I said you didn't have to believe me.
I'm not understanding Kens pressure when everything significant is negative or his 'oppressive' neutral and how does he have better buttons to press after run when Ibuki has a 3f jab. Ken is top 5 but these things have very little to do with that
I kinda get the feeling we arent playing the same game as each other. I dont know how to explain Ken any better than 'Watch a tournament'. Watch what he can do off a touch. You seem to have this weird fixation with what something looks like on paper and you keep to this weird argument that he doesnt look good on paper so he must be bad, when literally every single peice of actual, in-practice evidence is utterly the totally the opposite. Ken is in damn near every top 8,. players who were utterly irrelevant before SFV came along, are suddenly a big deal after playing Ken. He MELTS health. Melts it. Off any touch. Al his meter gets to go straight in to confirming in to more damage.. WATCH A GOOD KEN PLAY!
For a very small % of each round, Ibuki is quite dangerous, but thats provided several different things all fall in to place. I mean, outside the corner, her Vtrigger is only worth half a damn on hit to begin with, so you dont even get the.. Ok, screw it. I cant explain this any better than it has been explained by numerous others already. Ibuki has some really good shit going for her, and all of it is marred by her huge, glaring, flaws.
Do you have any match footage of these Ibuki's running the show? I mean, I watch everything MajorBoy posts and he's damn good, but hes not 'running the show' and he's the best Ibuki in the world.
And did you.. Did you really hint at Ibuki 'running the show'? What show? The show where she's mediocre? Cause, she is. The show where the DLC characters get together in a support group for late comers? ANd poor Fang is outside sitting in the rain and they wont let him in?
See, for all my bitching about this game, skill still counts for far more than tier placement, so a good player can and will wreck on Ibuki. Ibuki has 'stuff', Its just mostly bullshit, not real, or inferior to the 'stuff' other characters have. Aside from my own experiences with her, watching Rom play her, ChrisG, MajorBoy and others, there are numerous pros who have said 'Yeah, shes fun and I want to play her, but shes not actually 'good'. When you match against someone who knows they dont have to respect her shit, and they DONT have to respect her shit, provided you are on relatively equal footing skill-wise, she gets crapped on. I mean, you like talking about shit on paper, so what about her on paper? Even on paper shes nothing special. Her frame data is nothing magical by any means. +2 mps, -2 st.lk, whoopty doo? Sure, she has a jab that leads to a TC and she can cr.jab then st.jb to make the hit confirm easier.. Thats it. The TC is unsafe as shit unless you.. GOD DAMMIT. My mind keeps wanting me to explain this. NO. Its been said, a million times.
But its fine.. keep thinking she's top tier, I appreciate the loyalty to the character. I understand not just listening to the 'general consensus' of the FGC, but damn, there comes a time when it feels like someone has just chosen to think a certain thing for no reason other than they want to, and evidence and facts, and so on just dont penetrate at all.. I guess I have no reason to naysay you for your opinion, I just dont get it.
Also, in S2, I think we WILL see more Ibukis because I genuinely believe she will get some love in Dec/Jan when they 'adjust' and Im hoping she comes out a stronger and more dynamic character.
My favorite characters in this game are:
I hope S2 makes the weak stronger, the ridiculous (ken) less broken and Vega gets left alone. I mean, coughgimmeadpbecauseIwantonecough. but still. Also, just to put this out there, my Juri (DO YOU GET IT? ITS A PUN AND IM SMART BECAUSE I MADE IT LOOK AT ME MOM) is still out on Urien. I do not know if hes solid, or quite good. I do not think he is weak though.