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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
For clarification i main Cyber Kano. I haven't been able to get the knife to come out in situations where the nutpunch beats the d4. Just wanted to make sure i gave all the info.


Believe in the hop kick
I can't give an opinion on the costumes. If Kano had the beard but was still bald in MK1 costume then that would be even more alpha than his Crocodile Dundee alt in MK9 and hands down the most bad-ass costume evah lol.


Cutthroat Truther
So, does anyone else notice that 32 on Commando doesn't life opponents into the air like it does on every other variation? It's not a huge deal unless you really want to play Green Kano, but its weird that it acts differently while being the same string.


In Zoning We Trust
Guys, i need your help.

So I'm working on the Johnny Cage match up, particularly in A-List.

(Short rant: Don't believe the talk, A-List is actually very good.)

See, Cage can low profile Kano's b1 with d4. This is a problem, but I've found ways around it.

For example, if you do b1 after a poke on hit, he can't low profile.

On top of that, I'm planning to use b31 more because in the heat of a match, to an opponent unfamiliar with Kano, b31 and b13 look slightly similar. Very slightly. But the idea is to condition him to block b31 and then start throwing in b13s.

For example, doing b31 xx mb knives b13 could be a viable thing here.

Here's the one nut i haven't cracked, yet:
If you do b31 mb knives, Cage can MB Nutpunch your follow ups. He can do it off of other stuff you do after MB Knife.

I've ALMOST found a way around reversal MB Nutpunch. If Kano does a d4 after mb knife, something interesting happens: the nutpunch armor soaks the d4, but the second hit of the nutpunch doesn't come out. This is just with a d4. My idea to beat Reversal MB Nutpunch is to do d4 xx Knife. That would cover both hits and, theoretically leave me + enough to continue pressure.

I've been able to do this in training mode a few times, but not consistently.

And so i turn to my fellow Black Dragons to help me figure out how to do this often. Sometimes it works and sometimes the armor makes me hold that.

The set up I'm currently trying to use is: b31xx MB Knife, d4 xx knife. Sometimes it works and you beat the armor and sometimes you don't.

My first thought is that it is distance specific but so far I've had trouble replicating it.

Any help is appreciated.
This is pretty interesting. Yea we have to figure something out for this before the Cage's start doing stuff like this on a regular basis. I'll check this out over the weekend and come up with something unless someone beats me to it.


Dojo Trainee
Call me crazy but I think Cutthroat is going to be the most viable as people realize that burst damage and pokes are worth more than good zoning. Just got that feeling after watching Coach Steve's Kano. Cybernetic is very good, however, this is just a gut feeling of mine.


Fabulous Goofball
Call me crazy but I think Cutthroat is going to be the most viable as people realize that burst damage and pokes are worth more than good zoning. Just got that feeling after watching Coach Steve's Kano. Cybernetic is very good, however, this is just a gut feeling of mine.
Coach Steve? Got a video?


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Coach steve is one of the main reasons I have been trying to downplay Kano as LITTLE as possible. He is clearly a very strong character.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
He's not braindead obviously good and easy to play like a Kung Jin, cassie, erron, sonya, etc but I still think he's really strong, when the meta starts settling away from all of the "obviously good" characters because people figure out how to get around their pressure, I think he'll start showin up. High mid tier probably, which is honestly fine with me.


Coach steve is one of the main reasons I have been trying to downplay Kano as LITTLE as possible. He is clearly a very strong character.
He still is working quite hard for the win. Do you see how much meter he blew to keep pressure? Also people aren't really catching on but most of the time Kano goes for the OH he has to run at the opponent. If that's not telegraphing then IDK what is?


In Zoning We Trust
He's not braindead obviously good and easy to play like a Kung Jin, cassie, erron, sonya, etc but I still think he's really strong, when the meta starts settling away from all of the "obviously good" characters because people figure out how to get around their pressure, I think he'll start showin up. High mid tier probably, which is honestly fine with me.
When I think "really strong" I think "at least Top 10 out of the 26 characters". Not variations. Because let's be real here, how many Master of Storms Raidens or Brood Mother D'Vorah's are we gonna see? Since Jin, QC, Raiden, Sonya, Cassie, D'Vorah, Scorpion, Sub-zero, Erron, and Jax can easily be said to be better than Kano, I wouldn't call him very strong. I would say he's in the middle of the pack somewhere.

The obviously good characters are just that good. No amount of time is going to help anyone guess better against Erron or not get Corner of Death'd against Raiden. The only thing that may actually help Kano boost over time is that he most likely won't be nerfed again any time soon, and may even get a buff of some sort, while at least half of those Top 10 will almost certainly be nerfed.
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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
He still is working quite hard for the win. Do you see how much meter he blew to keep pressure? Also people aren't really catching on but most of the time Kano goes for the OH he has to run at the opponent. If that's not telegraphing then IDK what is?
If he runs at the opponent he could always go for the low. Obviously being in your face benefits the overhead starter, but the low is just as viable in that range.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Lol the up playing and delusion in this Thread is funny
Surely, there must be some other character community for you to pester, right?

You think Kano is bad. That's fine. I disagree, but I'm not going to break my back trying to force my opinion on you.

Agree to disagree. Not just for you and your awkwardly spelt name, but for everyone:

If you think Kano is a shitter, that's fine. Play another character. I respect your right to feel that way.

If you do not think Kano is a shitter, that's fine too. You can continue to play the character. I also respect your right to feel that way.

Now, can we simply agree to disagree and move on? The people that see Kano as low tier can find a new main and the people that like Kano can continue breaking the character down and working on being the best Kano's they can.

Nothing of value is gained from bickering back and forth about Kano's hypothetical tier placement when neither side will bend, so let's just stop.

Let's just stop. Is that too revolutionary of an idea for TYM?


If he runs at the opponent he could always go for the low. Obviously being in your face benefits the overhead starter, but the low is just as viable in that range.
What I'm getting at is reacting to the run itself. A quick low will knock him out of either startup but people just watch as he runs completely at you. I understand online but I see this offline just as much. In injustice people would dash in and immediately try poking or a quick mixup but a typical d1/d2 or other quick low poke could stop them before they could continue pressure. This worked a lot early on in the games life and still does online. Yes, running is cancelable but it's the same as the injustice thing in terms of allowing them to come in and immediately attack. If someone has a 10f crouching attack that's long reaching they should be doing it once they see Kano running in. That's all I'm saying, people are just getting away with simple stuff at this point in the game.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
I've never really believed heavily in tiers, but I also come from a balanced game where even in a 4-6 or 3-7 matchup you can win if you play correctly and patiently it will just be a struggle. I really hate tier talk because people should honestly just play their game. People get too sucked into what tier their guy is instead of trying to evolve and figure out how to use him. ESPECIALLY a month or two after a game comes out; trust me... we still have a lot to figure out.

and ando: that's the mixup brother. He's running at me, so I better poke low to stop him, but if I'm the kano player and I know that, I'll stop short and put out a D4 to outpoke the opponent, and the next time I run in I might low poke or try and open up with B31, then the 3rd time running in I use the OH


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
What I'm getting at is reacting to the run itself. A quick low will knock him out of either startup but people just watch as he runs completely at you. I understand online but I see this offline just as much. In injustice people would dash in and immediately try poking or a quick mixup but a typical d1/d2 or other quick low poke could stop them before they could continue pressure. This worked a lot early on in the games life and still does online. Yes, running is cancelable but it's the same as the injustice thing in terms of allowing them to come in and immediately attack. If someone has a 10f crouching attack that's long reaching they should be doing it once they see Kano running in. That's all I'm saying, people are just getting away with simple stuff at this point in the game.
My mistake. I thought you meant running after a poke on hit or something.

No, yeah, i agree completely


Believe in the hop kick
You can't react to a run from let's say a bladeslice, d4 or f4 on hit and stuff it with normals or armor ON REACTION. On a read run-up 50/50 Kano gets backdashed or armored or low poked. B3 lacks range and also needs to be ran into from a pseudo frame advantage situation so it's not really telegraphing anything, if someone just stands up every time they see you run in then you simply need to do the low. If your opponent is low poking you out of your 50/50 attempt it means they are reading it and you are being too eager to force the 50/50 or you are running for too long and you need to work on your timing. You can still force people to block after a d4 on hit with insta run f4 xx ex bladeslice OS or f2,1 (if you hit them closer than tip d4 range. The timing to frametrap with f2 after a d4 on hit at tip range is strict).

f2 and f4 will catch low poke/backdash/armor happy players even offline. Insta run into both of those on a hit d4 completely jail when done properly. If someone dares to low poke your run ins you either haven't conditioned them to block or you are running in from too far away.

I don't believe it's possible for someone to lets say block after getting hit by a d4, then commit to a low poke as soon as they see their block come out and completely thwart Kano's offence (block the frametrap, interrupt the 50/50). If they stick out random d4's at neutral that can still be whiff punished with f2 if you are scouting them.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
So we have
Kano > Revolution > MK1 > Tournament
MK1 > Tournament > Kano > Revolution
MK1 > Kano > Revolution > Tournament
Revolution > Kano = MK1 > Tournament
Revolution > MK1 > Kano > Tournament
Revolution > MK1 = Tournament > Kano
Revolution > Primary = Tournament > MK1
Default (alt color) > MK1 > Revolution (alt) >Tournament

If we allocate a points system where 1st = 5, 2nd = 4, 3rd = 2 and 4th = 1 (so that any joint 2nds are allocated 3 points each) then we have

Revolution = 29
MK1 = 27
Kano = 25
Tournament = 15

Let's get the majority opinion on this
@Decay @Derocus @MrInsaynne @villainous monk @Smoke_Of_Finland @Zatoichi @General M2Dave @KingHippo

If I'm missing anyone feel free to tag them.
I prefer Kano>Revolution>MK1>Tournament on the Destroyed City, Kuatan Jungle, Emperors Courtyard & Outworld Market Place if I'm facing original MK 1-Decption characters.

Kano>MK1>Tournament>Revolution to new characters to keep it real. Old school like that.

MK1>Kano>Tournament to Other Characters who have the same outfits.

Thanks for including me. That was special.:D No Charge.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I prefer Kano>Revolution>MK1>Tournament on the Destroyed City, Kuatan Jungle, Emperors Courtyard & Outworld Market Place if I'm facing original MK 1-Decption characters.

Kano>MK1>Tournament>Revolution to new characters to keep it real. Old school like that.

MK1>Kano>Tournament to Other Characters who have the same outfits.

Thanks for including me. That was special.:D No Charge.
Yeah I'll just average it, so it's Kano > MK1 > Revolution > Tournament.


Do not provoke a god
I am hoping on some suggestions on which variation I should main while I am still learning.

I am fairly new to fighting games, starting with Injustice and only starting to take things seriously in November. I have become pretty good, but still have so far away to go. I mained Lex in IGAU, also Sinestro and Zod and have recently become comfortable with Doomsday.

I am still learning/practicing/getting comfortable with things like armored wakeups and putting pressure on people in a corner, string combos together etc.

I liked Commando, but I rarely get off a parry, so I am thinking Cybernetic or Cutthroat. Is one easier to learn and start out with than the other?
You played sinestro? I like you already. As a sinestro main i feel a little at home with cyber kano


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Don't let the lack of parries turn you off of commando. It's hardly the cornerstone of that variation. It's all about using his insane normals and short strings as staggered pressure and mixing in command grabs to catch people off guard with their ribs unprotected.