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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


Kuff Bano
Dude, being able to connect every string into %40 combo is alot better that prepatch garbage. Also if you read that which is what i just posted...
What people are saying is that the damage gained is not worth the meter and health lost. On a bnb you gain like 9% and lose 7% (and your oki)


RIP Ex Smash
Cutthroat has always been able to do 37%-41% one bar without any buff, and this change to the Ex buff makes it so you take 15% health to do the same amount. Your talking point is moot.
What... EX buff doesnt cost you hp.... lol? Now after you do kano ball you still have the buff and 50 50 option, before you had to waste meter on launcher + Meter buff otherwise you would lose hp and dont do as much damage as you do right now..... i dont understand what you guys are talking about...
1- EX buff doest cost you hp
2- Before you had to use ex launcher to get %37 damage and then needed to use meterless buff which makes you lose hp now you dont have to because you already have it...
3-Now you can hitconfirm ANYTHING and get atleast %42 damage before you couldnt pas 35 if you confirm "anything"
4-You had to corner carry and then ex buff but still might guess wrong and didnt do any damage with meter burn buff now you have the buff and already dealt damage so you dont have to do anything to make the meter worth... its already worth... and now you can waste the extra meter on something else...

I am really confused am i missing something?
No it doesnt....................... is it a new patch? im trying but it doesnt cost any hp.... Maybe PC version isnt got the patch yet? dunno but it doesnt right now


RIP Ex Smash
No it doesnt....................... is it a new patch? im trying but it doesnt cost any hp.... Maybe PC version isnt got the patch yet? dunno but it doesnt right now
PC does not have the latest 9/1 hotfix, you're playing on the 8/31 patch where he only got buffed and we all agreed that the changes he got made him strong. Now Ex buff does less damage(nerfed twice), drains up to 15% health, and does not have armor.

At least try to read the posts in this thread before barging in here telling us we're idiots.


ADM Riddles
Clearly if im talking about insta ex buff i have the patch but hotfix isnt released yet. Fireball cancels are shit.
Yea in the hotfix not 24 hrs after the patch his damage was nerfed again and exbuff lost armor and does damage over time


Dojo Trainee
So is there no point to using charge up now? Maybe just near the end of a round for the damage buff?


ADM Riddles
So is there no point to using charge up now? Maybe just near the end of a round for the damage buff?
Yea if you want the extra damage you can but after the kano ball knock down you have to make the choice.
Run in for more pressure with buff still active but lose 15%health or turn it off after kano ball and loose the pressure.

In the corner tho its not at bad since they will still be right in front of you but midscreen the old bnbs with exdb1 do close to the same damage maybe 6%or so less


ADM Riddles
I'm not dropping kano I Dont like any other character so I'm just gonna make the best of it.
Yea it sucks but you can still get good damage and you still have exknives for pressure and the exbuff pressure to use sparingly to catch ppl hitting buttons.


ADM Riddles
We always needed two bars to get the most out of our pressure since if you did exknives and followed up with 11 and hit if you wanted big damage you had to use the bar again or not use meter end it with ball for knockdown. Kano is definitely meter hungry


ADM Riddles
I have a question for everyone. How can we make the most out of blade slice on hit?

Since it leaves us at +12 I think it good for the corner to try and keep pressure since in the corner the push back isn't as bad as midscreen so instead of doing just 112ball do 112slice to keep them standing and go for 50/50

What do you all think? I wanna try to make the most out of his tools


In Zoning We Trust
I have a question for everyone. How can we make the most out of blade slice on hit?

Since it leaves us at +12 I think it good for the corner to try and keep pressure since in the corner the push back isn't as bad as midscreen so instead of doing just 112ball do 112slice to keep them standing and go for 50/50

What do you all think? I wanna try to make the most out of his tools
My recommendation would be to not even use the new EX Buff. Maybe in corner combos, but that's it. It's pure ass now. They removed a strong part of Cutt Kano and replaced it with ass.

With that being said, Slice is better now. With it being -8 on block now it is a much better footsie tool. I used it in the neutral before, but now I'll be throwing it out more often. Very few characters can punish it on reaction now, and on hit you can do a quick run cancel into B31 combo. If they try to attack you land the combo, and most people won't think to armor on reaction to that. After conditioning you can extend the run into 50/50's.

If you're playing characters that you know can't punish it at all, you can use it as a string ender safely now, and on hit apply the same strategy, or use it as bait on block to armor their follow up with EX Ball cancel for full combo.

Slice is better now.


ADM Riddles
My recommendation would be to not even use the new EX Buff. Maybe in corner combos, but that's it. It's pure ass now. They removed a strong part of Cutt Kano and replaced it with ass.

With that being said, Slice is better now. With it being -8 on block now it is a much better footsie tool. I used it in the neutral before, but now I'll be throwing it out more often. Very few characters can punish it on reaction now, and on hit you can do a quick run cancel into B31 combo. If they try to attack you land the combo, and most people won't think to armor on reaction to that. After conditioning you can extend the run into 50/50's.

If you're playing characters that you know can't punish it at all, you can use it as a string ender safely now, and on hit apply the same strategy, or use it as bait on block to armor their follow up with EX Ball cancel for full combo.

Slice is better now.
At least some good came out of all this. I just wanted to start using slice in corner for meter less +frames on hit to get some pressure and I Dont see many ppl use it.


In Zoning We Trust
At least some good came out of all this. I just wanted to start using slice in corner for meter less +frames on hit to get some pressure and I Dont see many ppl use it.
Yea it might be a better alternative now. Without the old EX Buff we lose our huge meterless damage on corner KD, so now it might be better to just use Slice as a string ender into 50/50 corner traps. And alternative at least if you aren't going for round closing damage.


ADM Riddles
If you only have one bar it could be a good option so you get some small damage into another chance to 50/50 in corner.


In Zoning We Trust
If you only have one bar it could be a good option so you get some small damage into another chance to 50/50 in corner.
Yea, even if you have no bars you can still get 30something in the corner on them. They basically be forced to guess if you're going to do an instant B3 or instant run B1.