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General/Other - Alien Should Alien get the Tanya treatment?

Does Alien Deserve the Tanya Treatment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • No

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
If NRS doesn't patch this game again, I may never pick it back up. My main got the God tier treatment when it comes to nerfs(Tremor) then they release Alien in that same patch. I will just wait for Injustice 2 if they are done working on the pile of uneven shit that they took on MKX
Crystalline is good


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
The thing is, is she actually totally dreadful now? Or did everyone just drop her because there's a hot new top tier to jump to instead?

People say Quan is bad now, but he's still sick.
but we know the top tiers dont deserve Destruction. or any nerf really. only reason people want them nerfed is, they have a bad matchup, or they dont use the character. it has nothing to do with the tools, or strings, or specials. every argument made, is explained away with the name a 10-15 characters who have the same thing, like safe mixup options. Alien is Very good but not Broke. its not a crime to have a well rounded toolset. i think all the characters Esp triborg should have more tools to deal with every situation just like all should.

i would love for Cyrax to have Comboable Armor, and Net back after bomb. maybe F21 and B1 being hit confirmable or easier to confirm. and just having the option to Armor a gap and turn that into a full punish makes a worl of difference. they could make Net not Restand and make it a Knockdown on drop which should fix all Resets. since they all stem from the drop from Net, and usually we dont see how it happends but it happes so quick. i slowed it down, and on every tech clip shown, they got restood from net for a split second like a frame or 2, adnthen they got hit with B1/B2 into Low bomb Explosion which reset them. this could all be fixed.

Why cant all the mid tier characters be top tiers, this could be the one game where everyone is in one tier. its allready the most balance MK game ever, why not the most balanced game and funest game ever.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
If NRS doesn't patch this game again, I may never pick it back up. My main got the God tier treatment when it comes to nerfs(Tremor) then they release Alien in that same patch. I will just wait for Injustice 2 if they are done working on the pile of uneven shit that they took on MKX
yeah my MAin is Cyrax, and he got overhauld with nerfs. the nerfs where dumb as fuck, unjust. like it seems they wanted to fuck them up.

CSZ was simple, the freeze is what ruined him, they added 5 startup frames to his Freeze which messed up all his combos, and his combo starters. F13 and B1 can not freeze them anymore even on hit. B1 hits they hold block the freeze gets blocked. same for F13 the low string. all they had to do was Add those 5 frames onto the Recovery instead of the startup and that would stop what they intended to stop, the Freezes being Machinegunned. if they revert that he would be Viable again more viable and a beter character. nothing wrong with that.

Cyrax: he needs his Net back after a bomb connects, then make Net A knockdown after letgo. that will stop all resets. and allow him to combo once again. Make B1 and F21/F13 hit confirmable or easier. and give him a Launch with his Shitty Shrapnelport armor. so he can combo off it. cuz right now, on connect he can be full combo punished, i mean every thing he does besides EX Busssaw gets punished. and he only gets 11% off of his Armor thats cost a bar, WTF? also His net could be a little Longer on Hold time.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
How is a one hitting, 18 frame armored move that's unsafe a problem?
Because removing his armor would make him a pure poking character and he would no longer be OP.

A character that is great at one thing shouldn't be able to do all things.


Because removing his armor would make him a pure poking character and he would no longer be OP.

A character that is great at one thing shouldn't be able to do all things.
You gotta stop posting about balance man. I really don't want to offend you, but it's clear that you don't understand. What does "pure poking character" even mean, especially considering that he has other armored options? EX flip sucks anyways vs characters that can break armor.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Because removing his armor would make him a pure poking character and he would no longer be OP.

A character that is great at one thing shouldn't be able to do all things.
SHE is not OP. for starters. also there is no such thing as pure poking character gav. The EX Tail Flip is unsafe, and can be broke with many moves in this game. its slow on start, and is unsafe on block. what the hell do you even have a problem with alien for?

gav get on your xbox and ill show you why she isn't op. we will go in the lab, and show you how to get around all her shit. there is plenty of options. and everything she has, there are other characters that have the same thing. many of them i might add, she is just a well rounded character, there is nothing op about ahving the tools to deal with every situation. just makes her top tier.

that would be like us nerfing Kotal, becaus ethere is alot that he can do that is better than other charcaters. instead you should realize thats what character diversity is, there is some bad matchups with all of them, each character has something they are better at than all others. there are differences with each game plane of characters based on their tools they have. thats how fighters are.

and pure poking, have no clue what you mean there, but the game has a footsie game. your tun my turn. with every character having fast frame pokes, makes each character that doers not have fast normals or mids, use there Fast mid D1's and Low D3/4 to stagger in to pressure, poke on block back and forth untill one guesses wrong and gets hit, then that pers lets say a JAx uses that hit advantage to combo into from.

you removing armor on a move that is hardly even remotely close to broke will not change how the game is played. just like how some of these people who throw out make this move a mid, like they did CSZ, Cyrax, Predator, and now they are doing it to Alien its orginal lol, but not a solution and if they actually knew anything about the game they would no its not even close to nessisary.

Alien has F134, B113, B3, F4, 214 as mixups and several armor moves.

they wanted F134 nerfed. lol.

Mids and what the roster has: sort version
  • Liu kangs F2 10 frame mid goes into a mixup with cancel pressure.
  • Aliens 10 frame mid from F134
  • Cyrax 10 frame mid goes into mixup from, F21 F2(mid) 1 (low)
  • Sektors 10 Frame Mid goes into F212 xx BB to be plus 2 and can mixup with different specials, or F21 into different outcomes witch also makes a micups per say.
  • Mileena has a 11 frame mid B12 omg its great, Great range can be made plus at max range and against some charcatrs can jail into another one. also has Opition select for mixups.
  • Sonyas 13 frame mid has massive range and is very much safe, can be used to catch off guard and mixup, then she has a 2 hitting 17frame mid witch is plus 2 on block.
  • Kotals: 9 frame mid yes faster than alien , B1 is 9 frames and has mixup in wargod, and tick throw in sungod, and well as many option selects into combos B122 or B14 and can be made safe.
all of these are safe btw i didnt even name everyone.

shall i go on.

there is nothing alien has that the roster doesn't have. yes alien has range, whoopty doop, slow as startups to compensate. let me rephrase that. every charcater has some thing the roster does not or a better way of using it. but Aline has nothing game breaking. and all the arguments that have been made, the rest of the roster has

Which variation of Alien is the strongest or do people think need a nerf?
personally, if Tarkatan jails with Rekka, only the Rekka should be adjusted, and nothing else should be touched.

i honestly think Konjurer is profoundly slept on. and has more broke tools than any of the 3. the ability to take the opponents turn with pod setups, is astounding. u can set them up mid combo for continuation, and more.
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Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
F134 and tail flip is available in 3 variations, you know what TYM want
who want's it? a hand full of people on TYM, i count 3 people wanting F134 a MID on last hit. even if all of you got your friends in there to say they wanted it too. that would be what 50 out of possibly 100's of thousands of alien players and none alien players. a few TYMers is hardly a reason to nerf a character because they don't like the matchup. or think the character is easy to use.
what i did find in this thread was these posts:

I just don't understand why his tail flip is an overhead and -7. It should either be a mixup or safe , not both. Tired of free mixups. Alien is literally so fucked up.
as for this there is plenty of characters that have safe OH's / Lows. no logical reason here to nerf Alien for that.
just to stay on topic Kotal has B122 that can be made safe in Sungod, B14 that can be made safe in sungod. Cassie can make an Low-OH safe at max range, and an OH safe at max range. Sonya Can make her mixups safe in Demo with frag and Stun. and sonya has 50/50 into 50/50 in CO that can cancel a MS to make safe. Mileena has safe Mixups, Tekada has safe mixups, even Safe HTB's. Tremor, Kano, Reptile the list goes on.

Make the last hit of f134 a mid. I agree with the removal of the armor for his rekkas. I never used it anyway lol

F134 needs to be full combo punishable, or end in a mid. That is the most scrubbiest string in the game free. F134 xx tail flip=safe. Cancel it into TS you are unsafe but chances are, they'll get hit by it more often than not. Plus u can just do f13 into Tail Flip lol.
Just make F1,3,4 MID,MID,MID
'as for all 3 of these posts, my answer is simply, nothing that alien is doing is new, lets take other characters for example.
  • Liu kangs F2 10 frame mid goes into a mixup with cancel pressure. and all mixups is safe if canceled
  • Aliens 10 frame mid from F134 safe from Normal Tail Flip none launching
  • Cyrax 10 frame mid goes into mixup from, F21 F2(mid) 1 (low) and its safe if you use EX buzz saw. like every mixup he has, and his F13 and B1 is normally safe
  • Same goes for Smoke, Sektor, CSZ, all there mixups are safe cept the obvious ones naturally. B1 and some of there unique ones like B1-2+4 and F131
  • Sektors 10 Frame Mid goes into F212 xx BB to be plus 2 and can mixup with different specials, or F21 into different outcomes witch also makes a mixups per say. and is safe
  • Mileena has a 11 frame mid B12 omg its great, Great range can be made plus at max range and against some charcatrs can jail into another one. also has Opition select for mixups. and its safe
  • Sonyas 13 frame mid has massive range and is very much safe, can be used to catch off guard and mixup, then she has a 2 hitting 17frame mid witch is plus 2 on block.
  • Kotals: 9 frame mid yes faster than alien , B1 is 9 frames and has mixup in wargod, and tick throw in sungod, and well as many option selects into combos B122 or B14 and can be made safe.
that is just a few examples. so nomatter what these few amount of people want F134 to be changed for whatever reason, there is no Logical reason to Nerf aliens F134 or BF4 EX or none EX version.

The concept of all 3 variations of Tanya was actually good in the first place. One zoning, one pressure and one "air shenanigan". However instead of listening to pro players, NRS listened to scrubs to please them by giving her way too many unnecessary nerfs without any idea how they will affect the character
i agree and thats another reason F134 should left untouched. but on another note: Casuals should be considered in this game. just because someone does not play at a high level does not mean they should not have a voice within reason of course. remember if not for the casuals us 20k guesstimation of tournament players would not have a supported game without those casuals money keeping it going. so thats why we need easier inputs on some characters and easy falalities as well as anything else that keeps them wanting to play and have fun with their friends.

@errormacro7To answer the topic's question: No. Tanya didn't deserve to be nerfed as hard as she did. Despite how much I hated her or any other character in the game because of their nonsense, I wouldn't want them nerfed into obscurity.
even a mod thinks the nerfs before where ridiculous!

bottom line. no logical reason has been shown to nerf alien at all.

this is leaving out, even if alien has a small edge on some matchups because of range or whatever it may be.

there are many characters that have there own Edge per say:

HTB's into massive damage, Vortex's, Restands that are plus as hell unlike Acidics +1 Acid blood restand which id fair and escapable and armor able. Unblockables, many characters have Cancel Pressure, that allow them to Jail other strings. and many other Strong tools.

Acidic is not in the position to be nerfed, however i have no clue is Tarkatan's Rekka actually Jails for real, and if it does, that could be ajusted so that it has a gap or options against it. if they make it jail it could have a gap, if they make it gapless it should not be plus.
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Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
nothing funny about it, people don't realize that changing a normal, changes all variants of a character. I'm completely sick of people jumping the gun and nerfing every single character on this game. its getting absurd at this point. The community has a very bad habit and scrubby mentality when it comes to Nerf there problems away. if your having a problem with a given matchup, the solution is not to nerf, its to Hit the Practice mode. if you ever find yourself believing a character seems to over powered or a certain tool they have feels unfair. ask yourself, is this move or tactic game breaking, does it make this character truly "Over Powered"? by that i don't mean does it make them overly strong, OP/ grounds for nerf, is Game Breaking, does it give them an overall 8/2 matchup? or a 70% against the entire cast and above against all variations? if so that's grounds for nerfs. But if its just a couple match-ups lets say 8 or so then characters have a tough time dealing with that said tool, then thats not grounds for a nerf. thats grounds for some lower/mid tier characters to get some small buffs so they can deal with more situations(of course within reason taking into account for the character as a whole and what tools said character already has).

It has literally made people quit the game because so many characters lost close to all of there cool unique tools while other characters kept there cool tools.


I was wrong about Alien specially Tarkatan variation, I think people haven't fully learnt the MU yet I mean I know he's good but when I think about all of the broken shit and what characters doesn't make you guess for days, I think he's fine. I think all he/she needs are bug fixes, NRS should just fix all of the known bugs in the game and focus on Injustice 2. Make sure players neutral, reaction and reads is what make win games this time and not spacing and mixing into autopilot :DOGE

big j gleez

Mains: Not Sure Right Now ...
Just make the tail flip unsafe. That alone would make a HUGE difference. No character deserves the Tanya treatment.
Reactions: GAV


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
You gotta stop posting about balance man. I really don't want to offend you, but it's clear that you don't understand. What does "pure poking character" even mean, especially considering that he has other armored options? EX flip sucks anyways vs characters that can break armor.
If that is the case, then why doesn't your post get more support?

Its one thing that would balance the character. It wouldn't leave the character a shell like other characters have been done, but something is going to be done if any patch is to come. Its inevitable. Do you have a better idea that doesn't involve downplaying? If not, how would removing the armor on the EX Flip ruin the character?


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
SHE is not OP. for starters. also there is no such thing as pure poking character gav. The EX Tail Flip is unsafe, and can be broke with many moves in this game. its slow on start, and is unsafe on block. what the hell do you even have a problem with alien for?

gav get on your xbox and ill show you why she isn't op. we will go in the lab, and show you how to get around all her shit. there is plenty of options. and everything she has, there are other characters that have the same thing. many of them i might add, she is just a well rounded character, there is nothing op about ahving the tools to deal with every situation. just makes her top tier.

that would be like us nerfing Kotal, becaus ethere is alot that he can do that is better than other charcaters. instead you should realize thats what character diversity is, there is some bad matchups with all of them, each character has something they are better at than all others. there are differences with each game plane of characters based on their tools they have. thats how fighters are.

and pure poking, have no clue what you mean there, but the game has a footsie game. your tun my turn. with every character having fast frame pokes, makes each character that doers not have fast normals or mids, use there Fast mid D1's and Low D3/4 to stagger in to pressure, poke on block back and forth untill one guesses wrong and gets hit, then that pers lets say a JAx uses that hit advantage to combo into from.

you removing armor on a move that is hardly even remotely close to broke will not change how the game is played. just like how some of these people who throw out make this move a mid, like they did CSZ, Cyrax, Predator, and now they are doing it to Alien its orginal lol, but not a solution and if they actually knew anything about the game they would no its not even close to nessisary.

Alien has F134, B113, B3, F4, 214 as mixups and several armor moves.

they wanted F134 nerfed. lol.

Mids and what the roster has: sort version
  • Liu kangs F2 10 frame mid goes into a mixup with cancel pressure.
  • Aliens 10 frame mid from F134
  • Cyrax 10 frame mid goes into mixup from, F21 F2(mid) 1 (low)
  • Sektors 10 Frame Mid goes into F212 xx BB to be plus 2 and can mixup with different specials, or F21 into different outcomes witch also makes a micups per say.
  • Mileena has a 11 frame mid B12 omg its great, Great range can be made plus at max range and against some charcatrs can jail into another one. also has Opition select for mixups.
  • Sonyas 13 frame mid has massive range and is very much safe, can be used to catch off guard and mixup, then she has a 2 hitting 17frame mid witch is plus 2 on block.
  • Kotals: 9 frame mid yes faster than alien , B1 is 9 frames and has mixup in wargod, and tick throw in sungod, and well as many option selects into combos B122 or B14 and can be made safe.
all of these are safe btw i didnt even name everyone.

shall i go on.

there is nothing alien has that the roster doesn't have. yes alien has range, whoopty doop, slow as startups to compensate. let me rephrase that. every charcater has some thing the roster does not or a better way of using it. but Aline has nothing game breaking. and all the arguments that have been made, the rest of the roster has

personally, if Tarkatan jails with Rekka, only the Rekka should be adjusted, and nothing else should be touched.

i honestly think Konjurer is profoundly slept on. and has more broke tools than any of the 3. the ability to take the opponents turn with pod setups, is astounding. u can set them up mid combo for continuation, and more.
If Alien isn't broken, Alien is still OP. Comparing Alien to Kotal is silly because Kotal HAS to get in to do damage. Kotal is really good at one range, but Alien can hit from anywhere - and Alien is just as good as Kotal up close. Kotal has tools for getting in and tools to stay there, but he's not in control at all times. You can't say that about Alien without downplaying. The steps are simple and if patches aren't done - inevitable.

Nerf Alien.
Nerf Piercing.
Nerf A-List.

Then, characters like Takeda, D'Vorah, and even my own favorite Kotal Kahn - will get good looks under the normalizing spotlight.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
If Alien isn't broken, Alien is still OP. Comparing Alien to Kotal is silly because Kotal HAS to get in to do damage. Kotal is really good at one range, but Alien can hit from anywhere - and Alien is just as good as Kotal up close. Kotal has tools for getting in and tools to stay there, but he's not in control at all times. You can't say that about Alien without downplaying. The steps are simple and if patches aren't done - inevitable.

Nerf Alien.
Nerf Piercing.
Nerf A-List.

Then, characters like Takeda, D'Vorah, and even my own favorite Kotal Kahn - will get good looks under the normalizing spotlight.
Gav Broken and Overpowered mean the same thing! alien is neither of these.
thats why when i make a valid argument and show logical reasons why alien is not broken, thats why they have nothing to say other than LMFAO or Nerf alien!...

Gav i have played with you and saying this with as much respect as i can, you do not understand Alien, or game mechanics to even say the word Nerf. you JIP as your main strategy. Kotal BTW has zero problems getting in, his entire arsenal is built around getting in, Every normal is Mids that advance, and Kotal is Devistating up close, alien is good mid range to far away, up close alien only get to use a few strings in his moveset because all his other moves that are ment for range are to slow for that type of neutral.

on the other hand Kotal is comparable to alien they are in the same tier, kotal is top tier maybe not the top 5 like alien but is very good. and should not be downplayed. kotal should have zero problems with Alien if played correctly.

and what i was saying, Kotal up close unlike what you said, sines in the Alien matchup since all his strings are in account and where they need to be. like B1 and in war god all the mixups come into play. alien uses most of his strings far away. and you should have no problem beating aliens 10 frame F134 Mid when Kotal is close, even your mid is faster than his. alien is left with his fastes moves so he wont get beat out, like his High starters wich will get low profiled by Kotal. and Kotal has the D4 stagger into his great advancing moves to take control. while at range alien has very slow B3, 4, 33, and F4. to kotals moveset at start range, it is very slow.

Gav don't ever say Nerf alien again, like i said before, i will get on, i still have you on my list, and i will show you how to deal with alien, and every situation or move you have a problem with alien, i will go through each situation or move, and show you what you can do with Kotal to counter each.

thats what a practice buddy is for. ill show you how to counter Aliens Zoning, Corner game, and midscreen.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
If that is the case, then why doesn't your post get more support?

Its one thing that would balance the character. It wouldn't leave the character a shell like other characters have been done, but something is going to be done if any patch is to come. Its inevitable. Do you have a better idea that doesn't involve downplaying? If not, how would removing the armor on the EX Flip ruin the character?
gav nothing against you, but the plain fact that you have to ask the question is why you shouldnt even be allowed to suggest to nerf the character. BF4 is a huge part of alien game play in all 3 variations so is F134. like i said before, no downplaying here ill show you in practice, i am offering to show you, not say words but back them up, and help you with anything you have a problem with.

the reason he doesn't get support is because this is TYM, with 400 users per day. the same 400 users every day or close to it. and the same 40 people on each thread, they push agenmdas on here all the time. if you have ever seen my threads you have seen the posts ive made, showing how TYM constantly tries to nerf every character.

they make a list of 5 characters, then try to nerf those "top tiers" for whatever insane reason. then that fad goes away, 2 get nerfed or so, then they move on to 5 more and do the same thing. in the past few months there has been nerf, Mileena, Tekada, Kung Jin, Kano, Kotal, Cyrax, CSZ, Smoke, Cassie, Sonya, Alien, Sektor, Ferra Torr, Predator, Tremor, Tanya, Sub Zero, Reptile, Liu kang.
NRS laughs at them, they call it a salt mine and a joke
my god, this TYM community thinks every character is OP, they basically think the game is broken, they dissagree with, 50/50's, Cancel pressure, Tick throws, JIP's, NJP's, AA moves, Launching Armors, HTB's, High damage combos(on only some characters if its not theirs) they dissagree with the poke game, footsie characters with range, characters with plus 2 frames, Mids, Mixups, Restands, Vortexs.

they basically hate the entire game, and news flash, thats what the game is about. they need to play another game, and i bet they would find a long list to complaine about then as well.

GAV if you can not see this by now i dont know what to tell you.

anyways ill be on Xbox to play with ya and help you with the matchup, i will show you how to counter every move every setup, every restand alien has, what you can do for the Midscreen, Corner, and Zoning game. you can continue to complaine and try to get the character nerfed like all of them do just so there problems go away and many people suffer who like the character, or you can get on XB1 with me and ill show you how to deal with the situation the way you are supposed to do.

your choice


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Gav Broken and Overpowered mean the same thing! alien is neither of these.
thats why when i make a valid argument and show logical reasons why alien is not broken, thats why they have nothing to say other than LMFAO or Nerf alien!...

Gav i have played with you and saying this with as much respect as i can, you do not understand Alien, or game mechanics to even say the word Nerf. you JIP as your main strategy. Kotal BTW has zero problems getting in, his entire arsenal is built around getting in, Every normal is Mids that advance, and Kotal is Devistating up close, alien is good mid range to far away, up close alien only get to use a few strings in his moveset because all his other moves that are ment for range are to slow for that type of neutral.

on the other hand Kotal is comparable to alien they are in the same tier, kotal is top tier maybe not the top 5 like alien but is very good. and should not be downplayed. kotal should have zero problems with Alien if played correctly.

and what i was saying, Kotal up close unlike what you said, sines in the Alien matchup since all his strings are in account and where they need to be. like B1 and in war god all the mixups come into play. alien uses most of his strings far away. and you should have no problem beating aliens 10 frame F134 Mid when Kotal is close, even your mid is faster than his. alien is left with his fastes moves so he wont get beat out, like his High starters wich will get low profiled by Kotal. and Kotal has the D4 stagger into his great advancing moves to take control. while at range alien has very slow B3, 4, 33, and F4. to kotals moveset at start range, it is very slow.

Gav don't ever say Nerf alien again, like i said before, i will get on, i still have you on my list, and i will show you how to deal with alien, and every situation or move you have a problem with alien, i will go through each situation or move, and show you what you can do with Kotal to counter each.

thats what a practice buddy is for. ill show you how to counter Aliens Zoning, Corner game, and midscreen.
You don't think Alien is OP. That's fine, but I don't agree.

I don't want Alien wrecked, but I don't want him left alone either.

You're thinking that I'm only looking at how Alien and Kotal matchup. That, in itself, isn't bad - but when you look at Alien in terms of everyone - you see a trend - favorable matchups for Alien over and over.

I think you're displacing here. You just don't trust NRS to nerf effectively. NRS's nerf-hand to you must look like this...


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
gav nothing against you, but the plain fact that you have to ask the question is why you shouldnt even be allowed to suggest to nerf the character. BF4 is a huge part of alien game play in all 3 variations so is F134. like i said before, no downplaying here ill show you in practice, i am offering to show you, not say words but back them up, and help you with anything you have a problem with.

the reason he doesn't get support is because this is TYM, with 400 users per day. the same 400 users every day or close to it. and the same 40 people on each thread, they push agenmdas on here all the time. if you have ever seen my threads you have seen the posts ive made, showing how TYM constantly tries to nerf every character.

they make a list of 5 characters, then try to nerf those "top tiers" for whatever insane reason. then that fad goes away, 2 get nerfed or so, then they move on to 5 more and do the same thing. in the past few months there has been nerf, Mileena, Tekada, Kung Jin, Kano, Kotal, Cyrax, CSZ, Smoke, Cassie, Sonya, Alien, Sektor, Ferra Torr, Predator, Tremor, Tanya, Sub Zero, Reptile, Liu kang.
NRS laughs at them, they call it a salt mine and a joke
my god, this TYM community thinks every character is OP, they basically think the game is broken, they dissagree with, 50/50's, Cancel pressure, Tick throws, JIP's, NJP's, AA moves, Launching Armors, HTB's, High damage combos(on only some characters if its not theirs) they dissagree with the poke game, footsie characters with range, characters with plus 2 frames, Mids, Mixups, Restands, Vortexs.

they basically hate the entire game, and news flash, thats what the game is about. they need to play another game, and i bet they would find a long list to complaine about then as well.

GAV if you can not see this by now i dont know what to tell you.

anyways ill be on Xbox to play with ya and help you with the matchup, i will show you how to counter every move every setup, every restand alien has, what you can do for the Midscreen, Corner, and Zoning game. you can continue to complaine and try to get the character nerfed like all of them do just so there problems go away and many people suffer who like the character, or you can get on XB1 with me and ill show you how to deal with the situation the way you are supposed to do.

your choice
I don't need many words to make my point here. Alien is #1 on the tier list - and the other 2 characters (that also need to be nerfed) are judged by most players to be a half-tier below Alien. You can fight, kick, scream, justify, downplay, frame, enlighten, or Stone Cold Stomp all you want. If there's another patch, Alien will be "normalized." I would rather see my suggestion taken then to have Alien's frames chopped piece by piece.


Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
This thread seems to be people arguing with MadeOfMetal and him defending his opinion for several pages. Oh well.

Tarkatan does not deserve the Tanya treatment. Anyone saying Kobu Jutsu wasn't top 3 before the nerfs should re-evaluate how well they know Kobu. Her nerfs were too much however and her two other variations were and are lacking, leaving her as relatively low tier in XL. Alien's other variations are quite good, but even then Tarkatan doesn't need to be put into the ground.