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ADM Riddles
I would pick revolution more but I am cursed when wearing it I loose every time lol once I get outta my head I'll wear it more. I really like his default costume tho and definitely his mk1.
Since people like to talk about changes would help Kano -

All Variatons:
Kano Up-ball (db2) should have higher priority vs air attacks. Seriously what happened to Kano's best anti air? Why is something that is so unsafe, so useless? People used to be afraid to jump at this dude.


Make F4, +1(or + 2, that'd probably be too much) on block - this variation really needs to get people to stop pushing buttons and hold still from outside sweep range and a safe way of catching jumps when done early.


Increase the range on B1 so you don't have to always be POINT BLANK for the move to hit. Preferably give it the same range as B3 or slightly larger.


Increase knife damage by 1.5% and give him a 3-4% damage increase overall. For a variation that doesn't have a 50/50 in the current metagame - he needs to hurt people when he does hit them.

I think this is all he needs to make him able to compete without breaking him. The biggest change is Kano Upball.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Since people like to talk about changes would help Kano -

All Variatons:
Kano Up-ball (db2) should have higher priority vs air attacks. Seriously what happened to Kano's best anti air?
It's in Commando and Cutthroat in the form of B1.

Make F4, +1(or + 2, that'd probably be too much) on block - this variation really needs to get people to stop pushing buttons and hold still from outside sweep range and a safe way of catching jumps when done early.
Yeah because a 1 frame difference is too much :DOGE as for anti-airing try B1 :p

Increase knife damage by 1.5% and give him a 3-4% damage increase overall. For a variation that doesn't have a 50/50 in the current metagame - he needs to hurt people when he does hit them.
That's just not true. He's a zoner so his damage comes from combos putting them back to full screen + chip from several knives and/or damage from knives that hit. That ends up equating to the average damage anyway,giving him more damage would just be a plus, it's not like his damage is under 30% meterless.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
yeah sorry man, if youre relying on upball to AA youre doin it wrong. F4 realllly doesnt need to be plus. we have tons more to try and supress buttons plus f4 is an advancing normal so that would be insane.

edit: i do use upball to aa a lot but its really really purely better to b1 so ive been forcing myself to change and getting MUCH better results because of it.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
i use air ball or instant air ball when i dont use b1. instant air ball makes tanya your bitch too.


Cutthroat Truther
my only gripe with Air Rollie Pollie is that it seems way too often I get punched out of it. Double that number when I meterburn it


ADM Riddles
So I'm still learning the ins and outs of frame data so bare with me. So what is the best follow up after ex knives to keep some kind of pressure with cutthroat kano I know on block its +9 and on hit I think its +19 so how do you all follow up after hit or block?


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
So you can use any move that is 8 frames or less for free if they block. On hit you can go for just about any follow up and it'll be free pressure. Can do a command grab after they're done staggering or keep pressure with a string


ADM Riddles
Ok I'll have to look into what I can do after ex knives. Probably better to do when opponent is in corner or to get yourself out of some pressure being put on you


ADM Riddles
That's good you can get a command throw off of hit I can't find to many ways to get into command throws probably because I haven't spent the most time practicing with commando but it seems kinda hard most of the time it whiffs for me


Cutthroat Truther
So I'm gonna axe here. How do you get those fancy title doohickeys? Like how FlappyDaniel has Commando.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
With regards to the outfit discussion i only use alt Revolution and default Kano, now.

No other alts come close to the sexy white coat.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
That's good you can get a command throw off of hit I can't find to many ways to get into command throws probably because I haven't spent the most time practicing with commando but it seems kinda hard most of the time it whiffs for me
My guess is you're trying to Cancel normals or strings and get the command grab on hit? Like I said, if they're still in staggering animation the grab will whiff. Tick grabs are your main way to convert into command grab dmg. D4/D3 (though I think D4 is way better to tick off of) and JI 3/4. All of these normals, when blocked, can be converted into a tick throw. It takes some practice to get the execution of them down but just practice on dummies in training, you just have to get used to inputting a D4 then quickly inputting a command grab after. There is a thread all about just his tick grab setups, either that or it's the very first post on one of these Kano threads, maybe the commando one?

Also you just have to condition opponent. For example, I'll throw on aggression, then get really defensive and do my best to block everything for a while until I see my window for aggression again, then in the middle of my aggression I'll stop, see them blocking, and command grab. Just getting used to being able to tell when your opponent is going to block, and breaking their ribs for it, is important. Commando is just kinda... the more you play him the more you'll be able to pick up on people's tendencies and punish them for it with grabs or parries.


ADM Riddles
Yea I'll have to work on that. I really like commando but it seems like the hardest variation at least for me. I'll look around kano forums for the tick throw set up page.
Thanks for the info I really wanna play commando kano but I couldn't get the strategy down so now I have something to go off of and grow from there. He seems like if you can make the reads he can slow the match down and make ppl think before running in for the OH or low


Believe in the hop kick
IMO upball definitely needs to have more priority or a bigger hitbox, in Cutthroat you pretty much have to use it due to lack of vanilla b1 and right now it's only useful for hitting the opponent before they reach the highest point of their jump, ie. a distance where jumping is redundant anyway. Right now uppercut is more reliable than upball as an AA which is ridiculous. A full combo punishable move that does only 10% and it trades with the better jump attacks in the game all the time or just straight up gets beat out lol. If you jump against Kano you deserve to get AA'd every time, hell I'd even buff Cybernetic AA laser's damage by 6% on both normal and ex versions. Against random neutral jumping for NJP fishing knife toss is pretty much the best option atm since kanoball is likely to lose the trade as well lol.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
First learn how to spell the I might apologize. what does getting top 16 prove? Nothing.. Alucard got top 4 at his major. Does that mean kotal is good?? Stay free and keep up playing. God knows someone has to for each character forum
Why is Kotal Kahn bad?

War God looks pretty tournament viable. Big damage. Really fast pokes. Long range and advancing strings.

I know his OH/LOW sword moves are unsafe, but it is a guess. Plus, the block stun and push back make it so that not every character can punish.

Quan Chi, for example, has a hard time punishing it. The reversals don't work and his strings are either super slow or don't reach.

What's the problem?

I'm really asking.

Also, didn't Sun God and Blood God get buffed?

Also, the "s" is how they spell it in other countries. Kind of like how we say, "color" but Europeans spell it, "colour"
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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Personally, i think if you're going to run Kano in tournament, Cutthroat is your best bet. It has good footsie and whiff punishing tools, a little counter zoning, a 50/50 and safe, big damage set ups.

Better than the other two for sure.