Anyone interested in sets in.. oh, an hour? Give or take? I'm looking to experiment and fiddle around some on a couple different characters, so I'll be playing to learn more than win (ie you may see me do weird shit,or repeat certain actions, etc) . I don't care if you bring your A game, I'm just stating my purpose up front. Ill also go ahead and put this here.. if you want sets so you can run back to the forums to run your mouth when you win, don't bother.
I just want some friendly, fun sets. We can skype, or just whatever. I'm desperately trying to make this game 'click' with me, and will be playing most likely Nash, Urien and/or Ryu. I *might* play my main (vega) but dont know. Anyway, lemme know! 930-ish est. (getting dinner atm)