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Question - Quan Chi Small Quan Buffs


Stay focused or get Caged
Kenshi having good armor makes his defense better that Quan's. Quan is a much better character than Kenshi, but Kenshi's defense is better than Quan's.
Quan ability to zone out the opponent is decent, much better than Balanced Kenshi's.
+ up close Qhan has the threat of 50/50s.

I agree with the armor thing, but meterless, Kenshi is absolutely no threat and unsafe everywhere, and has probably the worst backdash in the game. If you manage to get in his face while he's meterless it's probably ggs.


Stay focused or get Caged
He said that one of the better defensive characters has bad defense, so I was saying that Kotal is slow as a joke.

You can consider him one of the best defensive characters if you want, since defense does not exist in mkx :)


Designer for BxA
Fix Skydrop. D1 +10 on hit? I can maybe agree with this a little seeing how the majority of the cast has a D1 that is double digit + on hit and also for the most part safe on block. Quan and Kitana are the only characters in the whole cast that D1 is single digit hit advantage and full punish -9 on block. Everybody else is -7 or lower.

Universal ex scoop....no. I don't think he needs this at all. Would it be amazing for him? Absolutely. Does he need it? No.


There it is...
The JC community is an absolute joke as well the character is top 3 free. Lol Quan community is barely anyone so getting support for anything is near impossible.

You lost everyone at make ex scoop universal. Quan community has been asking for buffs for months and months even when he was good, recently jc community only asked for fixes and for a variation which has literally no purpose to get buffed.


Alien keeps me up at night
I'm glad you made this thread because it gives me an opportunity to list what they should actually do to Quan, and he's still around the top 10 by the way. Saying otherwise for any variation but Warlock is ridiculous. Summoner and Sorcerer are somewhere between the 11th best in the game and the 8th best, and if you don't think so then try to name 10 characters that are without a doubt better than Summoner/Sorcerer. I made a thread on how to properly balance Quan Chi a while back but I've made some small revisions to my ideas. The premise of my ideas is to nerf his 50/50s but buff his zoning so he'll be a more skill based character but still around the same area on the tier list.

The only thing I definitely agree with is b1 being made 11 or 12 frames instead of 14. That way we could punish some things more consistently, we'd have something to counter poke d4s with, and it'd be a better ranged anti air for jump ins like Kotal's and Shinnok's. And making b1 canceled into bat summon safe would be unnecessary and it would mean that b1 canceled into the purple spell in Sorcerer would be plus. It just makes no sense as an idea and wouldn't even work without giving b1 massive block stun.

B32 being safe is absurd. Do we really want more safe, meterless, launching, hit confirmable 50/50s in this fucking game? If you think he needs it to compete with top tiers, then ask for top tiers to be nerfed, not mid tiers to be buffed. We want this game more skill based with more footsies, not less.

He actually needs his 50/50s nerfed, not buffed. Summoner needs his hard to blockables removed, they're disgusting, and they should be removed by making all overheads hit mid while the low bat is active. In addition, b2 should become a mid and f1 and f4 should become the new overheads. The cancel advantage on f1 and f4 should be reduced so that trance doesn't link afterwards, and the cancel advantage on f14 should be reduced even more so that neither trance nor rune would connect afterwards for a combo. That way his overhead starter could not be hit confirmed and you would have to spend meter to get it to launch, which also removes his meterless vortex that he still has. However, this would buff his zoning because f142 not only grants a full screen knockdown on hit, but it's also safe on block, so we would have more meter to use for MB runes because we wouldn't have to use them to make the overhead safe.

To compensate for the 50/50 nerfs, rune needs to be +14 again regardless of how long we delay it, BUT it should always have a gap even if we meter burn it immediately. This would give Sorcerer his rune trap back, which he should have for several reasons. To compensate for the rune trap being back, Sorcerer's meter drain spell needs to drain far less meter, about the amount it drained during the GGPO beta, and purple trance should drain 25-50% of a bar, not 75%.

As for what Warlock needs, portal stab needs to be sped up by about 4 frames so it could be used as an armored anti air to counter broken jump punches and neutral jump kicks during knockdowns. Portal grab needs much better tracking so it'll work as a full screen anti air at all times, and 21f3 needs to be special cancelable to give him 4% more damage on all his combos.

And lastly, EX sky drop needs armor on the way down.