You will BOW to me!
Agreed, but that does not mean automatically that Goro loses the MU. We all know zoning in MKX is a joke, which means that eventually Kitana will lead herself in the corner if the only thing she does is zoning. She will have to take risks in order to avoid being in the corner.I am only talking about KW. That is the only Variation I play. I totally understand that TF may be the way to go in certain matchups but I do not like it.
Now, what I mean by Goro being on the defense at full screen is when they (the opposing character) is attempting to zone you out. Take Kitana for example, GP does not trade, nor does SB so you would have to advance in, that takes a while for Goro, I am sure we are all aware of that by now. While you are advancing she can not do anything change her pattern try to catch you advancing with a EX Lift (RoyalStorm). She does outzone Goro, not to mention the reflect she has. Also forgot to mention Mournful Kitana She also outzone Goro fairly easy.
Predator (HQT) Not sure how you can trade with a GP since its slow start up and the Pew pews have the advantage simply because they are faster and knock you out of the animation.
Cassie's IAA are the same thing, if done properly they beat out GP, they hit you and whiff. So you have to rely on walking in and advancing and you better not press any buttons because Cassie is the best whiff punisher in the game. I understand they are like -22 or something on block, but I do not think that is the case when they are done IA.
Ermac Goro can do NOTHING full screen, so he has to advance. If Goro throws a projectile he eats 40%, Goro cannot telestomp at all because of the Vanish, full combo punish every time so that is also taken out of Goro's game plan. While up-close yes Goro has the advantage. Goro can only rely on pokes and punchwalk in this MU, and also not to mention the damage comparison is horrible since Ermac does not need meter for damage, and would usually have a breaker. I have played Big D in this matchup since Day 1 nothing has really changed.
Jacqui - What trade, start up on anything is too slow to trade, Yes she only does like 7% but the bullets break EX PW, she has the best walkback speed in the game and also has really good AA. When Goro is in I agree he dominates her, she has terrible pokes and cannot out footsie Goro. Also if Jacqui reads a projectile she can absorb it.
Kano - both are tough and Commando maybe worse, but since it's a 50/50 guess on the parry it's not as easy as it seems on paper. If the CY Kano player reads a EX Punchwalk they do a EX Knife, they win the trade, one of the few characters that can do this.
They way I see it is like this, Goro has the slowest walk-speed in the game, that is without question. But why give him NOTHING to advancing with? a 16f mid that has decent range at best. A Chest Lunge that is Variation specific that is super punishable on block. D4 is a nice tool but not a whiff punisher, a whilf punisher that any other character in the GAME has. Also giving Goro the worst back dash in the game.
Also like people have stated before this post, just because those zoning options are easy to get around with certain characters does not mean they are the same with Goro, simply because of the walk / run speed.
That is my point. @Metzos If you see it differently than me, so be it. This is my opinion on what this character needs to be able to win a Major. Isn't that what we want from a game, is for EVERY character to win a major?
Ground pound makes HQT's Predator's horizontal lasers whiff since its a true high projectile. Lab it. Low lasers will trade with the first hit of ground pound which means the damage is almost the same at both sides. Not to mention the fact that Goro can sacrifice one bar for ex Stomp on reaction to lasers and boom he is in.
What applies with Kitana's zoning applies with Cassie's zoning as well. Only difference is up close, Cassie does better than Kitana in general.
Regarding Ermac, i really dont believe after the patch he can punish a whiffed Stomp after a vanish, unless its based on a read, which still is extremely hard to do so. Vanish has recovery frames after Ermac appears. He does not attack immidiately.
I m not talking theory about Commando Kano. I have played the MU after the patch, a lot. Tbh with you its very fun MU to play against, i really enjoyed it. Agreed with ex knives on Cyber, but still, Goro has more openings to use expw, than Kano when up close. I didnt mean throw random expws to break in Kano's zoning. I meant up close. Its a guessing game from both sides, but the reward is in Goro's favor damage wise.
Goro is not a whiff punisher, most people dont seem to understand that. He creates spacing, continuous pressure and forces the opponent to guess all the time, much like how DD was in IGAU. His normals were below average, except his d1, but guess what? His wall carry was amazing, on hit and on block, much like Goro, his pokes were amazing, much like Goro, his meter build on block was amazing, much like Goro's and his counter zoning was really good as well, similar to Goro's. Only difference is the dash and backdash factor. Even their walk speed is almost the same.
The reason i posted what i posted before, is because you started saying that he loses almost against the entire cast and when i asked you why, you brought up the zoning factor in most of the MUs, which is laughable, because zoning in MKX, is like the dinosaurs. Extinct (except 2 or 3 characters). Just because he lacks a good walkspeed does not mean he gets zoned out. All it requires is one good read and he is in. One bad thing he has does not outweigh all the good tools he has as well. Imo he is not bottom 5, especially after the patch (speaking for KW ofc).