You've tried to defend R.Mika pushblocking characters into a vortex. The only reason I reply is because I want to see how far you will go to try and justify Capcoms mistakes
If you're losing to Mika it's because of one of three things(possibly all 3). You either don't know the matchup, are making the wrong reads more than she is, or you're worse than who you're playing against.
All of her tools have counters assuming you make the correct reads. Her vortex is good, but let's not act like it's vanilla Akuma tier. You've got multiple wake up timings, v reversals, and the ability to hard punish her on a good read.
If you're upset that she's plus one after Vreversal on hit than I dunno what to tell you. A lot of characters get advantage after their reversal and it's punishable on a read.
Edit: before you say this is downplaying, just know that I'm not saying she's bad. She's very, very strong. She's just got her weaknesses, and you're not exploiting them.