doesn't F3 into punchwalk confirm into a combo?
why do you need d4 PW to combo? no character is able to convert a poke into a combo anyway, with that logic I would also like to ask for d4 into iceball for Sub so every counterpoke is a full combo punish on the opponent.
you don't know it, and you won't believe it and I will probably get flamed now for saying this but Goro is in no way a low tier character and his normal are one of the best in the game. I would suggest that you try to whiff punish his F3 ... and please list down list of moves he has that are punishable. there is nothing you can punish him for, he is a very safe character upclose, midscreen (f3 range) or fullscreen (less safe but still ok)
I have been playing
@Metzos for the past 2 days and I am telling you Goro is in the top half of the tier list and not a bottom 5. if anything he needs a nerf on his ex punchwalk, either take away the multiple hits of armor or make it enough negative on block to get a punish.
if he has a bar of meter, you cannot press buttons, and no armored reversal would work (outside of xrays).
yeah, and corner is death ...
conclusion, Goro is a very good character and needs zero buffs - if anything he needs adjustments so he doesn't end up being broken in a while.
but knowing TYM, and how NRS react, I expect more buffs coming Goro's way ... which is sad, because I haven't seen anyone using the character to it's full potential at a HIGH LEVEL other than
@Metzos and he is not in the American tournament scene for the community to realize that Goro is not a low tier character, at least not anymore.