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The Official MKXL Complain/Rant Thread


She spent a bar of meter to make the nut punch like +54 or something so you just have to try and guess the mix up after it correctly or hold whatever pressure/blockstring she does after it. The same way that Ermac can make her guess from one touch into another guessing situation. Block and punish my friend.
Thank you, but how can i guess and block while still stunned? lets say i pressed down block instead of trying to launch an armored attack after she spent a bar to extend stun will her combo be blocked?


i Just ate 3 consecutive combos from cassie totaling 85%! and it seems that there was nothing i could have done! i kept trying to launch an armored attack in between combos but it didnt work so can someone explain to me what i should have done instead? here is the link to the combos:
I'm afraid you have stumbled across one of the most questionable parts of MKX mechanics (in my opinion), which is a guess blocking. After EX nut punch you have to guess-block her 50/50s, where you either guess right or guess wrong. She has one of those 50/50s that are impossible to block on reaction. Only luck will help. May the Force be with you at these moments.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Thank you, but how can i guess and block while still stunned? lets say i pressed down block instead of trying to launch an armored attack after she spent a bar to extend stun will her combo be blocked?
Yes, it will be blocked. You absolutely cannot launch an armoured attack when Cassie does EX nutpunch. You are put in so much hit stun that you have to guess if she's going to do the overhead move or the low move by just blocking - it's guarenteed. If you block, then you get a full combo punish.


Blocking what she is going to hit you with next. You guessed wrong and ate the damage which it totally not your fault you had to guess and guessed wrong not much you can do about it. If she lands the nut punch there is not much you can do about it besides block.
Thanks got it...


I'm afraid you have stumbled across one of the most questionable parts of MKX mechanics (in my opinion), which is a guess blocking. After EX nut punch you have to guess-block her 50/50s, where you either guess right or guess wrong. She has one of those 50/50s that are impossible to block on reaction. Only luck will help. May the Force be with you at these moments.
i dont mind the mechanic as long as all characters can do it...


We all love NRS games. At least we want to love them. That's why we're here, right? The characters are great in MK, and even if many of us aren't comic fans, we all have a favorite super hero that was most likely was in Injustice. Even as bad as MKDC was, there was a little excitement in seeing Superman vs. Raiden.

I'm not salty, I'm upset that accept

But NRS, oh NRS, how many times can this pooch get screwed before it takes its doghouse somewhere else?

I am really only focusing on their last 4 games, MKDC, MK9, Injustice and MKX.

MKDC was a buggy mess with overpowered characters and an unbeatable infinite. Green Lantern and Flash much? Lets not forget the attrocious netcode though. It literally changed the game and the way the characters played online.

MK9 is the best of the bunch. The netcode was the equivalent of a couple of tin cans tied to gether by a string, but at least MK9 was fun. Glitchy and ruined by characters like Kabal and Kung Lao, but fun.

Injustice, where do I even begin? The unseeable 50/50's, patches out the ass, ruined/useless characters. Then there's that dial-up tier netcode.

MKX, or should I say the shitty part of MK meets the shitty part of Injustice put into a game? Lets throw in shit tier netcode again.

It's almost as if each game is a beta for the next game. MKDC was the beta for MK9. Injustice was the beta for MKX.

Don't even get me started on NRS' rhetoric either. Boon loves to say things about MKX's online experience being amazing, but he's talking about the faction wars when he knows that everyone is wondering about the games shit level netcode. He just keeps on lying to our faces.

Then we get other NRS employees coming on here and trying to defend and justify what they're serving us, as well as completely and intentionally ignoring anything they know they fucked up, like anything about the netcode.

So lets get into the netcode, because I've obviously made it a point to mention it as a problem in every game. MKDC through MKX were all made using the Unreal 3 engine. I could be wrong on some of this, but I believe that the UR3 engine has a built in netcode that is meant to handle up to 64 players at a time. It also has no latency compensation. It's pretty easy to see that NRS just implemented this shitcode into their games and rolled the dice. Maybe they tweaked it here and there per game but it's obvious that we were lied to when they said that we'd get better netcode with each game. How is it that we can't get reliable netcode in this era of gaming? Capcom gives their faithful a beta with online play in order to test the game as well as test the netcode and network stability. We get the krypt and 47 Scorpion skins.

Now I'm not saying that anything is going to change at this point. I'm not even saying that we won't buy their shit on a platter if they were to sell it. We love NRS games, but we also hate them at the same time.


Yay another net code thread
I know it may seem as if it's a cleverly disguised netcode thread, but it's really not. It is actually an overall state of NRS thread. I love their games, and it seems that pretty much all of us do, but we all wind up hating so much about the company for the shit they put us through with the games. Especially when other companies go the distance to make their customers become part of the testing process, it just seems to me that NRS tries their best to get by on barebones methods in order to create something that is good enough as opposed to something that is superior. I'm not sure if its laziness, ineptitude, or apathy, but something has to give at some point.

We can't even so much as get the truth out of them. They won't even respond to questions about stuff they screwed up.

It's not just netcode. I touch on netcode a lot because I'm in a position where I don't have the time or money to travel, and to be honest, I don't really have the desire to travel. I do, however, want to get the best experience possible from my online play, so yes, the netcode dating back to MKDC has been a huge point of contention for me. It's been shit since then and they've done very little to improve it. The netcode, however, is just one symptom of the overall problem with the company. It just happens to be one of the best examples of the company not really caring.


cr. HP Master
I picked the game back up and have been playing it exclusively on PC the past week. I'm disappointed by this. I spend 90% or more of my gaming time on PC. I have a XB1, but I would of preferred PC.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Probably not worth the purchase on PC unless you have people to play with or hardcore lab freak. Shit was a ghost town last I played and that was a while ago and I can't imagine it has gotten any better.



Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
This just means that it is not coming in 2016. Patience is a virtue.
That doesn't make it any better, after all that hype. I just hope now they open refunds as soon as they release the dlc for consoles cuz am pretty much over and done with them.

Probably not worth the purchase on PC unless you have people to play with or hardcore lab freak. Shit was a ghost town last I played and that was a while ago and I can't imagine it has gotten any better.
I almost only play offline with friends on PC and lab even more, even olnine on pc is not that bad so this is terrible news.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
That doesn't make it any better, after all that hype. I just hope now they open refunds as soon as they release the dlc for consoles cuz am pretty much over and done with them.

I almost only play offline with friends on PC and lab even more, even olnine on pc is not that bad so this is terrible news.
Yeah that def sucks for you man, I feel for you. If I had people to play with offline I would def purchase. I will not purchase to play online though specially with SFV coming out so soon.