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Question - Kano KANO needs some buffs?


Cutthroat Truther
Yes, Kano can do 40% 1 bar in the corner. But he can do 39% meterless. It's at the point where I would ask myself, Why use the meter unless I need that extra % to kill?

@CJKRattlehead Man, I'm not a Rocket Surgeon. You'd have to give me time to think of something.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.

KANO can do 40% dmg mid screen two bars and 1 bar at corner.
I don't know if it's just me but... I would rather save 2 bars for breaker and or to physiologically keep my opponent guessing when I'm about to use it instead of burning it for 40% in mid screen. Especially when most of his combos push the opponent into the corner anyways. Then you can go to town wasting meter all you like. Just my opinion.
I don't know if it's just me but... I would rather save 2 bars for breaker and or to physiologically keep my opponent guessing when I'm about to use it instead of burning it for 40% in mid screen. Especially when most of his combos push the opponent into the corner anyways. Then you can go to town wasting meter all you like. Just my opinion.
Yeah I agree this combos are demostration only not practical unless you want to close the game or be in a hard play.


Fun Sucks
Yay lots of useless opinions. Here, take mine, take mine!!

I think Kano's mostly fine. He could use a few tweaks here and there since at the moment he's a lot of effort for not a whole lot of reward, but that has more to do with how OP some of the top tiers are rather than Kano being lackluster. He could use a few tweaks here and there, but mostly he's just a character with not much dirt, at least in Cyber and Cutthroat, against top tiers with a ton of mindless, abusable shit. Normalize them a bit more and he'll do better.

What I want to see:

112 string: fix hitboxes on the last 2 hits, or at least on the last hit. I get that a jab should be duckable, but the whole string shouldn't whiff on so many characters.

Yes to meterless buff doing less self-damage.

Yes to more anti-air priority on upball, but he already has good anti-air and doesn't need upball.

A bit more meter build on knives wouldn't go amiss.

Damage scaling in Cyber could be looked at, but he can already do good damage in the corner. In general, Cyber needs slightly better reward, since at the moment you have to outplay your opponent to get any openings, but then are rewarded with low(ish) damage into going back to neutral, while so many characters are rewarded with high damage into mixup. But then Cyber's not that kind of character, and going back to neutral is an advantage situation for Kano in most matchups.

Also, buff his walkspeed. The so-called pure footsie character has average walkspeed?

Don't play Commando so can't comment.

That's about it.


Dojo Trainee
All I can think of is making eye laser a real AA. I never even use it otherwise, what's the point of having a useless move?

ciaran carrick

Lars a noob
"So I believe he need some overheads in cybernetic variation at least one."

You don't need an oH to be gdlk

Example: EVO 2014 Luffy wins USF4 with Rose, zero overheads.

Pack it up m8 Kano is sick, watch the pros play him and learn.


I still think Cutthroat's overhead could use some small improvement in its hitbox. It is very very tiny, you have to be right up on the opponent. Right up on him.

The only other thing I would like to see as a Kano main (Cutthroat) is a tiny improvement on his Power Charge.

I really enjoy Kano, but its that overhead. Some good players told me to switch to Cybernetic because that overhead isn't worth it. But I can't, I can't!


Dojo Trainee
I think Cutthroat should receive a buff to the EX powerup. Kind of pointless to waste one bar only to lose it all if you get hit once. Say you get a knock down with the kano ball and then go EX power up, only to eat a armored wake-up. Meh.


Fun Sucks
Except that by being hittable out of the EX buff, you give your opponent a strong incentive to push buttons. You make them VERY scared and can bait wakeups and unsafe armor easier. Take out that property and EX buff becomes less of a mindgame. If you want to improve it, turn up the damage some more, but I think it's fine as is.

If you buff b121 so that you can easily do it midscreen, then you have to take a look at b12 EX Buff combos, and let us not forget that b121 and b31 are both hitconfirmable, neutral on block, non-reactable, hard to fuzzy guard (can you even fuzzy them?) overhead/low combo starters. Isn't that the sort of thing we're complaining about in other characters?

They're quite good already. Buff your b121 setup game, not b121. Maybe a tiny bit more range could help, but if you improve it, then you have to make a bunch of nerfs to other things, and you mess with the character's overall balance and feel. It should be a threat in the corner, since you did the work in getting them to the corner, but midscreen you should work for your 50/50s instead of having them served on a silver platter. That's the nature of the character.


Zoning Master
"So I believe he need some overheads in cybernetic variation at least one."

You don't need an oH to be gdlk

Example: EVO 2014 Luffy wins USF4 with Rose, zero overheads.

Pack it up m8 Kano is sick, watch the pros play him and learn.
Please stop posting about games you know nothing about.

Ultra Street Fighter IV is about footsies and the damage potential you are able to acquire from your pokes.

Mortal Kombat X is about knocking your opponent down and performing 50/50 mix ups.


Kuff Bano
Except that by being hittable out of the EX buff, you give your opponent a strong incentive to push buttons. You make them VERY scared and can bait wakeups and unsafe armor easier. Take out that property and EX buff becomes less of a mindgame. If you want to improve it, turn up the damage some more, but I think it's fine as is.

If you buff b121 so that you can easily do it midscreen, then you have to take a look at b12 EX Buff combos, and let us not forget that b121 and b31 are both hitconfirmable, neutral on block, non-reactable, hard to fuzzy guard (can you even fuzzy them?) overhead/low combo starters. Isn't that the sort of thing we're complaining about in other characters?

They're quite good already. Buff your b121 setup game, not b121. Maybe a tiny bit more range could help, but if you improve it, then you have to make a bunch of nerfs to other things, and you mess with the character's overall balance and feel. It should be a threat in the corner, since you did the work in getting them to the corner, but midscreen you should work for your 50/50s instead of having them served on a silver platter. That's the nature of the character.
Thing is there are no setups to set up your 50/50 mid screen. Jump in b1, can whiff, it won't reach after a block string, it doesn't work in pressure since you have to run up them to force them to guess. Off a KD or db1 (non EX) on hit you can run up and do it but they can just backdash or walk slightly backwards to make it whiff. Doesn't need huge range just make it on par with standing 1 at least.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I don't know why this made me laugh as much as it did. I pictured you saying it in doctor-like voice lol.

So what character have you switched to? A Top 10 one?

Also, for those who aren't realizing what happened in the Kano community from actual Kano main's, the chain of events went like this-

-Kano is Top 5. He has it all. What a savage of a character. Please don't nerf him NRS. We love you.

-Kano is around the low end of the Top 10. He can beat half of the top characters and only has 1 losing MU. Beastly character still.

-Kano is just outside of the top 10. Not as good as we thought he was but still a very solid character.

-Kano is mid tier but can still go even with more top characters than other mid tiers. It would be nice for a couple of buffs but we don't need it too much. We'll be fine.

-Kano is a solid mid tier character. Has a few even MU's and a few bad MU's vs the Top 10. He may need some help to stay competitive.

As anyone can notice, the more our competitive players level up and evolve with the game, the more we are trending down. Not up, not parallel, but down. This isn't because some magical elements are hurting the character, it's because we are realizing more and more what he is and isn't capable of the more we use him at high levels.
I thought he was beast. I play one character at a time and for over a week, I was all about that Kano. My best characters, in order, are Sun God Kotal Khan, Warlock Quan Chi, Mystic Ermac, Pumped Up Jax, then Commando Kano. I've also played Kenjutsu Kenshi, Ravenous Mileena, Dragon Naginata Tanya, Tempest Kung Lao, and Slasher Jason for stretches, but was much better with Commando Kano than with any of them.

So, you're saying Kano is mid tier. He didn't feel limited to me.
You an disagree all you want. That's fine. You can contribute to the thread. That's also fine. But what you were doing last night was NOT contributing to discussion. There is my issue. It's clear that 99+% of the posters disagreed with the OP's suggestions in one way or another. But instead of people trying to discuss WHY he may be wrong, or what alternatives there are, we got a large group of trolling and people trying to be funny all at once. People coming over from other character boards just to say something, while contributing nothing. That's the kind of stuff that brings post quality down, and drives potential posters away from this site.
When someone says something stupid, it begets stupidity. The early buff ideas were asinine.