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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread


gotta stay sharp!
What depends on variation? Her d4 is the same in all variations. She can trade all day with cyber and make a read on ex tele. I'm not saying ct is better just saying it might be
Her d4 is garbo. She cant trade fullscreen. Tele is punishable. Even ex tele. In pierccing she cant low profile midknives. She still has to be reletivly unsafe if you space her out right. In peircing when can play more footsie with you. Shes really stubby limbs. Just bully her until she has to roll or tele. Then punish


Kuff Bano
Her d4 is garbo. She cant trade fullscreen. Tele is punishable. Even ex tele. In pierccing she cant low profile midknives. She still has to be reletivly unsafe if you space her out right. In peircing when can play more footsie with you. Shes really stubby limbs. Just bully her until she has to roll or tele. Then punish
I disagree but I'm definetly open to the possibility that it's because of me not knowing the match up. I think we can agree that commando is probably worst for it though


gotta stay sharp!
I disagree but I'm definetly open to the possibility that it's because of me not knowing the match up. I think we can agree that commando is probably worst for it though
I just play a clan mate who plays ravenous. I think commando does ok vs ravenous. Not so much in the other ones. Her wu game isn't too strong cause they can get parried. But piercing can bully him and i assume one wrong read and she flashes behind you and you wiffed your cmnd grab....oh my.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
There's tons of gaps in his pressure (At least my commando pressure) for Mileena to just roll out if you're not too careful so that's really the biggest thing to be mindful of IMO.
Anyone here got a good Commando Kano + got PSN and good connection + live in/near midwest/east coast?

I wanna run that mirror match


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Anyone here got a good Commando Kano + got PSN and good connection + live in/near midwest/east coast?

I wanna run that mirror match
I live in MN. Been Droppin' tons of stupid shit lol; but we could prolly have good matches.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
I havent really heard of how everybody else is doing since the patch with the adjusted follow up timing on F4 for c.grab or whatever. B13 stayed the same as did B1 the other tools; but with F4 enough hit advantage was added that there is now a considerable time gap to wait. I've been finally getting consistent games the past week and a half and I've gotten really comfortable with the new timing.

Hitting with a F4 gives you enough time to do a forward dash and then do the c.grab as you come out of the forward dash and grab them. I honestly havent tested in training but it seems like they would be able to backdash or jump the grab follow-up, but if you see them jumping or read it you can just throw out a sightly delayed choke after the forward dash and likely grab them out of the air. if they backdash then throw a knife and catch the BD. I'll explore the option after F4 a bit more and come back with more solid info if I find it.


Kuff Bano
I havent really heard of how everybody else is doing since the patch with the adjusted follow up timing on F4 for c.grab or whatever. B13 stayed the same as did B1 the other tools; but with F4 enough hit advantage was added that there is now a considerable time gap to wait. I've been finally getting consistent games the past week and a half and I've gotten really comfortable with the new timing.

Hitting with a F4 gives you enough time to do a forward dash and then do the c.grab as you come out of the forward dash and grab them. I honestly havent tested in training but it seems like they would be able to backdash or jump the grab follow-up, but if you see them jumping or read it you can just throw out a sightly delayed choke after the forward dash and likely grab them out of the air. if they backdash then throw a knife and catch the BD. I'll explore the option after F4 a bit more and come back with more solid info if I find it.
I'm guessing b13 would catch both jumps and backdash


Kuff Bano
Tested f4 advantage more. F4 on hit RC b13 JAILS. No jumping, no backdashing, no nuffin' allowed. F4 RC command grab beats out all pokes but not backdash/jump. The inputs are weird for f4 RC command grab IMO.

Btw f4 dash rib breaker trades with 10 frame moves from my testing (also it kinda depends on if they're low profiling moves, because it hits low later than it hits high if you get what I mean). Power bomb is 1 frame faster so should be trading with 9 frame moves.



Umm, I might have to eat humble pie here. F33 is actually quite useful...

It has 10 or 11 frames hit advantage (can't remember which), so you can frame trap F33-grab on hit, and the same timing will catch most people still blocking.

It's easy to get predictable, and seeing as f33-choke isn't an option, mix ups are limited, but by using it sparsely you should be able to catch a lot of people unawares.

If this is known already, then consider me caught up.

Also, has anybody noticed that going for an instant NJP after a d3 on small hurt boxes makes it harder to connect? I stumbled across it when I was trying to come up with instant NJP combo set ups. It's something to do with the stagger animation, but testing it on Scorpion I noticed that after he pulls himself upright, the NJP won't connect. Half a second later, with no noticeable difference in Scorpion's stance, the NJP connects fine. I'm guessing it's some kind of disjointed hurt box caused by the animation, but the visual inconsistency is frustrating.


Kuff Bano
Umm, I might have to eat humble pie here. F33 is actually quite useful...

It has 10 or 11 frames hit advantage (can't remember which), so you can frame trap F33-grab on hit, and the same timing will catch most people still blocking.

It's easy to get predictable, and seeing as f33-choke isn't an option, mix ups are limited, but by using it sparsely you should be able to catch a lot of people unawares.

If this is known already, then consider me caught up.

Also, has anybody noticed that going for an instant NJP after a d3 on small hurt boxes makes it harder to connect? I stumbled across it when I was trying to come up with instant NJP combo set ups. It's something to do with the stagger animation, but testing it on Scorpion I noticed that after he pulls himself upright, the NJP won't connect. Half a second later, with no noticeable difference in Scorpion's stance, the NJP connects fine. I'm guessing it's some kind of disjointed hurt box caused by the animation, but the visual inconsistency is frustrating.
I don't see why the hit advantage makes it useful at all.


I don't see why the hit advantage makes it useful at all.
Frame trap. The hit advantage is about the same as a grab start up, so f33-delay (so as not to cancel)-grab will catch a lot of retaliatory pokes out of start up, and the same delay will catch a lot of defencive players still blocking.


Kuff Bano
Frame trap. The hit advantage is about the same as a grab start up, so f33-delay (so as not to cancel)-grab will catch a lot of retaliatory pokes out of start up, and the same delay will catch a lot of defencive players still blocking.
It's not plus 11 on block though is it? You're still getting full combo punished from a read.


It's not plus 11 on block though is it? You're still getting full combo punished from a read.
It's a situational play that is better in real life than it is on paper. Most player's reaction times aren't frame perfect, especially when you do something unfamiliar, so the start up time for your grab (if used sparingly) will beat out many pokes and chains. Armoured launchers are a different story, but again that's read dependent.


Kuff Bano
It's a situational play that is better in real life than it is on paper. Most player's reaction times aren't frame perfect, especially when you do something unfamiliar, so the start up time for your grab (if used sparingly) will beat out many pokes and chains. Armoured launchers are a different story, but again that's read dependent.
But they're not gonna sit and block f33, they're gonna backdash or jump


Again, no advantage over the better strings besides the momentary psychological advantage of doing something unfamiliar.

I'm not going to sell you on it, I can see that, but it's there, I've had success with it. Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Tested f4 advantage more. F4 on hit RC b13 JAILS. No jumping, no backdashing, no nuffin' allowed. F4 RC command grab beats out all pokes but not backdash/jump. The inputs are weird for f4 RC command grab IMO.

Btw f4 dash rib breaker trades with 10 frame moves from my testing (also it kinda depends on if they're low profiling moves, because it hits low later than it hits high if you get what I mean). Power bomb is 1 frame faster so should be trading with 9 frame moves.

so RC is better then just dashing afterwards; makes sense since the RC takes some stamina I guess? I really liked the forward dash before because it lined up perfectly with getting the grab out on their recovery; but obviously to jail RC B13 is really good. and can still easily mixup with RC C.grab if needed; just have to tighten up learning the timing using something else.


Kuff Bano
so RC is better then just dashing afterwards; makes sense since the RC takes some stamina I guess? I really liked the forward dash before because it lined up perfectly with getting the grab out on their recovery; but obviously to jail RC B13 is really good. and can still easily mixup with RC C.grab if needed; just have to tighten up learning the timing using something else.
Yeah RC is a lot faster and requires some stamina. It might be just me but f4 rc command grab is hard to get off. I can do dash command grab 10/10 times but rc is like 5/10 times


so RC is better then just dashing afterwards; makes sense since the RC takes some stamina I guess? I really liked the forward dash before because it lined up perfectly with getting the grab out on their recovery; but obviously to jail RC B13 is really good. and can still easily mixup with RC C.grab if needed; just have to tighten up learning the timing using something else.
Agreed. What is the best method if testing the timing? Record Kano performing the sequence then switch characters and attempt to reversal out? Is there a more efficient way of doing this?