Some of the stuff you guys go back n forth with tickles me, you guys are on the outside looking in, ppl who claim that demo is broken and ridiculous, is insane, I didn't get in the position I did using demo Sonya reload combos all day, in fact I only get the ability to do that if I have 2-3 grenades and I open my opponent up in the corner, something I could rarely get when I was fighting the top players in this tournament, some of u claim that detonating bomb on block and hit is broken, don't u realize how bad demo would be if they took that away? When bomb Is thrown out that is how Sonya starts her mixup, also its a mid for christ sakes, demo is more read based variation just anything, there are tons of dumb stuff in this game, Cassie 18% safe overhead, crazy good armor option selects, invincibility on ex nut punch, tanya ridiculous pressure n chip damage, air n wake up 50/50s, Kotal ridiculous meter building with purple totem, n damage with totem buff, the list goes on and on, if ur gonna complain about 1 char being broke ur gonna have to look at all chars, this is just how the game is, its got tons of dumb stuff in it, u just have to deal with it, and accept it for what it is, until things change..