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Tech - Hellfire My name is Scorpion, and I don't care about your Armor.


Then just say that... why bash his video edit and "is this your mixtape?" Bs. Just be courteous to someone who takes the time to do this. There's replicas on the same subject quite a bit on tym. No reason to make it personal
I normally 1000000000% agree with you, I think you are an absolutely kickass individual. But the video looks like it was recorded on VHS and that is extremely distracting. You're right in that the criticism could have been infinitely more constructive though so I guess I really still do agree with you. It's sad to see what this community is becoming. I hadn't seen this tech (or at the very least forgot about it).

Perhaps if one of the posters who constantly shared "THIS IS SOOOOOO OLLLLLLLLLLLD......KNOOOOOOOOOWN LIEK DAY 1 BRUH" would maintain (as in create and keep up to date) Character Tech Directories( with links to appropriate threads) for their respective characters we just might stop having the same things reposted and completely eliminate the need for such comments.

That isn't going to happen though, is it? :(
Again, probably could've mentioned such things as constructive criticism in a respectful way. "Thanks for the tech man but there's a walk through on this already."


But no let's go personal on him, don't offer criticism, just say stupid things to make him feel like $h!t, and be done.

Wonder why threads/forums turn into ghost towns? You shouldnt
No worries the video was just for fun and being creative... The strings are different and the tech is still new and people haven't found strings that are truly reliable and in my testing I found back 1-2 was so I showcased it? What's the goddamm issue jeez


No worries the video was just for fun and being creative... The strings are different and the tech is still new and people haven't found strings that are truly reliable and in my testing I found back 1-2 was so I showcased it? What's the goddamm issue jeez
Personally I play so little scorpions these days, I actually hadn't seen this tech. Props from me


Owner of HAZARDOUS Gaming
I don't want to be "that guy" but this stuff is already known. There is also no need to sacrifice damage from your punishers to set it up.

I made a video last week showcasing it:

This is of course good for Scorpion but it doesn't really alter his post punishment meta all that much. The options are practically the same for all intents and purposes and delay wake up requires a different counter for which the aura won't tick in time to break all armour.

Does look badass though.
Why would we thank him?
He posted information that already exists multiple times, meaning he put so little effort into everything but his mixtape demo that he didn't bother to use the search function or actually LOOK at the forum he was posting in beforehand.
Above that, the tech is handy and all but has obvious counters, to which the video provides no answer. Not only is it unoriginal, but it provides even LESS useful content than the same video with half of the length.
Do we just give him a ribbon for trying? I think not. If he took the time to make a 5 minute video of nothing, he could've used those 5 minutes to research a problem that actually EXISTED and SOLVED it.
First of all this isnt my video. Its my friends. Second I don't research Scorpion. PerfectScorpion just posted it and I wanted to share something I personally havent see before. And if there are multiple threads on this subject Can't the mods close it? Yeah I didnt put effort in looking at the thread because like I said... I don't research or care for scorpion. I just thought it would be cool to share among the scorpion community. If you have a problem with it then you should leave.


Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Imo if consistent the setup at about 2:35 is very useful and can be used at the end of any of his bnb combos without sacrificing damage.

I know @JINAMOUNAINAI has been saying that 214 is no good mid screen but I haven't seen anyone backdash out of the string. Eating the last hit of 214 is fine imo because it adds damage and sends them closer to the corner. Eating the 4 was common amongst players that weren't ignorant as to hot to fight prepatch hellfire.
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I normally 1000000000% agree with you, I think you are an absolutely kickass individual. But the video looks like it was recorded on VHS and that is extremely distracting. You're right in that the criticism could have been infinitely more constructive though so I guess I really still do agree with you. It's sad to see what this community is becoming. I hadn't seen this tech (or at the very least forgot about it).

Perhaps if one of the posters who constantly shared "THIS IS SOOOOOO OLLLLLLLLLLLD......KNOOOOOOOOOWN LIEK DAY 1 BRUH" would maintain (as in create and keep up to date) Character Tech Directories( with links to appropriate threads) for their respective characters we just might stop having the same things reposted and completely eliminate the need for such comments.

That isn't going to happen though, is it? :(
Hey man I know you ain't a bad dude. Some things just irk me on this site. People want sonic to come out and share tech, and people want less known individuals to not share tech. It's an insult and why so many out there make fun of the MK community.

On another note, Uprise always has my blessings. I know a few of you and all are stand up dudes no matter the age.


Grandmaster of the Shirai-Ryu
Alright, calm down all.

The reason why this isn't the best go-to option is because you want to restand your opponent with Scorpion, that's your strength. It becomes a read if you knock them down and wait for an armored wakeup.

I also found out that you don't always break the armor, since the normal and the fire can hit at the same time or the flames connect to late.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Alright, calm down all.

The reason why this isn't the best go-to option is because you want to restand your opponent with Scorpion, that's your strength. It becomes a read if you knock them down and wait for an armored wakeup.

I also found out that you don't always break the armor, since the normal and the fire can hit at the same time or the flames connect to late.
Further into the video there's restand setups.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
First of all this isnt my video. Its my friends. Second I don't research Scorpion. PerfectScorpion just posted it and I wanted to share something I personally havent see before. And if there are multiple threads on this subject Can't the mods close it? Yeah I didnt put effort in looking at the thread because like I said... I don't research or care for scorpion. I just thought it would be cool to share among the scorpion community. If you have a problem with it then you should leave.

1) You care enough to personalize me a response, which is appreciated but unnecessary.
2) If your friend made it, then he should be the one posting it.
3) If you didn't want people coming in here and pointing out the obvious (music/video quality, the existence of no fewer than 3 other threads, etc), you should do your due diligence.

If you really didn't care, you wouldn't be bothered by criticisms. I can understand being defensive of your friend, which is fine. Friendship is good to have.
But its equally as noble to admit you were wrong, that you made the mistake of posting already-existent information and not make a mod clean up your messes.
If people are pointing out "this is the same, that is the same" take note, provide it to the content creator, and work to make a more specific and informative piece.
There are three issues with this video and topic, all of which could be addressed and would provide much better results.

First is the music quality. Get something more appropriated to the topic at hand, or rather to say, literally anything else than what you have.
Second, a lot of the information in it IS redundant. There are some good things in here that could function as a stand-alone, 1 minute and 30 second video. b.12 as an alternative could be its own video, and it wouldn't take more than 20 seconds to showcase.
Third, I'll make the assumption that @XZXGLAXZX is the original creator since he is referring to himself as such? He has a forum name. Why is he not the one posting it? Credits where its due and all. Also, make note that my issues come with giving you credit for posting something that is 75% other people's work (to the creator specifically) and 25% something decent. If the video was a minute long, not recorded on a potato, and only featured new and relevant information, then yeah I'd probably be less abrasive with my opinion.

Look at the usual thing (10 seconds, not counting a short intro)
Now consider this (5 seconds, showing the new variation)
Here is a brief explanation of advantages (20 seconds, maybe if you are long winded)
Here is something else (probably restands, so another 10 seconds)
Here is why I think this is worth considering (Shouldn't take more than 10 to 15 seconds)

At most (not counting a short intro/outro) this video could've taken exactly 1 minute to make. The tech would be clear and not have a lot of unnecessary fluff. The information would be only relevant and pertinent information, and could be open to criticisms like "What about 2 or more hits of armor? How does it work against things like MB teleport which have invulnerability? so on, so forth".

The topic instantly becomes less "The first 3 minutes are whats been made 3 topics over" and more focused on the real juice and meat of it, the actual content he wanted to present.

Whats more, this helps define the topic as less of a "I'll break your armor huehuehue" and a "this is how we can improve on already useful tech". It becomes less about the properties of the tech and more about the tech itself. It lets people build upon a very specific improvement, rather than slogging through 5 minutes to find one thing they could use.

When you narrow your tech down to only whats necessary, it looks more professional. More informative. More credible and reliable, and it provides the forum with a means to accurately work with and through any of the issues.
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Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Wtf are people arguing about? Have a mod merge with another thread if it's a big deal. This shit is so stupid.

I've been wanting to compile a list of ways to set up armor ticks with recovery frames. Regardless of if it's a true block string, is max damage, a restand, a wake up and etc. It's good to understand how the character works and will lead to further discussion and discoveries.

Pointing out what is wrong with a specific setup should be encouraged but people dismissed the video before even watching the whole thing.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Wtf are people arguing about? Have a mod merge with another thread if it's a big deal. This shit is so stupid.

I've been wanting to compile a list of ways to set up armor ticks with recovery frames. Regardless of if it's a true block string, is max damage, a restand, a wake up and etc. It's good to understand how the character works and will lead to further discussion and discoveries.

Pointing out what is wrong with a specific setup should be encouraged but people dismissed the video before even watching the whole thing.
My issue is it would be easier to watch if the quality weren't what it is, and the video were as long as it should be, which is like 1/5 of its total run time.
But I broke all of that down in my post. I'm not saying the video has nothing to provide, but when you watch it over and get past the quality, you realize it could be summerized in about a minute or less of video footage.
Imagine if that were all it was. People would respond VERY differently.


My issue is it would be easier to watch if the quality weren't what it is, and the video were as long as it should be, which is like 1/5 of its total run time.
But I broke all of that down in my post. I'm not saying the video has nothing to provide, but when you watch it over and get past the quality, you realize it could be summerized in about a minute or less of video footage.
Imagine if that were all it was. People would respond VERY differently.
Sometimes less is more... however he shouldn't be scrutinized for how long or short it is. If you think it should be any longer or shorter then... make videos. Everyone will have a different opinion on what should be in it, how long it is, and if it's practical tech. It's the way this stuff works. The fork in the road is when people say these types of things in the most demeaning way which shuts this community down even more


Trust me, I'm a doctor
All I do is tech. Its my existence. When I see people destroy potentially good tech discussion and work with unnecessary stuff like bad quality video and WAY more footage than they need to, it strikes a nerve.
If everyone posted clear and concise tech, we wouldn't need 4 topics on the same thing because it would be obvious whats already been found and what hasn't.
Thats my bias.

Sometimes less is more... however he shouldn't be scrutinized for how long or short it is. If you think it should be any longer or shorter then... make videos. Everyone will have a different opinion on what should be in it, how long it is, and if it's practical tech. It's the way this stuff works. The fork in the road is when people say these types of things in the most demeaning way which shuts this community down even more
Why shouldn't he? This isn't the third grade. If he wants to show me something, I expect him to show me and not waffle around it for 3 minutes. Also, I do make videos. Lots of them. Most of them short, showing exactly what I need for them to show.

Everyone has opinions, not everyone has informed opinions. Demeaning isn't the problem, I don't care about hurt feelings. I care about the information. You don't get your masters degree by people being nice when reading your paper. This video is to me what fanciful writing is to a grammar teacher: Unnecessary in its form, when it could be simplified.

The video is weak. I said it. It could be much stronger, yes very much so. It could be an insanely good video with very strong content and would provide the forum and the creator with many accolades in this tech discussion. But its not, its so long that no one would bother watching to the end barring me, scoot, and maybe 2 other people.

"Sometimes less is more..." isn't correct. Less is always more in the field of information. Save your extraneous information for the post itself, let me read it if you think its so important to say. If you're making me a video to SHOW me something, you don't need to TELL me everything about it, only what I need to know. I can form my own ideals off of what I see alone.

If I can't figure out what the video is trying to show me by putting it on mute, then there is a large issue because the tech isn't being shown. If I post a video of me converting off of Torr's roll, then you don't need to hear a thing to know thats what I'm doing. If I post a video of me doing a 2 f.4 ender on Torr, rolling into the opponent on wake-up and blocking cassie's flipkick, then the information is obvious: This set-up is safe against wake-up options. There is a reason I don't talk in my videos, and thats because I let the tech speak for itself.
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All I do is tech. Its my existence. When I see people destroy potentially good tech discussion and work with unnecessary stuff like bad quality video and WAY more footage than they need to, it strikes a nerve.
If everyone posted clear and concise tech, we wouldn't need 4 topics on the same thing because it would be obvious whats already been found and what hasn't.
Thats my bias.
Then make a seperate thread for it somwhere else to discuss the standards instead of bogging down a thread that is moving towards actual discussion ont e tpoic at hand. Many of which in this thread were wrong about.
Yeah because I never said I was the person who found the tech out or anything. I've tried doing Flame Aura~D1/D3~1,2,3 and it's good, I've also tried doing Flame Aura~1,1~Tele~214 (Armor Break) it's good as well..

But in my labbing Flame Aura~Back 1,2~Tele~214 (Armor Break) works the most consistent for me when trying to break armor by fireball canceling into Back 3 low string or Back 1,2. None of the videos was somebody using B1,2 off FA and it seems that the timing is just right from the string to where the tick always hits from the FA. I still belive we can find other ways to even further guarantee this armor break when doing our pressure. I just showcased my opinion... appreciate you taking it for that and actually looking at the video. Here's to finding more tech *fist bump*
Yeah because I never said I was the person who found the tech out or anything. I've tried doing Flame Aura~D1/D3~1,2,3 and it's good, I've also tried doing Flame Aura~1,1~Tele~214 (Armor Break) it's good as well..

But in my labbing Flame Aura~Back 1,2~Tele~214 (Armor Break) works the most consistent for me when trying to break armor by fireball canceling into Back 3 low string or Back 1,2. None of the videos was somebody using B1,2 off FA and it seems that the timing is just right from the string to where the tick always hits from the FA. I still belive we can find other ways to even further guarantee this armor break when doing our pressure. I just showcased my opinion... appreciate you taking it for that and actually looking at the video. Here's to finding more tech *fist bump*


Owner of HAZARDOUS Gaming
1) You care enough to personalize me a response, which is appreciated but unnecessary.
2) If your friend made it, then he should be the one posting it.
3) If you didn't want people coming in here and pointing out the obvious (music/video quality, the existence of no fewer than 3 other threads, etc), you should do your due diligence.

If you really didn't care, you wouldn't be bothered by criticisms. I can understand being defensive of your friend, which is fine. Friendship is good to have.
But its equally as noble to admit you were wrong, that you made the mistake of posting already-existent information and not make a mod clean up your messes.
If people are pointing out "this is the same, that is the same" take note, provide it to the content creator, and work to make a more specific and informative piece.
There are three issues with this video and topic, all of which could be addressed and would provide much better results.

First is the music quality. Get something more appropriated to the topic at hand, or rather to say, literally anything else than what you have.
Second, a lot of the information in it IS redundant. There are some good things in here that could function as a stand-alone, 1 minute and 30 second video. b.12 as an alternative could be its own video, and it wouldn't take more than 20 seconds to showcase.
Third, I'll make the assumption that @XZXGLAXZX is the original creator since he is referring to himself as such? He has a forum name. Why is he not the one posting it? Credits where its due and all. Also, make note that my issues come with giving you credit for posting something that is 75% other people's work (to the creator specifically) and 25% something decent. If the video was a minute long, not recorded on a potato, and only featured new and relevant information, then yeah I'd probably be less abrasive with my opinion.

Look at the usual thing (10 seconds, not counting a short intro)
Now consider this (5 seconds, showing the new variation)
Here is a brief explanation of advantages (20 seconds, maybe if you are long winded)
Here is something else (probably restands, so another 10 seconds)
Here is why I think this is worth considering (Shouldn't take more than 10 to 15 seconds)

At most (not counting a short intro/outro) this video could've taken exactly 1 minute to make. The tech would be clear and not have a lot of unnecessary fluff. The information would be only relevant and pertinent information, and could be open to criticisms like "What about 2 or more hits of armor? How does it work against things like MB teleport which have invulnerability? so on, so forth".

The topic instantly becomes less "The first 3 minutes are whats been made 3 topics over" and more focused on the real juice and meat of it, the actual content he wanted to present.
First the Music choice is something that can be completely taken care of with muting the video. I watched this on mute so I didnt know there was music to begin with.

Second. I didn't know he had a TYM account so i posted it in here for him because of that reason.

Third. As I (And a few others) have said before, I didnt know this was a thing. I don't really look into the scorpion forums. I literally just went to "Post a new thread" and went to get a haircut.

Fourth. I'm not getting bothered really. But what kind of upsets me is that the tech is not even being talked about 80% of the time in this thread. It's literally just "Hey this music sucks and the quality sucks." Which doesn't really matter because the video is clearly visible, Its not like you can't watch it. If you watch the video and all you can say is "Well the music and effects suck" then you missed the point of me posting this video.

Fifth. When did I ever say I wanted credit for this? I clearly said in my OP that this is my friends video and I wanted to share for the scorpion players to discuss.

Sixth. Why should I admit I was wrong for posting something I never seen before.
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Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Yeah because I never said I was the person who found the tech out or anything. I've tried doing Flame Aura~D1/D3~1,2,3 and it's good, I've also tried doing Flame Aura~1,1~Tele~214 (Armor Break) it's good as well..

But in my labbing Flame Aura~Back 1,2~Tele~214 (Armor Break) works the most consistent for me when trying to break armor by fireball canceling into Back 3 low string or Back 1,2. None of the videos was somebody using B1,2 off FA and it seems that the timing is just right from the string to where the tick always hits from the FA. I still belive we can find other ways to even further guarantee this armor break when doing our pressure. I just showcased my opinion... appreciate you taking it for that and actually looking at the video. Here's to finding more tech *fist bump*
I'm going to mess with this when I get home. Thank you for posting.
All I do is tech. Its my existence. When I see people destroy potentially good tech discussion and work with unnecessary stuff like bad quality video and WAY more footage than they need to, it strikes a nerve.
If everyone posted clear and concise tech, we wouldn't need 4 topics on the same thing because it would be obvious whats already been found and what hasn't.
Thats my bias.

Why shouldn't he? This isn't the third grade. If he wants to show me something, I expect him to show me and not waffle around it for 3 minutes. Also, I do make videos. Lots of them. Most of them short, showing exactly what I need for them to show.

Everyone has opinions, not everyone has informed opinions. Demeaning isn't the problem, I don't care about hurt feelings. I care about the information. You don't get your masters degree by people being nice when reading your paper. This video is to me what fanciful writing is to a grammar teacher: Unnecessary in its form, when it could be simplified.

The video is weak. I said it. It could be much stronger, yes very much so. It could be an insanely good video with very strong content and would provide the forum and the creator with many accolades in this tech discussion. But its not, its so long that no one would bother watching to the end barring me, scoot, and maybe 2 other people.

"Sometimes less is more..." isn't correct. Less is always more in the field of information. Save your extraneous information for the post itself, let me read it if you think its so important to say. If you're making me a video to SHOW me something, you don't need to TELL me everything about it, only what I need to know. I can form my own ideals off of what I see alone.

If I can't figure out what the video is trying to show me by putting it on mute, then there is a large issue because the tech isn't being shown. If I post a video of me converting off of Torr's roll, then you don't need to hear a thing to know thats what I'm doing. If I post a video of me doing a 2 f.4 ender on Torr, rolling into the opponent on wake-up and blocking cassie's flipkick, then the information is obvious: This set-up is safe against wake-up options. There is a reason I don't talk in my videos, and thats because I let the tech speak for itself.
Dude these super long posts are taking away from the discussion of the tech in the video. Like mentioned, someone should maybe make a "guideline to videos" thread or something. These long posts are doing the same thing you say the long video does.

I get what you're saying but now this thread is filled with people dismissing the tech and arguing about video quality. It's a mess.