1) GTA 5
2) Saints Row 3
3) Saints Row 4
4) Max payne 3
P.S. If MKX would had some kinda mods, trainers, programms and you can change characters framedata (+ - frames on block, on hit, startup frames e.t.c.) and for example make Kung Lao's s1 6 fr, f1 9 fr combostarter, b3 13 fr, f3 15 fr, f4 13 fr -6 on block, armor on spin for two meters, and make Raiden's f2 10 fr -3, d4 11 fr -8, df2 shocker -5, ex db2 VB knock downs -7 on block, like you want and play, MKX would have some more longevity. And would be in the top 5 or maybe even in top 2.