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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


It's all so very confusing.
So.. I'm sorry, but I gotta bring it up.. The dude who came in to tell us we're all idiots and casuals (I am a casual, but I paid the same price as the pros, and I am damn sure allowed my opinions) and spout off before we "know what we're talking about" when he didn't.. know what he was talking about...? Really? /idiot.

Ok, quick question.. Since CT Kano seems to be in a state of transition and I'm looking to learn him a little and hopefully bring myself back to MKX.. What combo(s) do I need to be practicing? I know that's a pretty damn open-ended question, but lets assume my execution isn't strong, but its not exactly horrible and Im a newb, what combos should I be focusing on in training mode? I guess, ideally, I'd like the usual stuff, meterless midscreen and corner BnB and metered midscreen and corner BnB with a focus on consistency and reliability over absolute optimized damage. I don't mind labbing until I get it down, I did with Cassie's RCs and such but I'm not a pro, and I will always take easier and reliable over perfect if the execution gap is large enough. I play online any way, so frame perfect stuff isnt necessarily an option.

I know we have combo threads for this sort of thing and its not my intention to be lazy, but the combo threads are difficult to parse for someone lacking experience, because its hard to tell what combos are solid after his changes, what combos are ultra difficult but optimized vs reliable and solid and what combos are practical to land in a match.


So.. I'm sorry, but I gotta bring it up.. The dude who came in to tell us we're all idiots and casuals (I am a casual, but I paid the same price as the pros, and I am damn sure allowed my opinions) and spout off before we "know what we're talking about" when he didn't.. know what he was talking about...? Really? /idiot.

Ok, quick question.. Since CT Kano seems to be in a state of transition and I'm looking to learn him a little and hopefully bring myself back to MKX.. What combo(s) do I need to be practicing? I know that's a pretty damn open-ended question, but lets assume my execution isn't strong, but its not exactly horrible and Im a newb, what combos should I be focusing on in training mode? I guess, ideally, I'd like the usual stuff, meterless midscreen and corner BnB and metered midscreen and corner BnB with a focus on consistency and reliability over absolute optimized damage. I don't mind labbing until I get it down, I did with Cassie's RCs and such but I'm not a pro, and I will always take easier and reliable over perfect if the execution gap is large enough. I play online any way, so frame perfect stuff isnt necessarily an option.

I know we have combo threads for this sort of thing and its not my intention to be lazy, but the combo threads are difficult to parse for someone lacking experience, because its hard to tell what combos are solid after his changes, what combos are ultra difficult but optimized vs reliable and solid and what combos are practical to land in a match.
EXECUTION IS A MUST WITH CUTTHROAT. Check the forums for everything but just remember... Practice mode will be your best friend if you're trying to maximize damage. It's mainly Cutthroats style, big damage, charge down and play super safe defensive until that meter's back up for charge up. Fetch out the suicide mistakes from your opponent. I can tag you in a new vid I'm going to post up with an up to date presentation of all of what you're seeking. Basically showing what his meta is during actual matches.


It's all so very confusing.
EXECUTION IS A MUST WITH CUTTHROAT. Check the forums for everything but just remember... Practice mode will be your best friend if you're trying to maximize damage. It's mainly Cutthroats style, big damage, charge down and play super safe defensive until that meter's back up for charge up. Fetch out the suicide mistakes from your opponent. I can tag you in a new vid I'm going to post up with an up to date presentation of all of what you're seeking. Basically showing what his meta is during actual matches.

That would be excellent. And I don't mind to work at the execution until I get it, I just meant I'm the kinda guy that will always lean towards reliable vs squeezing a few extra %. If the REAL BnB combos are tight, then I'll learn it and just deal with it, but in some cases you can replace this with that or that with this to lose 2-3% and make it more consistent. Much over 4% though and its not worth the swap out IMO.

Anyway, thanks man, eta on the video?


Dude just screw the nay sayers. You can say WHATEVER the fuck you want ask whatever because it's a forum and people fail to realize that. Just remember your bnb(bread and butter) combo would be your starter and make sure it hit confirms. Immediately follow with a ex power up then 212,212, RC 112 BF3. Corner combos are somewhat the same as they've always been


EXECUTION IS A MUST WITH CUTTHROAT. Check the forums for everything but just remember... Practice mode will be your best friend if you're trying to maximize damage. It's mainly Cutthroats style, big damage, charge down and play super safe defensive until that meter's back up for charge up. Fetch out the suicide mistakes from your opponent. I can tag you in a new vid I'm going to post up with an up to date presentation of all of what you're seeking. Basically showing what his meta is during actual matches.
@VoyagersRevenge idk why you stopped streaming I would watch yours all the time for some good Kano vids


In Zoning We Trust
That would be excellent. And I don't mind to work at the execution until I get it, I just meant I'm the kinda guy that will always lean towards reliable vs squeezing a few extra %. If the REAL BnB combos are tight, then I'll learn it and just deal with it, but in some cases you can replace this with that or that with this to lose 2-3% and make it more consistent. Much over 4% though and its not worth the swap out IMO.

Anyway, thanks man, eta on the video?
I mean if you want to go a couple of % less because you feel your execution is weak for consistency you can do these. The run cancels are short.

Mid F2-
-F212, F212, F4~ Kano Ball 29% meterless. (Make sure the second F2 hits when they are very high)
-F212, F212, RC 112 Kano Ball 30%.

OH B1-
-B12~EX DB1, NJP, RC B121~Kano Ball. 35% 1 bar.
-B12~EX Buff, F212, F212, F4 Kano Ball 1 bar 40%. Buffed.

-B31~EX DB1, NJP, RC B121~ Kano Ball. 33% 1 bar.
-B31~EX Buff, F212, F212, F4 Kano Ball. 38% 1 bar. Buffed.

You'll lose a few % on those combos, but they are fairly easy starter ones until you're ready for the heavier combos with practice.
Last edited:


It's all so very confusing.
I mean if you want to go a couple of % less because you feel your execution is weak for consistency you can do these. The run cancels are short.

Mid F2-
-F212, F212, F4~ Kano Ball 29% meterless. (Make sure the second F2 hits when they are very high)
-F212, F212, RC 112 Kano Ball 30%.

OH B1-
-B12~EX DB1, NJP, RC B121~Kano Ball. 35% 1 bar.
-B12~EX Buff, NJP, RC B121~Kano Ball. 40% 1 bar. Buffed.

-B31~EX DB1, NJP, RC B121~ Kano Ball. 33% 1 bar.
-B31~EX Buff, NJP, RC B121~Kano Ball. 38% 1 bar. Buffed.

You'll lose a few % on those combos, but they are fairly easy starter ones until you're ready for the heavier combos with practice.

Gotcha, and thank you. What would an example of the harder version of the combos look like?


In Zoning We Trust
Gotcha, and thank you. What would an example of the harder version of the combos look like?
Check the edit I made, i duplicated the enders on accident so I fixed it.

Say something like a 1 meter F2 combo, non buffed.

Easy 1 bar F2 combo- F212, (slight step) 112~EX DB1, (slight step) 112 Kano Ball 35%.

Harder 1 bar F2 combo- F212 rc 11~ DB1, 112~DB1EX rc B12 Kano Ball. 40%.

Differences like that.


It's all so very confusing.
Check the edit I made, i duplicated the enders on accident so I fixed it.

Say something like a 1 meter F2 combo, non buffed.

Easy 1 bar F2 combo- F212, (slight step) 112~EX DB1, (slight step) 112 Kano Ball 35%.

Harder 1 bar F2 combo- F212 rc 11~ DB1, 112~DB1EX rc B12 Kano Ball. 40%.

Differences like that.
Gotcha, thanks. Yeah the ones you posted originally were suppppper easy. Ive been sitting here for 15m and I'm not like 10/10ing them, but its close, though sometimes I screw up the B121-ender timing and cut the string short.. But given that I havent training moded MKX in weeks, etc, I think that makes them pretty straight forward. Gonna fiddle with the slightly harder ones you posted now.



In Zoning We Trust
Gotcha, thanks. Yeah the ones you posted originally were suppppper easy. Ive been sitting here for 15m and I'm not like 10/10ing them, but its close, though sometimes I screw up the B121-ender timing and cut the string short.. But given that I havent training moded MKX in weeks, etc, I think that makes them pretty straight forward. Gonna fiddle with the slightly harder ones you posted now.

No doubt man. Practice makes perfect!


ADM Riddles
Hey anyone on Xbox add me my gt is xXxR1ddleMeTh1s we can run some kano mirrors and help each other learn some different tactics since most ppl play differently even if the core combos and what not are the same


I played against a War God Kotal last night for about 50 matches. Kotal's footsie tools outrange CT's, so what I had to do was dance on the edge of his effective range, zone, and then whiff punish with quick run ins. As the set progressed, I found myself paying more and more attention to my spacing and stamina bar. Most matches came very close, and I probably would have won more had I used any of his BnB's (I'm trying to get Kano's footsies down across all 3 variations at the moment, so I'm not converting his strings into damage. It means I lose more, but I also get more opportunities in a match to practice my spacing).

My question is this; is CT a stamina hungry character as well as a meter hungry character? Or was this a miscalculation on my part?


RIP Ex Smash
I played against a War God Kotal last night for about 50 matches. Kotal's footsie tools outrange CT's, so what I had to do was dance on the edge of his effective range, zone, and then whiff punish with quick run ins. As the set progressed, I found myself paying more and more attention to my spacing and stamina bar. Most matches came very close, and I probably would have won more had I used any of his BnB's (I'm trying to get Kano's footsies down across all 3 variations at the moment, so I'm not converting his strings into damage. It means I lose more, but I also get more opportunities in a match to practice my spacing).

My question is this; is CT a stamina hungry character as well as a meter hungry character? Or was this a miscalculation on my part?
Both, he needs meter for Combos and pressure. And Stamina for his combos and for footsies(especially for b1).