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Question What makes MK9 stand out?


aka - RM_AtK !
I mean, it is REO and Atk on the balance. Who would you choose?
REO Detroit xSMoKEx etc.. And we are only responsible for some of the changes... Some things, other people tried to get him to do. Also it's pretty hard to change a lot of things in that game due to the coding.. most of the things we wanted can't even be changed like TBTB said
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Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
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MK9 plays like MK3. They gave us what we wanted.
In some basic aspects, sure. But other than that, it doesn't play like UMK3 at all. As someone said, MKX plays more like UMK3 than MK9, but still on a more basic level. The closest thing in MKX to UMK3 is Hellfire Scorpion, which is why I loved using him pre-nerf. I still use him but don't play MKX much at all anymore anyway. I've also heard he was even more like UMK3 Scorpion with tp cancels requiring no stamina, but some testers said that was "too good" and made it cost not 1 but 2 bars of stamina. I still don't understand why they nerfed him in the ground, but that's the NRS way. Instead of waiting to see how the perceived top tier flesh out in the meta, they almost immediately get nerfed when they may have never have needed to be nerfed in the first place. But the over patching early and often and then eventually abandoning the game is the NRS way, so it is what it is.


You just had to fill space because the top guys only use a few characters lol. Characters like Cage and Kano are bitched about by a ton of people, so it's an easy and safe choice. Jacqui is the only character ranked high on that list might be controversial. For the most part all characters ranked high are either placing or are disliked by the community. Funny coincidence.
It's odd that you'd try to call me out on my tier list after the preposterous one that you presented to everyone.

Very humorous. Solid B+ trolling.

And funny coincidence? It's not my fault that MKX is dominated by top tiers or counter picking. Where have you been since day one of MKX's competitive run? This is old news.


I'm not sure how much you played MK9 but Baraka was never any better than like, bottom 6.

I mean, maybe you might've caught a few people off with his sporadic double digit plus frames, but the second anyone informed enough took the time to research that the startup of his normals resembled moon gravity, it was almost always curtains.
Im not sure how you play Baraka, but all the good ones that i have faced never really make use of his strings in neutral at all. They just patiently play footsies with d4. Baraka does have bad frame data on his strings but he does have a 6f d3 and blade spin is 7f. I do like that you try to give some explanation for why you feel the character is bad though, unlike other people on this thread...

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Im not sure how you play Baraka, but all the good ones that i have faced never really make use of his strings in neutral at all. They just patiently play footsies with d4. Baraka does have bad frame data on his strings but he does have a 6f d3 and blade spin is 7f. I do like that you try to give some explanation for why you feel the character is bad though, unlike other people on this thread...
Yea in 3 years of mk9 competively play we all saw these mystery Barajas in tournament run rampant

*obvious sarcasm*

Soul Bound X

Dojo Trainee
He literally has REO being involved on the rebalancing. I think he consulted way more players but no one really helped. And a rebalance isn't a case of just leaving characters the same just because they operate fine under the current state of the game. Cage would simply be boosted by the high tiers getting nerfed, and still retain a lot of his dumb aspects. Also, remember, the changes possible are limited due to how poorly coded the game is. Sonya can't even get the desired changes because EX cartwheel is given the same code as regular.
Dumb aspects? like what? Frame trapping is his whole game plan. That's how he was designed. You may find it annoying but that doesn't mean he is broken. What top tiers need nerfing btw besides kabal and kenshi (and nothing dramatic should happen to kenshi)?. The nerfs shouldn't be too crazy. Lao shouldn't be touched. Cyrax only needs his reset taken away. Kitana shouldn't be touched. Even after the nerfs, Cage should still be around where he is now on the tier list or maybe even worse because of the buffs the low tier characters will get. So no. Cage really shouldn't be touched.

UGL Preon

The Casual God
Dumb aspects? like what? Frame trapping is his whole game plan. That's how he was designed. You may find it annoying but that doesn't mean he is broken. What top tiers need nerfing btw besides kabal and kenshi (and nothing dramatic should happen to kenshi)?. The nerfs shouldn't be too crazy. Lao shouldn't be touched. Cyrax only needs his reset taken away. Kitana shouldn't be touched. Even after the nerfs, Cage should still be around where he is now on the tier list or maybe even worse because of the buffs the low tier characters will get. So no. Cage really shouldn't be touched.
While you say those specifics. As @THTB stated. This implies that certain moves CAN be changed without messing something up entirely. After all if MK9 is coded to where certain moves & EX Moves are tied to eachother. It may be impossible to give a desired buff to a character without completely destroying/breaking them and thus have to come up with an alternative route. And while a low tier might get a buff that helps deal with cage pressure easier, it might not be possible to help out others given the circumstances.

Soul Bound X

Dojo Trainee
While you say those specifics. As @THTB stated. This implies that certain moves CAN be changed without messing something up entirely. After all if MK9 is coded to where certain moves & EX Moves are tied to eachother. It may be impossible to give a desired buff to a character without completely destroying/breaking them and thus have to come up with an alternative route. And while a low tier might get a buff that helps deal with cage pressure easier, it might not be possible to help out others given the circumstances.
I don't think this is a good justification for making cage unviable though. The argument shouldn't be "well since we can't buff jade enough to help deal with cage then we should just take him out of the picture." . If it is impossible to buff some characters enough to deal with cage then I think that should just be a pill we have to swallow. You're not going to make people happy by ruining their characters.


Also known as Futuretime23
@Pig Of The Hut
some of you may say MK9 TE isn't being done with the right people. Hell, anyone could argue the mod is bad.
But I haven't seen a single instance of the TE mod being played in a tournament. Wouldn't it be better for us, as a community, gather up, and actually revive MK9? even if TE is a WIP, and some people disagree on certain things. It's something. We could use that feedback and improve the mod.
BTW @Soul Bound X
that sounds like a lot like you have a bias towards the unaltered version of Cage. and that was NOT the argument in mind when Jade and Cage were being rebalanced (and there's still work to do)

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
DJT MIT Myself REO Detroit XSMOKEX are already in it and some of them like i said we didn't do.. we only got around to half of what we wanted. some of the other balance changes we had no part of.
@NSR This doesn't sound like something legitimate then to be considered for tournament use. It seems it's maybe just designed for casual use because if things are getting changed by people other than the pros who know best then it's one man's dream plus pros opinions used here and there

In the end it won't be taken serious unless the changes are legitimately that of pros and will be a casual experience

Map the Soul

baraka was prolly better than bottom 6, he was def. better than kano sheeva stryker nightwolf jade csz and maybe sindel


A fat woman came into the shoe store today...
The only problem with the MK9 update, and the reason I was so excited to contribute but ultimately bowed out, is that it probably can't be played by many.

Unfortunately the requisite of a CFW severely limits the participants. On top of that, you can't play online since it's probably risky with a modded PS3... not to mention even if you did, it's subject to MK9's shit online.

Sucks cause NSR's project is fucking awesome.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
The only problem with the MK9 update, and the reason I was so excited to contribute but ultimately bowed out, is that it probably can't be played by many.

Unfortunately the requisite of a CFW severely limits the participants. On top of that, you can't play online since it's probably risky with a modded PS3... not to mention even if you did, it's subject to MK9's shit online.

Sucks cause NSR's project is fucking awesome.
What's cfw