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General/Other - Tremor Tremor General Discussion Thread


My blade is broken damn right better than yours!
Was thinking of picking him up but will probs play Shinnok instead now (maybe Ermac). Hey but I remember back in the day ppl were finding some awesome tech with crystalline. Is he still the way to go or was he completely destroyed as well?


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
My point still stands. I don't think the same either personally, its just he has so many problems right now that NRS can easily fix but they won't ever I imagine that is kinda why I feel he might as well be. I just feel a bit heart broken is all.
your point still stands hes not viable even though you dont think hes not viable but u feel like hes not viable because nrs wont be buffing him agaiin???


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
your point still stands hes not viable even though you dont think hes not viable but u feel like hes not viable because nrs wont be buffing him agaiin???
LOL should've been more clear.

I'd like to think he's viable but I feel he might as well not be because he has so many problems which I doubt NRS will address and I doubt more will not surface.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
LOL should've been more clear.

I'd like to think he's not viable but I feel he might as well not be because he has so many problems which I doubt NRS will address and I doubt more will not surface.
guessing you meant to say viable over not viable in 1st part of sentence?
what problems?


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
guessing you meant to say viable over not viable in 1st part of sentence?
what problems?
Check the group for certain new ones that have surfaced. But I'm not going to personally go into all the problems I think he has currently on here, I've ranted enough times. You can PM why I feel none of this was needed.

Edit: edited my previous post, I must be half-asleep.


So let me get this straight, they gave us a corner HTB after he got destroyed last patch and now they took it back. Seriously how does he get ruined yet characters like Kung Lao are still beasting, the logic makes no sense.


Well tremor is at rock bottom but at least not bottom 1. Poor bo rai cho.

Crystalline still has some viability to it but literally RIP to the other two.


So anyone still going to play him? Don't think I'll give him up since he's my fav character just wondering whats the game plan now for his aftershock variation.
So anyone still going to play him? Don't think I'll give him up since he's my fav character just wondering whats the game plan now for his aftershock variation.
I still intend on playing him and I am still trying to figure out the after shock game plan. I have been going with playing keep away as much as I can.
A mild frustration at something, so an iota of salt if I may. While playing against Salt Face's Ravenous Mileena I discovered a bit of an annoying factor in the Tremor match up. Once again his slow pokes come back to haunt him. I'll explain:

Tremor's fastest poke is D1 = 9 Frame Start Up.
Mileena's Fastest Poke is her 6 Frame D1. Her high pounce is a 12 frame, slightly forward advancing Mid attack that is -3.
-3 on block to 6 frame poke = 9 Frame attack.

So if done tight enough, this 'loop' can become very annoying to deal with. Now, to clarify Tremor can back dash (if done properly) Jump back, or jump forward. However the Mileena can also make that read and punish appropriately. Otherwise he can armor out with ex DB1 or DB2/Db2U . That being said if Tremor has no meter and finds himself say in the corner? It becomes an even bigger annoyance. It's moments such as these that make me wish that Tremor had been apart of the near universal poke buff. A 7 frame D1 would have been acceptable.


The Highlander

There can be only one
Do you guys have any ideas about who Tremor beats? Right now I only really think that Raiden fits the bill, maybe a few of the triborgs, and BRC? I haven't really played the new DLC enough to know though.

The Highlander

There can be only one
Sub, Erron, Kotal, maybe Goro

these are off the top of my head
Hmm yea I can see Erron, and sub. I go back and forth about Kotal, depends how well I do in my most recent set I guess lol. No idea about Goro... What allows him to beat punchwalk and goro's frames?


How is metallic even supposed to win? He really seems to have almost nothing. All plus frames are meaningless. Rock drop is gone. Zoning is still terrible. Still has no real mixups outside of 212/21d4. He has some sort of oki in lava stance but once again f121 leads to nothing. He has great punishes but nothing to force those mistakes. All the opponent really has to do is low pokes, how's he gonna blow you up for it?
Does anyone else see metallic as a very strong candidate for worst variation in the game?
How is metallic even supposed to win? He really seems to have almost nothing. All plus frames are meaningless. Rock drop is gone. Zoning is still terrible. Still has no real mixups outside of 212/21d4. He has some sort of oki in lava stance but once again f121 leads to nothing. He has great punishes but nothing to force those mistakes. All the opponent really has to do is low pokes, how's he gonna blow you up for it?
Does anyone else see metallic as a very strong candidate for worst variation in the game?

Don't listen to mf12dave, rather listen to yungmonster12:

Crystalline is a very weak variation Imo, and metallic has excellent zoning


I'm so confused by the punch frame data. This is Crystalline that i'm looking at if that matters.

Regular krystal punch is 13 frames. It's not 13 frames because it doesn't punish Shinnok's shoulder, which is -15. When I go down to strike(db2u) and smash(db2d), they read as 8 frame and 17 frames. Is krystal strike really 8 frames, or is it 8 frames, added on to the regular punch. That would make sense since smash is clearly more than 17 frames.

However, that would mean that krystal strike is slower than krystal punch. That's definitely not the case.

I'm sure you guys have figured this out. I looked around a little bit and couldn't find anything. If there is easy to find information on this, sorry for being lazy.
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I'm so confused by the punch frame data. This is Crystalline that i'm looking at if that matters.

Regular krystal punch is 13 frames. It's not 13 frames because it doesn't punish Shinnok's shoulder, which is -15. When I go down to strike(db2u) and smash(db2d), they read as 8 frame and 17 frames. Is krystal strike really 8 frames, or is it 8 frames, added on to the regular punch. That would make sense since smash is clearly more than 17 frames.

However, that would mean that krystal strike is slower than krystal punch. That's definitely not the case.

I'm sure you guys have figured this out. I looked around a little bit and couldn't find anything. If there is easy to find information on this, sorry for being lazy.
It's weird. I think (not completely sure) the generally accepted frame data is straight punch being 19 frames and the overhead is somewhere between 30 and 33.