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Question - Quan Chi Small Quan Buffs

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
His d3 is neutral, he can mb rune to be slightly plus after a 50/50 making you guess after you've already guessed correctly, seems pretty damn good to me.
Check frame data again. D3 isn't neutral on block. Quit misinforming people.

You can reversal out of d3 xx EX rune trap.

It's only plus 7 if you delay it, so it doesn't guarantee anything, you can always reversal out of it. You are not forced to eat another mix. Again quit lying.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
no quan buffs while cyrax and CSZ stays how they are. just kidding.

i just wan't cyrax revived. some damage would be nice or net back in combo. make Net drop a knockdown. just an idea.
Quan offence is still really good, 50,50. Hard to blocks. Great zoning. It's still alot
Do 50/50s make a character good they really don't (BRC) (Raiden) and the hard to blocks now come from ex trance they will usually come from a hard knockdown then you have to get in, hard knockdown in the corner, or your opponent gotta just stare at yo bat while u summon it for a hard to block.

The Highlander

There can be only one
Check frame data again. D3 isn't neutral on block. Quit misinforming people.

You can reversal out of d3 xx EX rune trap.

It's only plus 7 if you delay it, so it doesn't guarantee anything, you can always reversal out of it. You are not forced to eat another mix. Again quit lying.
I never said you were forced to eat a 50/50, I said you had to guess. Which you do. So stop twisting my words
Who's talking about d3 rune? You can do 50/50 rune...
Also d3 is -1 , so pretty much neutral.


Make b1 11 frames so he can actually punish stuff he cant punish atm also give skydrop armor through all the way and please remove the summoner bat cooldown
OMG QUAN BUFFS BURN IT WITH FIRE is going to be the general consensus here but please hear me out. This thread has mostly universal changes but some of this will be about the Summoner variation.
We all know summoner Quan was butchered in the last patch. He honestly was really dumb to fight against and needed those changes. Now you'll see like a couple summoners online and even offline. Even when Quan was an offensive beast, not that many pros were playing him due to lack of defense options. I'm not a down player but Quan being considered top 10 right now is ridiculous. I still believe summoner/ warlock has the best zoning in the game even better than Full Auto, Kenshi (lol Kenshi), Shinnok, etc. That's what summoner is based on, zoning. But he has many problems with his bat. Some of these changes don't have to do with the bat but I feel help Quan as well as other Quan players do.

Make Quan's b32 -7 or -6 on block instead of -14.
Quan chi's b324 should be -14 on block since it is a low combo starter. There should be a reward for hit confirming on block into b32 which doesn't launch on hit and it would still slightly punishable by some characters or safe but still negative. After you do b3 (-13 on block) anything after that or even that is completely unsafe and full combo punishable.
Make Quan's B1 have a startup of 11 frames instead of 14 frames.
Quan right now is basically 50/50s and zoning. He really lacks a fast moving mid to use in neutral. B1 isn't some great combo starter move but it's great to check people in neutral because of the good range.
Enhanced scoop (db1) in all variations like Warlock.
Please put the pitchfork down. I think it is very fair to give Quan a wakeup now since he's been nerfed pretty heavily. It will still be -20 and easy to bait out for a full combo punish. It's just ridiculous playing characters like A-list Johnny Cage, Swarm Queen D'Vorah, Jax, Liu Kang, etc., and having nothing but your trusty ol' d1 lol. NRS please stop buffing sky drop it is completely useless and has a horrible hitbox you can even anti air it on the way down. Sky drop is hands down the most useless armor in the game.
D1 being +10 on hit rather than +3.
There's not a worse feeling than counter poking with d1 to see it hit while they mash buttons or armor, getting out of whatever string you went for next. I don't want 50/50s off of a d1 hitting, this doesn't guarantee a low or overhead after the poke hits. Most characters have around +15 after a d1 hits. This just gives you more time maybe to do his s1 (7f).

Bat whiffing issues.
For the love of God just watch this video http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Kinetic Predato/video/16430813 and this video where I don't understand why bat is a mid but when immediately called out there are inconsistencies. http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Kinetic Predato/video/16775127
Nuff said there please fix that lord Paulo the bat is a projectile why isn't it working IT'S FRUSTRATING lol.
B1 into bat summon being safe.
I'm not asking for safe 50/50s into bat summon, I just want one single move to be safe into bat call. Summoner needs the bat out at all times and this can help.
Bat summon made slightly quicker.
No I don't want the broken cooldown it had from the start of the game but getting bat out faster can help him not get punished as much when maybe calling it out of b1 range.

Thanks for reading and let me know your opinions below. I think these buffs are fair and do not make him op but make him better to use. Everything else is fine. WOOLAY. Please don't torch me this is just my opinion.​
@STB Shujinkydink

I'd love it if these changes happen! One can only pray in the next update!


The Artman
This is an interesting thread. I agree with the buffs to Quan's neutral. It sucks that certain things that seem to be standard among the cast don't apply to Quan Chi. D1 not having enough advantage to guarantee anything other than D3 or another D1 is pretty shitty. lol. I think a few frames need to be shaved off on a lot of Quan's string/moves. Aside from the original changes, there are a few things that I would like changed.

- B3 should either be safe (-5 or -6), have a bit more range, or at least jail into a rune on block. That move being full combo punishable is stupid to me.

- 14 should be safe (-6)

- 141 should be 0 on block (or +1 if you're feeling generous)

- 21 should be safer (-5)

- speed up D4

I just want Quan Chi to be able to "Fight" more. Nothing is more frustrating than getting full combo punished for trying to poke. lol


Quan does not need buffs aside from Warlock, higher tier characters need nerfs. How this is not common sense blows my mind. If you want to give him buffs in some areas then he needs proportionate nerfs in others, and I explained the ideal way to do that on the first page already.
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WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
I never said you were forced to eat a 50/50, I said you had to guess. Which you do. So stop twisting my words
Who's talking about d3 rune? You can do 50/50 rune...
Also d3 is -1 , so pretty much neutral.
D3 -1. D3 9frames. That makes it 10frames. Anyone with a 6-8 frames forces him to eat pressure if he likes to go for d3 lol.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Check frame data again. D3 isn't neutral on block. Quit misinforming people.

You can reversal out of d3 xx EX rune trap.

It's only plus 7 if you delay it, so it doesn't guarantee anything, you can always reversal out of it. You are not forced to eat another mix. Again quit lying.
Actually, it was explicitly stated by Paulo on the Kombat Kast that a maximum delayed MB Rune is +14. Delay before that is +7, and according to 16 Bit there is a specific timing to making it +1.

Nevermind the fact that d3 is safe and you can check characters without a 7 frame d1 with yours after.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
D3 -1. D3 9frames. That makes it 10frames. Anyone with a 6-8 frames forces him to eat pressure if he likes to go for d3 lol.
If they block your d1 and you read a button press after, you could backdash, armor if you're Warlock, or throw out d1 and unless it's one of the handful of characters with a six frame poke, you'll trade or win the exchange.

Stop downplaying.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Quan does not need buffs aside from Warlock, higher tier characters need nerfs. How this is not common sense blows my mind. If you want to give him buffs in some areas then he needs proportionate nerfs in others, and I explained the ideal way to do that on the first page.
Quan doesn't "need" any buffs. There are only a handful of match ups where he truly struggles, as he can fight most of the cast across all three variations.


People suggesting that his low should be safe are not looking at the rest of the cast.

My character, War God Kotal, needs meter just to launch with an unsafe 50/50. Safe 50/50s, without meter, should not be in the game, and aren't for the most part.


Stay focused or get Caged

Balanced has multi hitting launching armor and safe armor.

Kotal Khan is a slow character guys.
And even with that, he's the worst defensive character in the game. Sad, right?

Actually, zoning does not even exist in mkx xD