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Tech - Hellfire My name is Scorpion, and I don't care about your Armor.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I'll handle both of these.

First the Music choice is something that can be completely taken care of with muting the video. I watched this on mute so I didnt know there was music to begin with.

Second. I didn't know he had a TYM account so i posted it in here for him because of that reason.

Third. As I (And a few others) have said before. I don't really look into the scorpion forums. I literally just went to "Post a new thread" and went to get a haircut.

Fourth. I'm not getting bothered really. But what kind of upsets me is that the tech is not even being talked about 80% of the time in this thread. It's literally just "Hey this music sucks and the quality sucks." Which doesn't really matter because the video is clearly visible, Its not like you can't watch it. If you watch the video and all you can say is "Well the music and effects suck" then you missed the point of me posting this video.

Fifth. When did I ever say I wanted credit for this? I clearly said in my OP that this is my friends video and I wanted to share for the scorpion players to discuss.

Sixth. Why should I admit I was wrong for posting something I never seen before.
1) I tried putting it on mute, couldn't tell what I was being shown. I discussed this in a post above the one you made.

2) Thats fine. Now that you know, you can edit in credits to his name.

3) Thats a bad way to be. I'll take that as admission, though, that its an honest mistake.

4) Thats because 80% of the video isn't showing what he needed to show. Also when you sit through 4 or 5 minutes of it, then yeah people will probably comment on the quality as its noticeable, even moreso when its prolonged.

5) I said in my post you quoted (to the creator specifically), meaning it wasn't directed to you.

6) Because its easier than fighting to convince us you were right for doing so. Admitting a mistake is always easier than defending a stance that has no basis.

Yeah because I never said I was the person who found the tech out or anything. I've tried doing Flame Aura~D1/D3~1,2,3 and it's good, I've also tried doing Flame Aura~1,1~Tele~214 (Armor Break) it's good as well..

But in my labbing Flame Aura~Back 1,2~Tele~214 (Armor Break) works the most consistent for me when trying to break armor by fireball canceling into Back 3 low string or Back 1,2. None of the videos was somebody using B1,2 off FA and it seems that the timing is just right from the string to where the tick always hits from the FA. I still belive we can find other ways to even further guarantee this armor break when doing our pressure. I just showcased my opinion... appreciate you taking it for that and actually looking at the video. Here's to finding more tech *fist bump*
Thats the thing. If you took this post, showed literally only what you discussed here, and posted that instead, it would've taken a minute tops and everyone would appreciate it. I appreciate the tech, I don't appreciate that its surrounded by so much that others can't do the same. But yes, here is to finding more tech.

Then make a seperate thread for it somwhere else to discuss the standards instead of bogging down a thread that is moving towards actual discussion ont e tpoic at hand. Many of which in this thread were wrong about.
Pardon, I'm offering constructive criticism about how the video could better showcase its admittedly valid and relevant information, and the information which was presented (or rather, could be better presented) could be better discussed if such measures were taken. Please save your personal issues with me for my newsfeed, this is a forum. What I've said actually has to do with the video, what you've said only pertains to me. The topic isn't about me. Sooo... stop bogging down the thread thats moving towards actual discussion and make a seperate thread for your issues with me somewhere else.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I'm going to mess with this when I get home. Thank you for posting.

Dude these super long posts are taking away from the discussion of the tech in the video. Like mentioned, someone should maybe make a "guideline to videos" thread or something. These long posts are doing the same thing you say the long video does.

I get what you're saying but now this thread is filled with people dismissing the tech and arguing about video quality. It's a mess.
Long posts are love, long posts are life. If this were an in-depth discussion about the tech, the posts would be just as long just with different content. If you don't want to read them, don't read them. They aren't usually directed at you regardless.
If I made a video about this video, it would probably be a 20 second video where I remove the overlay and music, and 80% of the needless content. (also if you think these are long, buddy just be glad I actually like these guys and notice they had actual tech)


You inspire no fear.
I don't understand how you can have bad quality when you can just upload it directly from your PS4.

(Not hating on the video/owner/whatever, just curious.)


Trust me, I'm a doctor
The thread should be titled "b.12 - an alternative armor breaking set-up". Shorter and actually is what the video is about.
The title is the first thing people see. You wonder why they came in here and ignored the video?

C'mon... @oaoo94 :p

I think you can edit the title? I don't know if you can after creation. But if you could, it might be best to change the topic title to something less... vague?

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Long posts are love, long posts are life. If this were an in-depth discussion about the tech, the posts would be just as long just with different content. If you don't want to read them, don't read them. They aren't usually directed at you regardless.
If I made a video about this video, it would probably be a 20 second video where I remove the overlay and music, and 80% of the needless content.
Obviously if it was in depth discussion on the tech I'd be ok with it because it would actually be on topic. I actually only read a portion of your posts tbh because I only needed a portion of that info to understand what you were talking about ;)

So can we get back on topic?

The best setups imo come off f4 xx flame aura b12xx teleport 214 fbc. If this is a consistent setup it's going to be very useful imo. Has anyone else tried it?


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Obviously if it was in depth discussion on the tech I'd be ok with it because it would actually be on topic. I actually only read a portion of your posts tbh because I only needed a portion of that info to understand what you were talking about ;)

So can we get back on topic?

The best setups imo come off f4 xx flame aura b12xx teleport 214 fbc. If this is a consistent setup it's going to be very useful imo. Has anyone else tried it?
Tell vs Show

If you'd care to.

So how does it respond to 2 or more hits of armor? I dunno if my timing is off, but I can't seem to get it to avoid such things.


LOL I wanted to read posts first before watching the video. 90% troll post due to his song. I will definitely watch it NOW (despite the fact that I watched all the other videos already - but I like watching tech videos).
Without watching it: thank you for the hard work you put on it. I haven't recorded any video yet so I am not better. :) Maybe I start recording few of my matches and hope for not trolling. :)

The title of the thread is funny though. Call for trolling I admit it. :p

EDIT: watched the video. I liked that music and the VHS effect made the whole thing just better. Like old Counter Strike videos.
Regarding the content: I found nothing new in the video it was posted many times in TYM already. :)

Good work but unfortunately redundant.
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>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
Holy shit what happened in here...

Some ppl will never post tech if every time they do ppl come in and shit all over it or just talk about the quality which doesn't matter as long as you can watch it.

And if the tech has already been found just tell the OP like @JTB123 did in a nice way and show him a video to go along with it.

Not a good look
At least someone noticed :)

First of all this isnt my video. Its my friends. Second I don't research Scorpion. PerfectScorpion just posted it and I wanted to share something I personally havent see before. And if there are multiple threads on this subject Can't the mods close it? Yeah I didnt put effort in looking at the thread because like I said... I don't research or care for scorpion. I just thought it would be cool to share among the scorpion community. If you have a problem with it then you should leave.

I really didn't mean to come across as one of those "oh my god this is already known blah blah blah!" posts. I just thought your friend would be interested in that video as it shows ways to keep the damage high but maintain the setup.


He who is on fire is not troubled by the smoke
My thoughts (consistency and competitiveness)
-b12 is a tight link, no point to lose all my offense for a 2fr link
-214 is scorpions worst midstage string, why? On hit the 4 leads to nothing in midstage(5% is enough dmg? Over a reset???) Why throw a string hoping that they will hold block all the way?
-d3( easiest link ever) then 123 fbc. why?
-123 fbc leads to full combo no matter when they get hit
-123 fbc grab will combo even on hit
123 xx exspear is 4 hit string that will combo if they try backdash or even jump after 123 (214 not really)
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Owner of HAZARDOUS Gaming
The thread should be titled "b.12 - an alternative armor breaking set-up". Shorter and actually is what the video is about.
The title is the first thing people see. You wonder why they came in here and ignored the video?

C'mon... @oaoo94 :p
Yeah Because I know exactly what that string is because i totally play with Scorpion. Look man I just wanted to share this lol.
Holy shit what happened in here...

At least someone noticed :)

I really didn't mean to come across as one of those "oh my god this is already known blah blah blah!" posts. I just thought your friend would be interested in that video as it shows ways to keep the damage high but maintain the setup.
That wasn't for you bruh.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Tell vs Show

If you'd care to.

So how does it respond to 2 or more hits of armor? I dunno if my timing is off, but I can't seem to get it to avoid such things.
I don't think it's going to beat anything with more than 1 hit of armor unless it's got a lot of startup.


That Welsh Guy
Then just say that... why bash his video edit and "is this your mixtape?" Bs. Just be courteous to someone who takes the time to do this. There's replicas on the same subject quite a bit on tym. No reason to make it personal
Because when things are shit they should be criticized, no one said MK V DCU shouldn't be bashed.
His video editing was pointless and made the video look and sound like shit, just upload the gameplay raw or with less obnoxious music accompanying it.


Owner of HAZARDOUS Gaming
Because when things are shit they should be criticized, no one said MK V DCU shouldn't be bashed.
His video editing was pointless and made the video look and sound like shit, just upload the gameplay raw or with less obnoxious music accompanying it.
Or you can.... You know.... Mute it.... :coffee:


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Yeah Because I know exactly what that string is because i totally play with Scorpion. Look man I just wanted to share this lol.
You just post things without knowing whats going on? For all the flak you give us, did you yourself even watch the video before posting it? :p
Obviously if it was in depth discussion on the tech I'd be ok with it because it would actually be on topic. I actually only read a portion of your posts tbh because I only needed a portion of that info to understand what you were talking about ;)

So can we get back on topic?

The best setups imo come off f4 xx flame aura b12xx teleport 214 fbc. If this is a consistent setup it's going to be very useful imo. Has anyone else tried it?
IMO Scorpions F4 is just 1 big gimmick since it's ridiculously slow. Back1,2 xx Flame Aura xx Back 1,2 gives you the same result's. Scorpion's back 1,2,1 is his best string both are mid hits and leaves you -1 on block and if you just do Back 1,2 on block twice the pushback / stagger can make it seem + since if opponents don't D1 or D3 and they will most likely get hit by it even though it's -4. I mostly get Scorpions damage from catching people on the B3 Low cancel or B12... F4 only Flys if the guy has no reactions... heck I even think landing F3 on hit canceling it for 38% damage is more usefull then going for F4. But regardless B12 after FA works on armor break for any type of setup