I feel that loadouts are there because you now have other things to fight over than just standard weapons. Demons, powerups, and power weapons.
Erm, how exactly are you "fighting over" classes? You choose them before the match begins, and in an arena/competitive shooter, engagements and the better man shouldn't be decided by a pre-match decision. It should be decided by your raw skill.
This. I'm sure if none of the aforementioned was present, it would be like a standard arena shooter with all the weapons scattered about the level.
...and that's a bad thing how?
Now I must mention before I go into any further discussion that I have not played the game, primarily because I heard a lot of bad things from the people that played the beta, on top of it just not being what I was hoping for and expecting. Maybe if I tried it I'd have fun, but those types of games ("hybrid" shooters) generally are not my cup of tea, and I wouldn't see myself playing something like that for any long term amount of time.
I mainly just disagree strongly with that type of developer philosophy (a form of "selling out") and refuse to support companies that rip mechanics and aspects from other games and try to shoehorn them into their game and attempt to design their product around such shoehorned aspects, and not around what originally worked for them in the first place and what is proven to work. It's what killed the Halo franchise and why I absolutely despise 343 as company. They care much more about lining their pockets and appealing to young kids/the CoD crowd instead of making the best quality and most competitive game possible, and they don't care how many hardcore fans, that made the Halo name what it is today, they leave in the dust.
What's ironic and kinda funny though is that Call of Duty, that game that originally started this "copy and paste what's popular" and "the more casual the better" craze within the gaming industry, is suffering the same fate. The whole thing has come full circle, and people are finally backlashing against the whole futuristic setting, abilities, and gameplay aspects that were ripped straight from games like Titanfall, Halo, Crysis, etc (not to mention the fucking supply drop garbage). Shit that doesn't belong in Call of Duty, an ARCADE shooter that has always been based in a REALISTIC setting. There's a reason the Infinite Warfare trailer is the SECOND MOST disliked video in the HISTORY of YouTube. If only people would take that kind of stand against modern Halo and 343's bullshit. One can only dream. MCC for life (and CoD4 Remastered come November).
Also, much respect to Dice for not giving a FUH and going back to WW1 for the next Battlefield, which is fucking awesome. They even did it against EA's original wishes, and convinced EA to let them see through their vision. And the game looks amazing because of it. If only we could get Treyarch to do someting like that so we could get World at War 2. *sigh*
But anyway, maybe I'm just too old school for this generation. *another sigh* /end rant.