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Loud and Klear~
Outside of up-rockets and Quick burst which are dank, bf1 is useful as a trip guard and anti-air, with Jacqui's walk and run speed it's not a bad anti-air at all, you just can't use it in some ranges and you kinda need to be anticipating the jump to use it.

4u4 has it's uses too, as well as d3 to low-profile. We don't have the best anti-airs but we still have options.


The rose that grew from concrete
Outside of up-rockets and Quick burst which are dank, bf1 is useful as a trip guard and anti-air, with 4u4 has it's uses too, as well as d3 to low-profile. We don't have the best anti-airs but we still have options.
Movement is definitely the key! BF1 and run in D2 are definitely my favourite options - BF1 deals with people who like to jump back too. I'm actually loving the approach to anti-airing in this game now. Her movement gives you a ton of options once you have all the information. Initially I was getting messed up by far reaching jump attacks like Kung and Cassie, but Run D2 works wonders for those - and conversely stuff like Scorpions J3 can be dealt with by just walking out of range and B2ing :D.

I'm also finally starting to understand the range at which B1 is appropriate but it's all based on how fast you can react and how soon you can position yourself - still yet to find an AA use for 4u4 though. Currently it's just a bootleg poke for me.

Love this game lol...


Come On Die Young
No their thought was she already has the worst anti-airs in the game, let's make her free to jump ins in every way possible by making all her aerial attacks shit-tastic.
i dont think aa's will be that bad. i think a lot of it is character dependent and you have to lab it to see what your options are. also i'm not sure but it feels like they stealth buffed her d2. i'm getting it more consistently now.


Loud and Klear~
Pretty sure High tech Jacqui vs Tanya ( pyro and Dragon) is a 9 - 1 match up... that trick is a bit broken
Draginata is my secondary atm and yeah while I haven't played against it with High-Tech I don't see it being any good. Full Auto uprockets are crazy good against Tanya tho.

I know bf1 catches pogo and d2 works if they're pogo-ing over you. Meaty d3 will go under the EX teleport, then you can use bf1 to catch what she's doing after or the second teleport.
Everything unsafe with Tanya can be punished f12 into whatever or even step forward 33.

Her mobility is insane and I definitely see a nerf of some sort to it coming next patch, it's stupid good as it is with the 1 frame back teleport and 7 frame forward one with a hitting armored EX that you can immediately follow-up after with air normals or another teleport >__>


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
I dont know if this is a "thing" but can someone verify this for me. It seems that you can run cancel into a combo off of her df2 shotgun blast. The range seems larger and if you space it (like the shotgun dust) it cause enough stagger for her to RC F12-3+4. Did she always have this? I did this even mid combo and in the corner. The distance seems to be just outside of her sweep range. I haven't really played Jacqui since Tanya's release and this may just be an adjusted hitbox. I didn't have time to go into practice mode to verify this, and i hope it wasn't lag playing a factor. The combo that i was getting is - F12, df2 F12-3+4 RC 11 33 df4. just not sure tho.....


The rose that grew from concrete
I dont know if this is a "thing" but can someone verify this for me. It seems that you can run cancel into a combo off of her df2 shotgun blast. The range seems larger and if you space it (like the shotgun dust) it cause enough stagger for her to RC F12-3+4. Did she always have this? I did this even mid combo and in the corner. The distance seems to be just outside of her sweep range. I haven't really played Jacqui since Tanya's release and this may just be an adjusted hitbox. I didn't have time to go into practice mode to verify this, and i hope it wasn't lag playing a factor. The combo that i was getting is - F12, df2 F12-3+4 RC 11 33 df4. just not sure tho.....
Good god...what the hell have you found...

Rip Torn

I dont know if this is a "thing" but can someone verify this for me. It seems that you can run cancel into a combo off of her df2 shotgun blast. The range seems larger and if you space it (like the shotgun dust) it cause enough stagger for her to RC F12-3+4. Did she always have this? I did this even mid combo and in the corner. The distance seems to be just outside of her sweep range. I haven't really played Jacqui since Tanya's release and this may just be an adjusted hitbox. I didn't have time to go into practice mode to verify this, and i hope it wasn't lag playing a factor. The combo that i was getting is - F12, df2 F12-3+4 RC 11 33 df4. just not sure tho.....
I don't think it works. There is a visual stagger but the actual hit stun is a lot less than what it appears. From my testing she is still about +1 and too far away for a follow up.


Attack pekingese
I dont know if this is a "thing" but can someone verify this for me. It seems that you can run cancel into a combo off of her df2 shotgun blast. The range seems larger and if you space it (like the shotgun dust) it cause enough stagger for her to RC F12-3+4. Did she always have this? I did this even mid combo and in the corner. The distance seems to be just outside of her sweep range. I haven't really played Jacqui since Tanya's release and this may just be an adjusted hitbox. I didn't have time to go into practice mode to verify this, and i hope it wasn't lag playing a factor. The combo that i was getting is - F12, df2 F12-3+4 RC 11 33 df4. just not sure tho.....
No luck here either.


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
kind of off topic but this guy played Kano and the crap talking between Jacqui and Kano had me laughing. Kano called Jacqui a bitch when he hit her with his ball, he said Don't start crying now, Jacqui! as he choked her. lol She screams keep your hands off me creep while doing her force rush. funny stuff -caught me off guard the amount they did.


kind of off topic but this guy played Kano and the crap talking between Jacqui and Kano had me laughing. Kano called Jacqui a bitch when he hit her with his ball, he said Don't start crying now, Jacqui! as he choked her. lol She screams keep your hands off me creep while doing her force rush. funny stuff -caught me off guard the amount they did.
When he kills her with a Brutality, he says something along the lines of, "Daddy's gonna be disappointed."


Attack pekingese
Well... matched recorded movelist on xbone prepatch with PS4 post patch. No stealth Jaqui nerfs, so that's good. I can't believe they added the notation for that amazing normal without changing the input :( It's a damn normal, why must it have such an obnoxious input. Couldn't of been DF/angle 4 similar to Tanya's DB/angle Staff anti air move in DN. I love the 4u4 move, have pretty solid execution and would not trust using it in certain situations with that terrible command, lol.

Was it really too much to ask for a normal command for a normal, ha. Still want her VO's after BF4, never even get to hear them. The most reasonable non buff buffs, denied. :( Maybe next patch Jacqui.

Paulo please... :I


Attack pekingese
I find it's a lot easier as 44u.

Also, nice sig.
Thanks Pterodactyl. Asked Pan1c a while back about that command and he told me that too, been doing it like that ever since. But still... hate the command, lol.

I like the Sig too, hehheh. love her, she's adorable.
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Attack pekingese
Sadly, it was named that due to the disgrace of a Jacqui player named Netotigr on Twitch. He says it all the time and that's where it came from. Not racist, just whatever. Please change that command though Paulo if it's not to much to ask? angle DF4 or angle DB4 as a suggestion, or even just 4~4.


In Zoning We Trust
thanks guys ....... that makes me :(.
on the positive side, wow are her combos easier since the patch. Tanya made me stray.....sorry Jacqui
i still love this character lol
Same here. I've played about 25% combined of Kano and Jacqui since Tanya released. Too much goodness with her. I'm now starting to use her again. I enjoy playing her too much and still think she's underrated.

Kano on the other hand, might be calling the coroner soon.


AUS FGC represent!
Same here. I've played about 25% combined of Kano and Jacqui since Tanya released. Too much goodness with her. I'm now starting to use her again. I enjoy playing her too much and still think she's underrated.

Kano on the other hand, might be calling the coroner soon.
Kenshi and Tanya stole me away from Jacqui for a bit, but I never really left.

We need f121 to come out on block, bf2(ex) to be safe and for 4u4 input to become more lenient and hitbox be made more consistent as an anti-air and she'd be so much better. Please NRS.


In Zoning We Trust
Kenshi and Tanya stole me away from Jacqui for a bit, but I never really left.

We need f121 to come out on block, bf2(ex) to be safe and for 4u4 input to become more lenient and hitbox be made more consistent as an anti-air and she'd be so much better. Please NRS.
I still don't see why Jax has a safe dash option but Jacqui doesn't, when he already has an army of tools. It should be the exact same way. One a high safe dash, the other a mid unsafe dash (well Jax's is an OH combo starting armored dash but still).

That and I agree also on the 4u4. That needs to be a consistent AA or that joke of an uppercut needs an overhaul. They're right there with Jacqui, I hope they don't forget her after patching up FA last patch.


The rose that grew from concrete
I still don't see why Jax has a safe dash option but Jacqui doesn't, when he already has an army of tools. It should be the exact same way. One a high safe dash, the other a mid unsafe dash (well Jax's is an OH combo starting armored dash but still).

That and I agree also on the 4u4. That needs to be a consistent AA or that joke of an uppercut needs an overhaul. They're right there with Jacqui, I hope they don't forget her after patching up FA last patch.
I actually forgot about the whole Jax thing. I'm fine with it being unsafe, but I am NOT fine with it getting hit by low moves. Jax can Superman over low Kung hats etc...we should DEFINITELY have that property - to be honest, I don't even think we should have to take the damage from people who low poke exBF1 on wake-up but whatever...

Changing 4u4 to 4~4 would be really nice actually?