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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread


btw here's that set. Just casuals online. PS mirrors are so weird :/

Thanks for uploading this @MsMiharo . Looking at my own play, this is what I've noticed.

1) Execution

There were several times where I did nothing after a blocked special. Well, as it happens I was trying to do something! I was often trying to throw using a reversal command grab to move you closer to the right hand corner, with the single use escape interactable. The problem I have is that I often buffer my reversals whilst blocking, but don't release block in time for the move to come out. I only noticed this two days ago, so it's going to take some time for me to improve this.

2) Option selects off d1.

I've gone on at length about option selects in this forum, and that video has shown me for the charleton I truly am!

Honestly though, I was trying to input them sometimes, as evidenced by the whiffed command grabs after a successful d1, but at no point did I input the follow ups I've been practicing. That's something I need to keep working on, as I can definitely see instances where it would have payed off.

3) Parrying jump attacks

Because I'm an idiot. It's a habit, and habits are hard to break sometimes.

4) Dealing with projectiles

Ok, armouring through projectiles is an option, but then so is standing there and doing nothing. Just because it's an option, doesn't mean I should take it.

That said, if anybody could suggest a method of handling projectiles like this without blocking (because that allows the opponent more meter), it would be appreciated. The best thing I seemed to find during that set was crouch, walk, crouch, but then I forgot to react to the meter burn knives.

5) Punishes

That's matchup knowledge, pure and simple. I've been focusing on more popular characters, so I haven't figured out best punishes for Kano. That'll come though.

What have I missed?
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Kuff Bano
I'd really like to mirror you, but you're not NA are you? it looks like we honestly play him very differently but I think we'd be very close in level.

Edit: same with country (or any kanos)
Europe unfortunately. Yeah I play around b13 choke mixup and parries which seems unconventional


Ive seen the leprechaun
Idk if anything will make choke godlike unless you can actually do something after it to be honest. When I hit people with it after they block knee is about as good as it gets, And obviously it's good to tack on to make stuff a smidge safer, but meh. Still better then it used to be so I'll take it.

Choke being oh would be godlike


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
So, I think the data on kano ball might be wrong. It says it's -20 on block but people who have fought me seem to have a really hard time punishing it, as well as I do, and in that video I remember seeing miharo block a kano ball and then try to punish with B13 and it was blocked. That's a 9 frame move not punishing a -20... Part of me thinks maybe people just aren't punishing soon enough? They wait for Kano to get back on his feet instead of just trying to punish while he's coming out of the ball or something. Obviously I haven't lab tested yet, just curious.

also Thilt, it's good to use both. If you condition them to think you're going to grab in a situation they're likely to be trying to break if the situation arises again. It's good to give the opponent as much to think about and adjust to as possible.


Kuff Bano
So, I think the data on kano ball might be wrong. It says it's -20 on block but people who have fought me seem to have a really hard time punishing it, as well as I do, and in that video I remember seeing miharo block a kano ball and then try to punish with B13 and it was blocked. That's a 9 frame move not punishing a -20... Part of me thinks maybe people just aren't punishing soon enough? They wait for Kano to get back on his feet instead of just trying to punish while he's coming out of the ball or something. Obviously I haven't lab tested yet, just curious.

also Thilt, it's good to use both. If you condition them to think you're going to grab in a situation they're likely to be trying to break if the situation arises again. It's good to give the opponent as much to think about and adjust to as possible.
yeah you need to punish it just as you land. But -20 is probably false. It's kinda like mileena roll where you sometimes will get an aerial punish unless you're really on top of your punish game.


Cutthroat Truther
weird, Every part of me wishes that.
This, except for my stomach, which wishes I checked to see if we had maple syrup before I made waffles. Seriously, that was annoying.

But Commando, Why are you so fun? And why is it my worst variation despite this? I JUST WANT TO PARRY FOOLS


For the Shokan since Mk3
Thanks for uploading this @MsMiharo . Looking at my own play, this is what I've noticed.

1) Execution

There were several times where I did nothing after a blocked special. Well, as it happens I was trying to do something! I was often trying to throw using a reversal command grab to move you closer to the right hand corner, with the single use escape interactable. The problem I have is that I often buffer my reversals whilst blocking, but don't release block in time for the move to come out. I only noticed this two days ago, so it's going to take some time for me to improve this.

2) Option selects off d1.

I've gone on at length about option selects in this forum, and that video has shown me for the charleton I truly am!

Honestly though, I was trying to input them sometimes, as evidenced by the whiffed command grabs after a successful d1, but at no point did I input the follow ups I've been practicing. That's something I need to keep working on, as I can definitely see instances where it would have payed off.

3) Parrying jump attacks

Because I'm an idiot. It's a habit, and habits are hard to break sometimes.

4) Dealing with projectiles

Ok, armouring through projectiles is an option, but then so is standing there and doing nothing. Just because it's an option, doesn't mean I should take it.

That said, if anybody could suggest a method of handling projectiles like this without blocking (because that allows the opponent more meter), it would be appreciated. The best thing I seemed to find during that set was crouch, walk, crouch, but then I forgot to react to the meter burn knives.

5) Punishes

That's matchup knowledge, pure and simple. I've been focusing on more popular characters, so I haven't figured out best punishes for Kano. That'll come though.

What have I missed?
i didn't think you could parry jump attacks


Kuff Bano
If they'd make 1+3 part of Wood Chipper a throw or unblockable we'd have a sweet mixup after 32. Would lessen the need for tick throws and make up for the terrible range on 32


Kuff Bano
Hey I just found something neat, I'm gonna have to investigate it more but aerial punishes (like when you block mileena's roll and hit her in the air) with 32 will juggle in to itself. I'll post a video in a sec but you can get 25+% meterless punishes with Commando???!!! I'm guessing it works on Kano ball and similar moves where you can hit them out of the air.


Cutthroat Truther
Commando Kano, one of the few characters where it's MORE advantageous to combo people out of the air than on the ground.


Kuff Bano
Skip to 6:38 for the actual combo. EX adds only 2% I just wanted to swag it out. 32 works well for airborne combos in commando. You can easely do 32 32 command grab for ~26% meterless when punishing a straight kano ball for instance.