That bastard Alex though...fuck that guy.
So, I have a warning for everyone here.
Srsly.. wtf is going on today.
I leave my apartment to get gas in the car because my Gf drove it to a job interview but didn't have any cash on her and had another interview in a bit. Welp. I run out in the middle.of the busiest intersection in this part of town. I limp the car over and throw the flashers on. I'm partially blocking a super busy fat ass jumps out, writes a note and at a fast jog for the gas station..about half a mile away, so not bad. Welp..I get gas and I'm omw back, I turn a corner and can see my car... And four more.behind it and a cop. There's been an accident. No.. no wait, there have been two. Further down two more.vehiclss are pulled over.
No one was hurt first and foremost. But, my car being stalled caused a backup.. someone wasnt watching, then looks up last second, sees the lane is at a dead stop amd swervss out of the way, loses control and hits a small.commuter bus. This is the smaller accident further down from my car... Well, this causes the guy behind the girl that swerved to have no chance to stop at the backup she swerved out of the way of... So he smashes in to a truck which hits a truck which hits a car which hits a small truck... which stops an inch from my bumper.
So, I feel like the biggest pile.of crap ever and I'm grovelling around trying to say I'm sorry, in hadmy flashers on, if I could have gotten the car to a better spot I would, blah blah.. one dude tries to get in my face and make threats, I tell calm the fuck down and back up, he doesn't, he just gets more and more belligerant.. the damn cop is no where to be seen, I warn last time, then he puts his hand on me, so I beat his ass. Nothing excessive. Oh now THERES THE COP. Cue me in goddamn handcuffs.
Fast forward 20m and it's sorted out. I refuse to press charges. Everyone is a witness to me just defending myself, blah blah. Paperwork done, people.start driving away, except the two.vehiclss that can't due to.damage.. let them all.go then pull out behind them. We drive in a line to the next light, dude turns left .. BOOOM. CAR RUNS A REDLIGHT. t-bones the little truck. Others and myself jump out. The guy is ok.. we hear a crunch.. another fender bender up the road from.tje traffic now backed up.due to the little.truck.being.tboned. I stick around to talk to the zoo and do the witnsss rhing, cop looks at me says I'm bad luck and to get the road.
I hit the gas station and get gas. I go home. As soon as.i walk in the door my phone rings and my boss tells me she at work tonight because the othet night shift person a wreck that morning and went to.jail.becuse she was over the legal limit.. at fuxking 9am.
Then my sister calls and says hey I need you to come pick up Aubrey (my niece) later, I can't drop her off, my neighbor was in an accident this morning and they forward car, but no onr was hurt.
Dont . Fucking. Drive.
You've read my posts and that may be.eniugh for this curse to effect you..don't.dri ve..DONT