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Street Fighter V General Discussion

Let me start by saying I like having characters that excel at stuff. I want some less restrictions on v-trigger. We shouldn't have every overhead be unsafe. I like a little crazy in my fighter. But Capcom fucks up using crazy.

I think the invisible wall should've stayed. I think the biggest issue people had fighting her, besides mixups, was how easy you could use f+MP. I think they took away too many things from Mika and now she's dull. Look at anyone playing her, Cr.LK/LP/MK, st.MK, Dash, and splash of HK. She's streamlined in every part of the game. Her approach, neutral, offense. She didn't end up balanced to me. She just ended up less.

F.A.N.G. still has an interesting spacing game and specials. He's pretty simple but to win I have to stay on my toes and that's fun to me.

M.Bison became more interesting. I still like the challenge of not having a dumbass jab to handle everything in the air. In a simple game like SF that is number one thing I find boring.

Kolin got too many interesting things going on. Movement, parries, ice ball setups, weird frames/spacing on normals.

I used to not like playing Cammy cause I found her too straightforward. Then I found some fun things to focus on like anti-fireball moves (shoutouts to xiao hai) and cr.mk confirms. But I'm bored of that now and moving on.

Juri is fun but it's just not working out. But that's a whole other post.

I don't want to be a jackass who just plays Urien anyways. It's what happens to 100% of Akuma players not named Tokido or Chris Hu.
Man I don't just play Urien lol. I probably use more characters in sets than anyone else here lol.


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!


Street Fighter V CFN Beta Test Results and Season 2 Balance Update
Wednesday, April 19, 2017, 9:47 AM [General]
Posted By: Harrison

Hey everybody!

Thank you to everybody who took the new Capcom Fighters Network (CFN) and the new Season 2 Balance Updates for a spin during the PC Beta Test. We wanted to give everybody an update on the current status of these and the next Season 2 DLC character. Hit the jump for full details.

We are happy to announce the test has allowed us to make further adjustments to optimize the new CFN.

We know you’re all very eager for the new CFN but we also want to ensure it meets all of our expectations before it officially launches. In order to help us get the new CFN to where it needs to be, we are looking into conducting an additional Beta Test soon. In case you missed what the new CFN entails, check out our previous blogpost here.

For the potential additional Beta Test, current and new players will be able to participate in the beta for FREE and all released characters will be unlocked for play for the duration of the test, including the next Season 2 DLC character.

The identity of the new Street Fighter V character will be revealed soon.

Also, closely tied to the new CFN are the new Season 2 Balance Updates and the next Season 2 DLC Character.

For the full list of balance changes, check out our previous blogpost here.

These additional balance changes and the next Season 2 DLC character were originally planned to launch at the end of April. Since both of these were developed under the new CFN infrastructure, they have to release alongside the new CFN when it is ready.

More details and the exact timing of the next CFN Beta Test will be announced in the coming weeks.

Thank you all once again for helping us make the new CFN the best it can be.

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So the April update got Delayed and they are sending out another Beta test TBA. I hope this beta is at least on Console too and they made some more changes to the balance patch to address the low tiers.
Yea I'm excited to see how these changes affect each character and see if maybe low tiers get a little more buff.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Honestly I think Season 1 was fine. All they had to do was buff the low tier to compete with the top tiers. That is all. I honestly don't understand whats going on with Capcom right now. I love this game and want it to succeed. But I don't understand what's going on right now with the game.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
What changes do you guys think made him worse in season 2? What would you buff him with in the next patch?
I'm not good enough to tell you what I think he needs tbh. I was never an infiltration style dash happy nash. I did use his v reversal and v trigger a lot, and those being slower/ more punishable affected me more.


It's all so very confusing.


Street Fighter V CFN Beta Test Results and Season 2 Balance Update
Wednesday, April 19, 2017, 9:47 AM [General]
Posted By: Harrison

Hey everybody!

Thank you to everybody who took the new Capcom Fighters Network (CFN) and the new Season 2 Balance Updates for a spin during the PC Beta Test. We wanted to give everybody an update on the current status of these and the next Season 2 DLC character. Hit the jump for full details.

We are happy to announce the test has allowed us to make further adjustments to optimize the new CFN.

We know you’re all very eager for the new CFN but we also want to ensure it meets all of our expectations before it officially launches. In order to help us get the new CFN to where it needs to be, we are looking into conducting an additional Beta Test soon. In case you missed what the new CFN entails, check out our previous blogpost here.

For the potential additional Beta Test, current and new players will be able to participate in the beta for FREE and all released characters will be unlocked for play for the duration of the test, including the next Season 2 DLC character.

The identity of the new Street Fighter V character will be revealed soon.

Also, closely tied to the new CFN are the new Season 2 Balance Updates and the next Season 2 DLC Character.

For the full list of balance changes, check out our previous blogpost here.

These additional balance changes and the next Season 2 DLC character were originally planned to launch at the end of April. Since both of these were developed under the new CFN infrastructure, they have to release alongside the new CFN when it is ready.

More details and the exact timing of the next CFN Beta Test will be announced in the coming weeks.

Thank you all once again for helping us make the new CFN the best it can be.


Oh Capcom, why you so shit?

So.. I'm not terribly upset by this I guess. I mean, I am, because the failures are just so constant with them it's become super hard to keep from just hitting the uninstall button out of utter disgust, but I feel like the update we had coming wasn't a very good one to begin with.

Now, @FL Rushdown I went back and looked at Laura changes after you I said they didn't matter and you said they did. I dunno why I but for some reason I hadn't put the active frames Nerf thing in the right perspective and didn't realize it effected her meaty pressure. So that's good. A thing that needs to happen.

But a lot of the rest? I mean, I don't see any shakeups happening. Vega was getting some really interesting shit, bit by an large the heavies stayed heavies and the shitters stayed shitty.. Fang may have gotten some decent shit but I can't pretend to know how his changes affect him. Cammy getting 'buffed' , Rog getting a noticeable nerf but no where near what was needed, Gief getting even more absurd, on and on. Guile took a hit (needed or not) and so on.

I just feel like the balance side of the patch was bizarre and extremely disconnected from the reality of the game in a ton of ways. It just SCREAMED corporate blindness to me.. and then I found out that the cfn update wasn't improved netcode just marginally less terrible servers. This new one being connected to the wall jack at the Starbucks down the street as opposed to by wifi on the table in the corner.

Maybe. Maybe. They will address the balance side of this patch now that it's been pushed back, and maybe, just maybe, make a better decision or two. I'm not holding my breath, but maybe.

But I do love how they tell us we can beta test it for FREE! Like that's some amazing gift to reward us for our devotion and patience. Wowzers Capcom, after shitting all over the community and listening to essentially nothing that day and bring incredibly silent about everything and failing utterly to communicate and releasing a shit game in a shit state and improving very little and having one of the most laughable infrastructures in Fgs today - THANK YOU for allowing me to save you all money by beta testing shit for you, shit that you don't give a damn what my feedback is, so while testing I don't have a meaningful voice to at least help drive dev direction! Thanks Capcom!!!!
Nice, I'm a bit confused about the inputs though, can you dumb it down for me? Did you do a vskill~punch~dash~raging demon?
for dash up demons you can do them two ways either do Fw,d Fwd, dash starts lp, lp, Fwd, lk, hp buffer as much of it as you can behind the dash if not all of it as long as you can press it during the recovery frames of the dash you wont have any normal come out(you can do the hp after the dash ends since that will start the demon not your normal. or you can plink them which is what I usually do. so its Fwd, Fwd (dash starts) 3x punch button (1 frame gap) mk, fwd, lk, hp. when you input the buttons like that one frame apart you get that weird looking inpuit where it doubles the 3x punch buttons. you can plink it with other buttons I just use mk because its how you input parry into demon so the muscle memory is consistent.

also heres a pseudo gimmicky setup for ya as well.
your meaty is perfectly timed for all of them but you have to watch to see what tech roll they use its easy to spot since their wakeup is what determines what side you end up on. if they don't know whats going on or are particularly fond of a specific wakup option you can abuse them.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Oh Capcom, why you so shit?

So.. I'm not terribly upset by this I guess. I mean, I am, because the failures are just so constant with them it's become super hard to keep from just hitting the uninstall button out of utter disgust, but I feel like the update we had coming wasn't a very good one to begin with.

Now, @FL Rushdown I went back and looked at Laura changes after you I said they didn't matter and you said they did. I dunno why I but for some reason I hadn't put the active frames Nerf thing in the right perspective and didn't realize it effected her meaty pressure. So that's good. A thing that needs to happen.

But a lot of the rest? I mean, I don't see any shakeups happening. Vega was getting some really interesting shit, bit by an large the heavies stayed heavies and the shitters stayed shitty.. Fang may have gotten some decent shit but I can't pretend to know how his changes affect him. Cammy getting 'buffed' , Rog getting a noticeable nerf but no where near what was needed, Gief getting even more absurd, on and on. Guile took a hit (needed or not) and so on.

I just feel like the balance side of the patch was bizarre and extremely disconnected from the reality of the game in a ton of ways. It just SCREAMED corporate blindness to me.. and then I found out that the cfn update wasn't improved netcode just marginally less terrible servers. This new one being connected to the wall jack at the Starbucks down the street as opposed to by wifi on the table in the corner.

Maybe. Maybe. They will address the balance side of this patch now that it's been pushed back, and maybe, just maybe, make a better decision or two. I'm not holding my breath, but maybe.

But I do love how they tell us we can beta test it for FREE! Like that's some amazing gift to reward us for our devotion and patience. Wowzers Capcom, after shitting all over the community and listening to essentially nothing that day and bring incredibly silent about everything and failing utterly to communicate and releasing a shit game in a shit state and improving very little and having one of the most laughable infrastructures in Fgs today - THANK YOU for allowing me to save you all money by beta testing shit for you, shit that you don't give a damn what my feedback is, so while testing I don't have a meaningful voice to at least help drive dev direction! Thanks Capcom!!!!
Vega's changes basically read to me "Claw Stance is now not so shit that it's even worth taking risks early on to get out of". It's still the first thing I'm going to be doing when I get the chance (and they literally the st.HP Claw Switch to do so), I'm just not going to do it first thing in the round any more. I don't expect to see much gains from Vega over this patch