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Street Fighter V General Discussion


Live by the sword, Die by the sword

Hey everyone! We're back today with another Street Fighter V status update, this time detailing how we will be dealing with players with high disconnect rates (aka rage quitters) in the short term while we continue to work on a permanent solution. Hit the jump for more information.

First off, we want to thank the community for being so proactive on this issue. Ever since last week, we’ve received a ton of videos both here on Unity and our social channels which we've been able to cross reference with our data and put together a clear picture as to which players are abusing the system. Though we were pretty confident that players in our system who had high disconnect rates were indeed those who were attempting to avoid a loss at all costs, we didn’t want to start dishing out any punishments without clear proof.

Since then, we've been working hard with the SFV server team to put together a process to pinpoint users who are clearly abusing the system and we're happy to announce that we can now do this without any proof of video. We will be punishing players on a weekly basis who have extremely high disconnect rates coupled with unrealistic win rates.

To be clear, we are only targeting the worst offenders in our system, so if you have had a few instances of being disconnected during a match, you have nothing to worry about. The players who fit the criteria of what we would call a “Rage Quitter” typically have an 80-90% disconnect rate and their accounts sit far outside of the norm as compared to the majority of other players.

The Penalty

Starting last week, we penalized roughly 30 players in our system by docking their League Points. Players who log into their account and see that their LP and Rank has dropped significantly can consider this a warning. We will be continuing to monitor these accounts in the coming weeks and will take further action if needed.

Moving forward, we will be making a sweep each week based on accounts in our system that have abnormally high disconnect rates (particularly at the end of the match) and will reset their League Points.

While we don’t have an exact ETA on a permanent solution, we will let everyone know as soon as it is in place.

March Update

We know you're all very eager to hear more about what will be included in the March update, in addition to getting more details on Alex. We will have a major news drop next week on what modes are coming, additional bug fixes and more, so stay tuned!

Required Ports for SFV

For those of you who are having issues connecting to our servers, Capcom Japan has released another tip that may help some users. We wanted to share that with you today.

They recommend checking and seeing if these remote ports are allowed on your router and PC as it could help with logging into our servers.

  • TCP: 80, 443, 20002, 30840, 30850, 30870

  • UDP: 30840-30859, 30870-30879
Current Fixes

We have also made a few additional fixes on the server side recently.

  • An issue where some users could not be found in Rival Search is now resolved.

  • Fixed an issue with players being disconnected immediately after creating a Battle Lounge.
Additional Known Issues

Here are a few other issues we are aware of and are working to resolve.

  • Users with “-“ and “_” in their Fighter ID can’t be searched.

  • If you get disconnected while making a Fighter ID, your Fighter ID will be either your PSN or Steam ID.

  • Fighter Profile data is currently not populating with information. This will come at a later date.
That’s it for today! As always, if you have any feedback, feel free to leave a comment here on Unity or send a tweet to @SFVServer!


I get that they need to make money. But costumes costing 40% of a character sucks. Especially when competitors give free costumes. Either way I'll be buying characters I want first. Then the others while making sure I have enough FM. Then costumes I just gotta have if I got some spare FM.
Their benchmark isn't other fighters though, but LoL, and their costume costs are actually cheaper than in that game.

Not to mention that there are other fighters that are also making a killing on costume sales.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Hold up, characters will be around 100,000? Damn I've only got like 50k, I need to start earning that $$$. Good thing the only character I actually really want is Ibuki.


Normalize grab immunity.
Their benchmark isn't other fighters though, but LoL, and their costume costs are actually cheaper than in that game.

Not to mention that there are other fighters that are also making a killing on costume sales.
Their benchmark for how to do free currency and esports might be LoL but LoL isn't a competitor. So I and any one else is perfectly within reason to compare SFV to another fighter. Take blazblue for example. More expensive dlc characters and they still do disc upgrades. So capcom has them beat there. But I can play the game regularly and just "buy" colors in the in game store.

And no way could capcom do prices like LoL considering it costs $60 and lacks some things.


Normalize grab immunity.
Hold up, characters will be around 100,000? Damn I've only got like 50k, I need to start earning that $$$. Good thing the only character I actually really want is Ibuki.
Doing all stories should get you enough for a dlc character. Then do easy and normal survival can get you plenty FM. I think it's at least 7000 per 1st time normal clear. Play all the characters a bit to level then up for 1000 each. Hopefully trials and challenges give us a lot too. The challenges will make or break the grind


how the heck do ppl get 6k+ LP
I am at 4500 LP now and getting matched vs 1-2k LP players 70% of the time, 20% 3k LP players and rarely anyone 4k+ LP.
And I gotta say some of the 1k LP players are actually pretty good since some elite players just started playing ranked and if I lose = 100 LP gone
sometimes you face a laggy match = 100 LP gone
And I am winning 85%+ of my ranked matches
beating almost anyone in the 4-6K range most of the time except a few
If match making would actually work, but right now?
ye everyone can check my cfn lol but srsly

I swear if capcom would have reseted every RQ player
( atm approx 150 ppl did RQ vs me ) I would be at 6k LP as well, but atm its just a huge grindfest

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Some guy sent me an amazon code for SFV and now i have the game, got my chance to really explore competitively yesterday, and i'm so far Enjoying Cammy and Ken Masters.

Cammy has a scary comeback factor though. As for Ken, he is really this good in this game, damn.

Love the fact that mashers will have to hold pretty much in this game, since crush counters is a mechanic designed to kill mashers

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Some guy sent me an amazon code for SFV and now i have the game, got my chance to really explore competitively yesterday, and i'm so far Enjoying Cammy and Ken Masters.

Cammy has a scary comeback factor though. As for Ken, he is really this good in this game, damn.

Love the fact that mashers will have to hold pretty much in this game, since crush counters is a mechanic designed to kill mashers
Cammy's great. She's got the frame traps, mobility and plus frames to really make your opponent scared. Scary rush down in the right hands.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Cammy's great. She's got the frame traps, mobility and plus frames to really make your opponent scared. Scary rush down in the right hands.
Yeah, she got some complicated resets on the right hands as well, along with her V-skill which is combo-able with st.hp st.mp and cr.mp

Can CA cancel spiral arrow, cannon spike on first hits, on V-Trigger is much harder but its just practice requirement, overall, she really is Scary on the right hands, i was kinda worried when i noticed she doesn't have overheads, but she has more links than any other character i've currently tested so i'm good. Also her Counter hit links are very usefull and her crush counter is also great although it can be neutral crouched, but those leave mostly open for Spin Knuckle crossups.


EX Ovi should launch
Anyone EU fancy playing tonight? I'm currently at work but in about 7 hours I will have a fun filled evening of sitting around at home, so hit me up!

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Anyone EU fancy playing tonight? I'm currently at work but in about 7 hours I will have a fun filled evening of sitting around at home, so hit me up!
If nobody is watching Netflix in my house and you've got nobody to play with then I'll hit you up :)