What the.... Murk you're talking about theory fighting here. Stuff you do in the lab or in your head is not equivalent to what is actually practical and happens in matches. If you think Kano controls the pace of anything against Liu Kang you're doing something wrong. Liu shuts down any area Kano wants to win in. Up close? Liu Kang has a much better up close game. Full screen? Liu Kang's projectile wins trades so it's not worth it for Cyber to zone. All Kang has to do is block one knife and he's off. Never mind the fact I'm labbing it right now (and have before a bunch of times to make sure it's not just me) but I've also played this matchup enough to know that I'm not going to outzone him if the Kang knows what he's doing. If I could outzone him I'd have no trouble saying this is a better than losing matchup for Kano but he 100% does not win from full screen. Midscreen? Kang has the better walkspeeds as well both advancing lows and an overhead (although not a full combo but still a threat) to worry about. I really don't see how you could possibly let Kano control Kang, maybe Cutthroat since it has a better up close game but not Cybernetic. Let's ask some people who actually play both characters and see what they have to say
@Phosferrax @Derptile
I didn't say he wins just because he can sit back and throw knives, did you not read my last post? I said that's a part of it, but not something she's going to deal with all the time. Kano does not have to walk back to throw knives either, where are you getting these things from? Reread what I said. He can sit where he is and throw knives, she needs to come to him. When she does get to midscreen he has the tools to compete with her in neutral so it's not auto-hold-this-string/mixup. There's no walking back needed. Just because my fastest
normal is 8 frames doesn't mean my fastest move is 8, remember I have up ball to challenge you.
What pressure? You're the one that told me that sequences with a 13 frame gap aren't pressure. And it's not a little bit more damage, it's high 20s + knives vs your low 20s damage if you decide you're going to use the restands you're talking about. That's a whole 50% more damage per combo that Kano does, not a little bit. Who cares about B124? I have no reason to sit there and block it, I'll gladly take the hit and be full screen again. That's where I want you. You not panicking when someone chooses Cybernetic is fine, it's good that you don't worry about what are potentially more problematic matchups, but that doesn't mean Kano doesn't win. In the same way you're saying you don't panic if someone plays Cyber against your Cassie I could say to you that I've rarely lost to a Cassie as Cybernetic and that I win the majority of the games I've played against her, which is true, but it's irrelevant because it has nothing to do with the characters.
They do not have similar 50/50s lol. Yes D'Vorahs B1 requires you to be closer but Cassie needs to be pretty much right next to you to do either of her options. B+D1 is at least half the range of D'Vorahs F2, F2 covers a lot more space than either of Cassie's options. Plus D'Vorahs are not only both safe but convert into much more damage than Cassies. I am looking at the matchup as its own thing, otherwise I'd be saying the entire match is the same but I'm not, I just happen to approach the matchups at a basic level similarly because D'Vorah and Cassie have a similar gameplan in the Cybernetic matchup which is get in and 50/50 me. The difference is how easily they can do that. D'Vorah has better tools than Cassie and I think he goes even with D'Vorah, maybe 4-6 at worst so I can't see where Cassie would have the advantage. If Cybernetic was easier to get in on for Cassie then he'd probably lose since he wouldn't have effective ways of keeping her out/from 50/50ing him, but the combination of his solid neutral, mid knives, Cassie's lack of great anti/counter-zoning and damage just doesn't give her an advantage anywhere except up close where she rarely gets to be. You're theory fighting, it's like saying Jacqui wins matchups because of her safe 50/50s and good damage but ignoring that she gets beat in neutral so she'll never realistically get that many chances to do those things. Cassie doesn't get beat in neutral necessarily but her tools just aren't as effective as other characters' for getting in and doing all these mixups and restands and what you're mentioning.