you got some real issues. Of course that it is more suitable to the casuals then the competitive players, but they are the majority, and therefore they give WB more money, and that's what the guest characters are for, to make more money out of the casuals. So you joke about my argument, calling it lame, yet you indirectly just proved my argument.

Oh and I'm not a fan boy. In fact this move of adding Raiden is a WB move, so that would be more of a protection for WB then NRS, and I'm not a WB fan boy at all, I'm fully aware of the questionable things that WB did in the past, like every video game publisher out there. you just a complainer. who can't see when it's an NRS move and when it is a WB move in order to know where to point your finger on, just like pretty much 95% of the gaming community, sadly.

And I never said you dislike the characters, all I said that it is very fitting to put gory and bloody characters in a MORTAL KOMBAT game while also getting extra cash from the casuals who like them or expected them to be there. And it's not like that there are no MK die-hard fans who aren't fans of these characters, or DC die-hard fans who aren't fans of the guest characters in IJ2.


Beware my power.
I'm glad Hellboy and BM are cool enough to cancel out the wasted roster spot that raiden takes up.

Hopefully they round out the last 3 character with..

The Atom
Dr Manhattan/The comedian
Returning Inj1 char (Sinestro/Lex)


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
That May 27 date HAS to be a mistake. Thats freaking next year! No way.

So my guess is that Manta is going to play similar to predator (without the traps), Hellboy will be a rushdown/grappler (similar to Bane, maybe) and Raiden will just be Raiden.
Judging by their abilities...

BM will be a hybrid of Cyborg and Deadshot. I don't know who really he is, as I have never seen him before. He will be a zoner.

Hellboy will be most likely as you described. A grappler. I believe he will be a counter-grappler. He will, also, have some zoning stuff, as I know that he has weapons for his left hand. So he will be an all-rounder, I believe.

Raiden will be most likely a mix of all the MKX variations, just like what happened to Subby. I believe that he will be the Displacer one with Thunder God as the main stuff. I believe that his Master of Storms variation will be the gear abilities.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
If you can't realize why WB would want to use guest characters and why it does make sense for them, you got some real issues. Of course that it is more suitable to the casuals then the competitive players, but they are the majority, and therefore then give WB more money, and that's what the guest characters are for, to make more money out of the casuals. So you joke about my argument, calling it lame, yet you indirectly just proved my argument.

Oh and I'm not a fan boy. In fact this move of adding Raiden is a WB move, so that would be more of a protection for WB then NRS, and I'm not a WB fan boy at all, I'm fully aware of the questionable things that WB did in the past, like every video game publisher out there. you just a complainer. who can't see when it's an NRS move and when it is a WB move in order to know where to point your finger on, just like pretty much 95% of the gaming community, sadly.
if you cant realize that i know why they would put guests in the game and yet dont like it then idk what to tell you. not gonna praise nrs, ( yes a company owned by wb the distinction is irrelevant so who cares) on a decision i dont like just because they'll earn a quick buck with guests over a character from the DC universe in ther DC game and want dc fans actually want like some cuck lul.

also sorry buddy this time around i think people are sick of guests and its showing from this site, reddit, to youtube etc. and ur def a fanboy trust me nobody who isnt wouldnt go to bat this hard coming wih the "hey come on its warner bros, not nrs u guise pls understand their feelings " whiteknighting lul

its embarrassing

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which casual likes/knows about Hellboy? that was 17years ago, kid nowadays don't know him.
First Hellboy movie was 13 years ago not 17, second movie was 9 years ago, come on man its simple maths.

Hellboy is also getting a new movie which a lot of people have been talking about, I think a lot of the casual fanbase knows more about Hellboy than, Black Adam, or Manta, or Spawn.


First Hellboy movie was 13 years ago not 17, second movie was 9 years ago, come on man its simple maths.

Hellboy is also getting a new movie which a lot of people have been talking about, I think a lot of the casual fanbase knows more about Hellboy than, Black Adam, or Manta, or Spawn.

Don't overlook spawn now


It's all so very confusing.
Hype for Hellboy. Black Manta is interesting in a hermit crab kinda way - so ugly he's kinda cute. Raiden I couldn't give two shits about if my multiverse me and I met and ate Taco Bell together.. bleh. Super fucking bleh.

But.. is anyone else oddly.annoyed as shit that Helboy seems to.be smoking a huge cigarette and not a damn cigar? I don't know why but that bugs the shit out of me.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
if you cant realize that i know why they would put guests in the game and yet dont like it then idk what to tell you. not gonna praise nrs, ( yes a company owned by wb the distinction is irrelevant so who cares) on a decision i dont like just because they'll earn a quick buck with guests over a character from the DC universe in ther DC game and want dc fans actually want like some cuck lul.

also sorry buddy this time around i think people are sick of guests and its showing from this site, reddit, to youtube etc. and ur def a fanboy trust me nobody who isnt wouldnt go to bat this hard coming wih the "hey come on its warner bros, not nrs u guise pls understand their feelings " whiteknighting lul
Oh you do know, but at the end you don't realize that the reason that you do know comes of the another reason that I know that exist in addition to that reason, and you know that too, but you think that it is irralvent. And yes the ownership is VERY relevant, if it wasn't like that, then not only we wouldn't have IJ1 or IJ2 (probably), but both MK9 and MKX would've been very different. All of the decisions regarding the DLC, including the guest characters, are coming from WB, NRS most likely have only very little power regarding that. It is WB's decesion, yet you, like pretty everyone else, continue with this stupid notion that just because Ed Boon is at NRS, that means that NRS are calling the final shots because Ed Boon is the creator of MK.

Let me give you a reality check: Ed Boon indeed created MK along with John Tobias, but neither of them owned MK back in the 90's, Midway did, and when Midway got bankrupt, WB bought the rights to MK, and they hired Ed Boon because they knew that only Ed Boon can make MK games the way they should be. So are WB do use their influence to add some cash-ins like guest characters? Yes they do, and it's their final decisions to decided which guest characters to put and how many. Even if Ed Boon or NRS themselves want to put a guest character on their own accord, they can't put it there without permission from WB. And even with all of WB's influence, at least they were smart enough to let Ed Boon to work on the new MK games and not be like what Konami eventually did with Kojima and the Metal Gear series (and no I'm not a Metal Gear fan at all, I never played any Metal Gear game, I'm just using it as an example), and without WB, all of the pot bonuses for tournies that you and the competitive players care about so much, won't be available for tournies.

And trust me, people already complained about guest characters for a long time yet they come up to like them. Leatherface turned out to be very fun to play (hell I like now out of all the guest characters), Jason is also pretty fun to use, and A LOT of people have requested Predator and Alien. And now Raiden and Hellboy, Raiden was expected and had enough requests, and Hellboy is a really nice addition to the roster. Not everyone is gonna like it, but embarrassing? Laughing my fucking ass off!

And no, I'm not a fanboy of NRS if I'm giving you obvious facts that would more likely protect another company instead of NRS and that is WB and I'n not a fanboy of them either. Please learn to differ between them before you're gonna say anything.

NRS: "Returning characters cant be DLC because we dont like to make people pay extra for a character theyve already played"

Also NRS: "That'll be 5 bucks a pop for these MKX characters"

At least Manta and Hellboy are hype
Ed Boon meant for returning characters that were already DLC in the past, like if Kenshi was a DLC character in MK9, he wouldn't be a DLC character again but he can be core roster character. Sub-Zero and Raiden never were DLC characters so they can use them, but they aren't gonna add characters like Zod or Lobo who were already DLC characters.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Black Manta was the only "good" thing today.

I don't mind Hellboy.though.

Fighter pack 3 is going to have to be the God of all reveals because the potential here is wasted.. Again.

This definitely almost confirms Atom for FP3 now because the silhouettes can be trusted.

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