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Street Fighter V General Discussion


It's all so very confusing.
How is Rog supposed to be fun to play. I honestly don't get it. Every single Rog plays the same game and does the same two combos with the same string into trigger. Seriously. He doesn't even have anything for me to lab. Anyone that can enjoy that character..... ugh.
I myself, thoroughly enjoy him.


It's all so very confusing.
I liked the tick throw game and the different ways to get in. One hit confirms into dash punch. Crazy offensive. And I wasn't even using TAP and his improved trigger stuff. He's great to play if you want to focus on maximizing aspects of your game. Simple and effective.

To me Rog is an attitude. He's simple and straight forward. You don't have to think k about angles and timing for AAS, or long consideration on what combo or version of combo to use after a confirm (and by confirm I mean GOD DAMN COMMITMENT), you just punch a mother fucker in the face. The cleanliness of a well played Rog match is refreshing to me and the intimidation and pressure is just nice. Rog gets a lot off throws as well, which everyone here who has played me knows I dearly love, and he doesn't have a crossup, which everyone here who has played me knows I need to stop doing. Rog matches tend to be easy to look back on when they go badly and see where mistakes were made and such too.

Complex setups and neat set play are fun and super satisfying but a lot of the time, I just like having my asskickery be a trigger pull away and not based on multiple criteria needing to be met before I can really make.the character do it's dirt.

That's what I find appealing in Rog. Thematically he is very well designed in that he's a straight forward, belligerent, hateful bully who can do tremendous damage off a touch. Rog doesn't play chess, he puts the chess pieces in a sock and beats the shit out of you with the sock.

Now, to counterpoint that though, he IS straightforward, and so sometimes I want a character that has tech and more to work on and memorize than his or her base frame data, which is why I kind of want a secondary character.


It's all so very confusing.
Games around 8-830? I slept for a solid five and a half hours at work last night. Actual sleep, so I'm more awake than usual.

Edit rather than make another post..

Going back and watching the Urien footage and the Urien Iron Man skin.. I really want to like Urien.. I don't know why he hasn't clicked either as he had the general hallmarks of a character I gravitate towards. Shrug. I could secondary Urien and main Balrog and be a tremendous tier whore, which I am totally fine with. Shrug.

Iron Man Urien makes me want to want him.

I need to figure out the damn tackle and headbutt frame data. Well, not figure it out, but figure out what my options are after a hit and block etc. I vaguely understand Uriens basic keep-away neutral, and I know the basic combos, LP LP x special st.mp cr.mp x special, the obvious cr.hp combo(s), blah blah. Just not sure how it all coalesces into a coherent PLAN as opposed to just doing shit. Then again just doing shit on Urien is pretty effective.
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Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
here you go pumpkin. heres a small sample of what Im trying to get down lol.

nope. nothing cheap here. keep it moving.
Damn he looks so dope but also so broke. Is he classified the best character in SFV?
Looks like about 70% damage with those Critical Art combos lol


It's all so very confusing.
Damn he looks so dope but also so broke. Is he classified the best character in SFV?
Looks like about 70% damage with those Critical Art combos lol

I'm sure there's argument to the contrary but yeah he's the best character in the game. He has everything and all of it is really really good. It's not like a watered down jack of all trades master of none kinda thing. Amazing neutral, crazy damage, batshit setups and resets and mix-ups, excellent projectile and counter zoning tools, the whole 'he doesn't have an AA' thing is a myth, as he absolutely can AA you from almost any angle and some of those AAs lead to respectable damage. He has like the second highest health in the game.. I think he shares it with one or two other characters? But regardless only Gief has more if I'm not mistaken. He's safe as you can get. He had a crossup now, and it's plus 9million. Invincible reversal that combos and gives you meaty options and is a little harder to punish than a typical DP. If you have trigger, which is arguably the best trigger in the game btw, on deck, he has a +on block, long ass range low you can confirm in to over 300 damage.. he had higher than average throw range and I THINK one of the more damaging throws, his vskill gives him armor on certain attacks so if he has it up he's EVEN HARDER to deal with..

Urien's ONLY downside is that if there is a spring patch, I can't imagine him not being nerfed in some way.

I personally think he's in tier of his own, even when compared to the other very very strong characters this season.
Damn he looks so dope but also so broke. Is he classified the best character in SFV?
Looks like about 70% damage with those Critical Art combos lol
I think he's on a similar level with cammy, Rog, and Laura. Maybe guile. His biggest upside over those characters is how much you actually have to know the matchup, cause a lot of those setups either only work one way or don't work if you use specific wakeups. That plus a lot of people let him get away with some fake shenanigans, his wakeup dp isn't real. Any character that can meaty him with a light doesn't ever have to worry about wakeup dp unless they're going for throws.
I can't believe I haven't played SFV for another 4 weeks, dem so many good games all the time - Gravity Rush 2, Nioh, Yakuza 0, For Honor, HZD, DS3 new DLC - what is going on, the year has just only started and there are way too many great games and not enough time to play them all.

Getting rusty too fast in SFV & every single time I am coming back some players teabag me lol.


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
The Phantasm of Snow and Ice, Kolin, Joins Street Fighter V!

Greetings Illuminati acolytes!

We are happy to announce the second Season 2 Street Fighter V character, Kolin, is coming February 28th.

After working in the shadows for Gill and the secret Illuminati organization, Kolin makes her Street Fighter V debut. First appearing in Street Fighter III, Kolin works behind the scenes in order to fulfill the Prophecy of Miraha and stop any who dare stand in Gill’s way. She is typically calm and collected, but can suddenly fly into a rage when anybody threatens Gill and his plans. Spoiler-alert, she resurrects Nash and uses him as a pawn too, showing she will do anything to achieve her goals.

Kolin excels in the Russian martial art of Systema, utilizing the opponent’s momentum against them and executing various slash-like attacks and knife hand strikes. Gill has bestowed upon her the power of ice, allowing her to augment her fight style with frigid blasts and deadly icicles. She is often heard speaking condescendingly towards her opponents, knowing they don’t stand a chance before her, let alone Gill.

Where did her hatred of Shadaloo come from and how did she originally become involved with Gill? Be sure to check out her character story to find out!

V-Skill: Inside Slash

Kolin’s unique counter allows her to deflect and automatically punish incoming moves with ease.

V-Trigger: Diamond Dust

With a full V-meter, Kolin can slam the ground twice with her foot, each time shooting out a path of sharp icicles across the floor. In addition to damage and stun, this move freezes the opponent’s stun gauge. While in this special state, the stun gauge will not deplete and if Kolin is successful in stunning the opponent, they will be frozen in place.

Critical Art: Frost Tower

Kolin dashes forward with a slice of her hand. If the attack connects, she’ll continue summoning large icicles from the ground, throwing the opponent into the air and shattering the ice to drop them to the ground.

Also coming alongside Kolin on February 28th are her Story, Premium Battle and Nostalgia costumes.

Don’t forget, the Season 2 Character Pass is now available for $29.99 / €29.99 / £24.99 and will grant pass holders with Akuma, Kolin, in addition to 4 brand new fighters to be announced later this year. The pass comes with Premium Battle Costumes with colors 3-10 unlocked and default costume colors 3-10 for each character. Additionally, Season 2 Character Pass holders will receive an exclusive PS4 theme!

We also want to let you know too, expect to hear more from us about each of the remaining four characters every other month beginning in February. That said, in months where we won’t have any new character info, we will have new information and content to talk about. As previously mentioned, we have been analyzing player performance since the Season 2 balance changes. At this time, we can confirm additional changes are in the works to bring characters in-line with how we envision them to perform. We can’t share all of the details quite yet, but we are anticipating an announcement early March.

Kolin will be playable at the Lupe Fiasco DROGAS Light Album Launch Party on 2/15. Please note, the first 150 people in line will get a free event t-shirt. Also, although the event is open to ages 18-20, entry for these people will be very limited. Check out this blogpost for more details. In the coming weeks, you’ll learn even more about Kolin so for the latest updates on Street Fighter V, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
Balance patch confirmed!!

I'm psyched. Hopefully they are incremental tweaks rather than huge changes. Think the balance is actually pretty solid already, just need to modify a few things here and there and the game will be in a good state.

this character is too fun to lab.

edit: whoops put one clip in twice and forgot to show the quick rise setup on that first one. if they quick rise there you just sideswitch after the first knee instead of doing the second one. my bad.

Rip Torn

Kolin trailer:

She actually looks pretty decent as far as tools. Will have to immediately purchase her story mode or nostalgia costume because the default is horrendous. She seems to have a lot of mobility and defensive options. I wonder how good her pokes will be though.

I'm getting a Decapre/Yang vibe from her rekka game but she is also very unique as far as street fighter characters go with her counters and ice summons.
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