Well, I went in and tested a bunch of the stuff you did in that video and about half of it is completely debunked by my video, which shows you how to properly test a tick throw. Instead of recording the tick, and then mashing all sorts of normals, not even considering that you didn't do the tick throw right in the first place, you record the reversals.
I will admit that Guile's tick throw doesn't work on a bunch of characters though. Like, it doesn't work on Necalli, Karin, Chun, Laura and probably some others that I didn't test. But it does work on a lot of other characters (even ones with 3 frame normals like Balrog and Rashid). Even Rashid's tick throw doesn't work on Laura and Mika's st.LK. I'm guessing those moves have some properties that make their throw box move back a little.
Either way, Guile still has ways of setting up throws with his booms and with jump ins with boom as a cover. And he still has a legit guess between throw and normal with st.LP, st.LK, cr.LP and st.MP.
So, next time you make a video, please learn the proper testing method so you don't try and pass off claims like Rashid can just mash any button to get out of Guile's tick throws. Or just don't make a video at all, since we could have just done this via text and it would be a lot less embarrassing for you.