Yep, and it's awesome. He has a command grab as well now that is more than just a silly gimmick. Some of the better normals in the game and though he 's meter dependent for his high damage, when you have a bar Vega can do some incredible damage, some of the higherfor-a-bar damage in the game off of neutral pressure strings. Unfortunately his TC whiffs on crouchers which is an absolute shame, but shrug. No reversal though and his vreversal is on the shitty side.
He definitely had weaknesses, but with his claw on and off stances you have a ton of options and ways to play. He can be a hyper offensive rushdown machine or a midrange-y defensive zoner or a mix between the two, you can play him somewhat like a grappler and tick in to his command grab, you can play setup heavy, etc. Vega , in my opinion, allows more personal expression in play, while still maintaining his effectiveness, than just about any other character. You can really make Vega YOUR Vega and the same cannot be said of a lot of characters in this game. Ryu though, I've come to believe, allow this as well, though it might not seem like it at first.
Just be aware that Vega has no reversal and his AAs are shitty. He can get a lot of damage off his AAs in the right situation, but none of them are what I'd consider all-around good. His really scary damage and setups cost meter as well.
Feel free to hit me up on Steam if you have any questions or anything. I'm not the best player out there but I do have a solid understanding of the game and it's nuances. Or for sets. I've picked.up Nash