Guys, i need your help.
So I'm working on the Johnny Cage match up, particularly in A-List.
(Short rant: Don't believe the talk, A-List is actually very good.)
See, Cage can low profile Kano's b1 with d4. This is a problem, but I've found ways around it.
For example, if you do b1 after a poke on hit, he can't low profile.
On top of that, I'm planning to use b31 more because in the heat of a match, to an opponent unfamiliar with Kano, b31 and b13 look slightly similar. Very slightly. But the idea is to condition him to block b31 and then start throwing in b13s.
For example, doing b31 xx mb knives b13 could be a viable thing here.
Here's the one nut i haven't cracked, yet:
If you do b31 mb knives, Cage can MB Nutpunch your follow ups. He can do it off of other stuff you do after MB Knife.
I've ALMOST found a way around reversal MB Nutpunch. If Kano does a d4 after mb knife, something interesting happens: the nutpunch armor soaks the d4, but the second hit of the nutpunch doesn't come out. This is just with a d4. My idea to beat Reversal MB Nutpunch is to do d4 xx Knife. That would cover both hits and, theoretically leave me + enough to continue pressure.
I've been able to do this in training mode a few times, but not consistently.
And so i turn to my fellow Black Dragons to help me figure out how to do this often. Sometimes it works and sometimes the armor makes me hold that.
The set up I'm currently trying to use is: b31xx MB Knife, d4 xx knife. Sometimes it works and you beat the armor and sometimes you don't.
My first thought is that it is distance specific but so far I've had trouble replicating it.
Any help is appreciated.