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Street Fighter V General Discussion


Its Game Over, Man
Since @@MylesWright_ and @usedcarsalesmang clearly can't be bothered to find footage that shows the potential that their characters have, I've taken the liberty of helping them out, whether they appreciate it or not. Hopefully, this stops the whining about FANG and Bison, though I doubt it. I found a bunch of videos on Youtube from GamersGridTV for Bison and FANG. Just two examples, but the channel as of right now covers FANG's combos, Mixups, frametraps and pressure, and Bison's combos, resets, frametraps and pressure. If this can't do anything to help you, then its on you.


Reactions: GAV


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
BTW - I just played for about 45 minutes. Two of the matches I lost were laggy as hell. I lost one more to a completely bad-ass Ryu player. The rest, I won pretty easily. My only close win was to a FANG player. He was decent, but once I learned what to do - it made things tough for him. He knew all the buttons, but a good FANG player needs to have enough presence to not walk himself into the corner against Cammy.

They slowed down Cammy's standing MK a smidge, but now she has a cross-up attack in LK. Players really don't know what to do once Cammy starts safe-jumping LK on wake-up. I think I'm getting an over-inflated idea of my skills though. The last time I played, I was up in the 4K+ range and I was getting players that knew what they were doing, but my brother and nephew play it a lot - and every time I borrow the PS4 (I gave it to my brother for Christmas) to play SF, I'm back down around 1K. They're both Ryu players and my brother stinks and my nephew is seven. I have it up to 2K+ again, but when I give it back - I know it will be back around 1K in no time. I might be able to hold onto it for a few days since my bro and nephew are on that Pokken Tournament now. He only lives 5 minutes away, so I can give it back at the drop of a hat. Lord knows, he's borrowed my systems enough over the years.


BTW - I just played for about 45 minutes. Two of the matches I lost were laggy as hell. I lost one more to a completely bad-ass Ryu player. The rest, I won pretty easily. My only close win was to a FANG player. He was decent, but once I learned what to do - it made things tough for him. He knew all the buttons, but a good FANG player needs to have enough presence to not walk himself into the corner against Cammy.

They slowed down Cammy's standing MK a smidge, but now she has a cross-up attack in LK. Players really don't know what to do once Cammy starts safe-jumping LK on wake-up. I think I'm getting an over-inflated idea of my skills though. The last time I played, I was up in the 4K+ range and I was getting players that knew what they were doing, but my brother and nephew play it a lot - and every time I borrow the PS4 (I gave it to my brother for Christmas) to play SF, I'm back down around 1K. They're both Ryu players and my brother stinks and my nephew is seven. I have it up to 2K+ again, but when I give it back - I know it will be back around 1K in no time. I might be able to hold onto it for a few days since my bro and nephew are on that Pokken Tournament now. He only lives 5 minutes away, so I can give it back at the drop of a hat. Lord knows, he's borrowed my systems enough over the years.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Was that Ryu player you? My gameplan is pretty simple - stick standing MK in your face a bunch of times and play off of it with her nasty oki game, but the Ryu player did all kinds of stuff to stuff the MK. It would take a good set to figure out what the game actually was.

If you were the Cammy or Vega, then please. There were more skips in those frames than in a day-long session of hop-scotch.


Was that Ryu player you? My gameplan is pretty simple - stick standing MK in your face a bunch of times and play off of it with her nasty oki game, but the Ryu player did all kinds of stuff to stuff the MK. It would take a good set to figure out what the game actually was.

If you were the Cammy or Vega, then please. There were more skips in those frames than in a day-long session of hop-scotch.
I was none of those. I meant that your LP was getting bodied by your generosity.

I am bad at this game. pretty sure you'd destroy me at it.

PSN adamp1916 CFN Sultani19

add me. I'll lose 20 times in a row and then convince myself it's because the game is bad.
Reactions: GAV


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I was none of those. I meant that your LP was getting bodied by your generosity.

I am bad at this game. pretty sure you'd destroy me at it.

PSN adamp1916 CFN Sultani19

add me. I'll lose 20 times in a row and then convince myself it's because the game is bad.
I'll have to look up his PSN. Its probably Russ14721, but I'm not sure how to even look it up. The GT I made for SFV is oGAV60o.

It is his system - so I can't have an issue with them playing it. I just wish they didn't stink so bad at it so I could get matched up with better players when I do get to play. I should just get one of my own, but I've been trying to save to take classes in the Fall.
Since @@MylesWright_ and @usedcarsalesmang clearly can't be bothered to find footage that shows the potential that their characters have, I've taken the liberty of helping them out, whether they appreciate it or not. Hopefully, this stops the whining about FANG and Bison, though I doubt it. I found a bunch of videos on Youtube from GamersGridTV for Bison and FANG. Just two examples, but the channel as of right now covers FANG's combos, Mixups, frametraps and pressure, and Bison's combos, resets, frametraps and pressure. If this can't do anything to help you, then its on you.


Videos don't help Bison in his weak areas.
Like we to watch need some guy explaining frame data and basic game mechanics for an hour like hes Tom Brady, but i appreciate the effort.

People are starting to take note of how bad Bison is (example Shoryuken.com)
Some slowpokes are still getting their info from EventHubs.com


I'll be back 3ing
I don't know man, I said it days ago that Nash had to be top tier big time. Whenever you can throw a sonic boom and follow it without any recovery time and ALSO have a flash kick that doesn't require charging then that's pretty OP to me.
Nash seems pretty fair to me. He is just a good character

Since @@MylesWright_ and @usedcarsalesmang clearly can't be bothered to find footage that shows the potential that their characters have, I've taken the liberty of helping them out, whether they appreciate it or not. Hopefully, this stops the whining about FANG and Bison, though I doubt it. I found a bunch of videos on Youtube from GamersGridTV for Bison and FANG. Just two examples, but the channel as of right now covers FANG's combos, Mixups, frametraps and pressure, and Bison's combos, resets, frametraps and pressure. If this can't do anything to help you, then its on you.
Has this man heard of transcripts..

walk himself into the corner against Cammy.
No wonder you talk about this game with such confidence. Cammy players thinking they have fundamentals:rolleyes:.

Stop making excuses for losing with F.A.N.G from a Cammy player. The audacity... It's like an R.Mika player saying "come on, it isn't that bad. Just guess"
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SRK posters are pointing to one tweet by Moons and NCR placements to now say Bison is bad, when he was consensus mid to high tier before that one tweet and tournament.

So, best sim at NCR tied for 25th. Must mean sim is bad.
SRK posters are pointing to one tweet by Moons and NCR placements to now say Bison is bad, when he was consensus mid to high tier before that one tweet and tournament.

So, best sim at NCR tied for 25th. Must mean sim is bad.
Shoryuken posters have been pointing out for awhile Bison's weaknesses in matchup discussion threads
and in the Bison forums. General consensus is that hes mid-to-low tier.
Even commentators during the Capcom Pro tour have commented
on the lack of Bison.

Sim doesn't have a history of placing badly at majors like Bison does.
Currently, no character has a track record as bad as Bison's at majors
and the Bison community is in the lab here trying to resuscitate their maligned, emaciated leader.


Shoryuken posters have been pointing out for awhile Bison's weaknesses in matchup discussion threads
and in the Bison forums. General consensus is that hes mid-to-low tier.
Even commentators during the Capcom Pro tour have commented
on the lack of Bison.

Sim doesn't have a history of placing badly at majors like Bison does.
Currently, no character has a track record as bad as Bison's at majors
and the Bison community is in the lab here trying to resuscitate their maligned, emaciated leader.
When you are talking about majors, are you only mentioning US or world?


Regina George of discord
@GAV actually, the Birdie MU has been known to be a losing MU for her. Every Cammy players agree on that, he can definitely contest her range, he can easily AA her EX cannon strike with his great cr. Mp AA, his V-skill is kind of a problem if the Birdie uses it properly, if he is yolo and does it raw then you he is bad. Also he has more damage and more health than her, this is actually oretty bad for her IMO.

A good birdie is not just going to raw dolphin grab you all day.
I hadn't played SF since sf2 turbo (hyper) and wonder, why does everyone want Alex? I mean is he real fun to play with? I mean I would expect more people would want someone like akuma,sagat,fei long way more than Alex so is it that he's another awesome character or because he was the first dlc?